So I was surprised to come here this morning and not see the usual Sunday Thread! Or maybe It's hiding somewhere else and I haven't seen it!
So anyway my first thought was "What's going on with T?" "Is he on holiday?" "Is he not well?" "Family problems?" "Has he relapsed?" (It can happen to any of us don't forget!). So rather than a normal shout out today I wanted to send some love and energy to somebody other than myself today. I hope you'll join me in doing so. (maybe have a read through the boards and see who may be in need of some today!)
So Rog! I hope you're well my friend and in good spirit.
colbe! I hope you're finding some peace today and also in good spirit.
Cindi God bless you, you have struggled a long time with this addiction. I hope with the help and support here and in fellowship you are getting yourself back on track. I am with you in spirit. Greenie. A big shout out to you today too for showing us the true meaning of community and friendship.
And to anyone else who is struggling today please don't give up. There IS light at the end of the tunnel. As Rog would say give yourselves a pat on the back and don't be too hard on yourselves either. If it's one thing I have learned it is that 'beating yourself up will only cause but more hardship in your life in the long run. Be gentle with yourselves and give yourselves a break and be proud of your achievements whether that be one day, one year or one lifetime!
Love and Light