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I am done with MWO

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    I am done with MWO

    Not a drunk decision, just an all around defeat. I learned a lot, and maybe when I an ready or stronger, I can come back. I am not welcome or deserve to be here any more. I cannot offer anyone anything...I am too depressed. I am NOT posting this for cries of sorrow (or crying someone said tonight). I won't check messages, so no worries.

    It was just a kick in the ass tonight when I called a crisis center here in TN, and after about 5 minutes when she was tired of my depression she actually said "I have other calls to answer, so I have to let you go".

    Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.

    I am done with MWO

    Hi Colbe

    It's your decision to stay or go but i have always advised people not to make a big pronouncement either way cuz you might change your mind and want to come back.

    I can tell you in my experience here, most people who post a lot (for variety of reasons, some desperate for help others seeking to advise everybody) will get slammed in PMs or in threads. Something to do with human nature i guess and only partly about you in particular.

    So you post a lot of threads asking for help and many people want to help you but a few will resent you for it.

    Don't take that too much to heart. If you don't want to be targeted, best thing to do is lower your profile but you don't have to drop out altogether.

    Have said this to others before and will say it to you... too often people with drinking problems are all or nothing types it's part of the problem.

    I advise you to seek some middle ground.



      I am done with MWO

      Colbe.......What does the inept works of a single volunteer have to do with us !?! You can get good info here ! Don't give up because of some idiot on a help line........You can get good help here well as with AA meetings, etc. So your going back to destroying yourself just because some arse did'nt want to help you ? No excuses ! Or is that what your looking for ? Come back get some help where people care.......IAD
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        I am done with MWO

        Stick around Colbe.
        There is help here if you want it.:l

        I am sorry you ran into, as IAD said, an inept volunteer. Or even experienced someone here, thinking you are crying for help, and crying wolf. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Please please don't let that stop you from seeking help and support, and working to reach an AF day/week/month/life. Whichever one you want for yourself.

        Take away from your experience here what you need (and want) and leave the rest.

        Good luck to you, whatever you choose,
        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          I am done with MWO


          Sorry you are so depressed! You have as much right to be here as anyone.
          I have read some of your posts but not all of them so I really don't know your history.
          You seem to be severely depressed, are you being treated?
          A volunteer on a crisis call line is not prepared to give you specific answers or help neither are the members here. We do all care about one another but our ability to help is very limited.
          I really think you need to be working, one on one with a doctor that can give you the proper care!

          I hope you can find the help you need very soon. Please stay around & keep reading, maybe you'll read something that helps a little.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            I am done with MWO

            Do what you need to do, but I hope you stay with us, Colbe. You never know how your perseverance despite your struggles encourage others. It's not the ones who "deserve" to be here that provide the most encouragement to struggle on; it's ones like you that are hurting but keep trying that help all of us newbies.


              I am done with MWO

              You have had a lot of support from this site, so I am sorry that you are leaving us.
              Enlightened by MWO


                I am done with MWO

                well colbe all i have to say..
                we will be here for you as many are here for me ..
                just do the right thing and keep coming back where you are loved and surported ..
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  I am done with MWO

                  colbe if you continue to look at the problem and not the solution you will remain in this self fulfilling prophecy of doom and gloom. I am not suggesting for one minute that you don't suffer with depression. But if you continue to blame that on all your problems nothing is going to change for you. Life is shit some days and I too can look for blame of reason WHY? more importantly WHY ME?. I try and cultivate a bit of gratitude for what I have in my life today and be thankful for what I have. I think of how fortunate I am to be alive when so many have lost theirs through addiction. I try and get out of myself and stop for one minute and think of those less fortunate in the world who are living in poverty and homelessness, who are starving or who have no family to care for them. All these things help me see that although I may be depressed (which I have suffered with in the past) I can be grateful for what I have and in doing so look towards a solution. Some days it is hard to be grateful I know but even the simple things in life like having a warm bed to get into at night can be reassuring or the fact I have a roof over my head.

                  I can only guess you were passed over on the phone as such as maybe they saw your call as more seeking attention than anything else. That too has served me well in the past! I get that is the case from your post here. That is not a bad thing colbe don't get me wrong. I am not judging you at all. But for things to change you have to be aware of what it is you are doing and the reasons why you are doing them. I hope you may look at that.

                  Love and Light
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    I am done with MWO

                    Colbe, you are feeling down and depressed, not a good time to make important decisions. Sit back and look at what you can do to make things better, if we rely on other people too much, they ivariably let us down, I know I've been there. I have spent years expecting to feel better by relying on others, it has taken me a long time to realise that whilst I can expect support, that the only person who can truly help me is me. I have learned that AA and MWO are an invaluable support system for me, if I really want it.
                    I would suggest that you stay with us, but that has to be your decision.
                    Wishing you well.


                      I am done with MWO

                      hippie37;728288 wrote: colbe if you continue to look at the problem and not the solution you will remain in this self fulfilling prophecy of doom and gloom. Love and Light
                      Colbe, ponder what this wise man has said to you. :l
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        I am done with MWO

                        oh Colbe I am sorry about all this... i can't believe someone at a crisis center would say such a thing.
                        i have a big problem w/depression myself and it gets worse over time.
                        i took myself off anti-depressants as the insurance co wouldn't cover them.
                        i am back on them since early August and so much better off.
                        Drinking makes it worse.
                        And this is so tough to quit entirely.
                        We'll all be happy to see u here and hope you won't abandon the site entirely.
                        It has helped me so much really!


                          I am done with MWO


                          I don't want to say "I know where you are at," but I have felt helpless many times myself. Admitted myself to the hospital for 3 days over the summer and it was the best thing I ever did. I feel so much better knowing they had me for 72 hours to figure out what is going on with my brain. I still have outpatient therapy and visits with a pdoc once a month to monitor my meds, but I REALLY feel better. (Plus, I've cut WAY down on my drinking which I'm sure has helped..... maybe one day I won't even drink anymore!) I have been seeking solutions to my problems a wee little bit at a time.

                          MWO is a wonderful resource.... and you don't have to "break up" and never come back! It is always here, day and night. I don't post very often, but I feel secure knowing MWO is there to browse through and I like using the drink tracker.

                          Be well, Colbe. Get the help you need..... try another hotline if needed or go to your local emergency room. There will be a social worker on call at the ER to help you figure out what you need. I was soooo scared of going to the ER and even more scared getting admitted into the psych unit, but in the end, it was worth it. YOU are WORTH IT.


                            I am done with MWO

                            good luck whatever you CHOOSE to do colbe.


                              I am done with MWO

                              So many positives and an occasional negative. Don't focus on the occasional negative!

                              Everything I need is within me!

