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so how much did you/do you all drink?

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    so how much did you/do you all drink?

    Shikakai;729281 wrote: I was pretty much putting the vodka away the way Popeye was...
    Me too. Every weekend drinking in the morning to just be able to function. Mon mornings drinking mouthwash so I could function to put on makeup to pretend I was fine at work. What a life. I snuck so much that I'm not even 100% sure how much I was drinking at the end.


      so how much did you/do you all drink?

      I know... it tends to get "away" from you, that's for sure!


        so how much did you/do you all drink?

        "I can't remember!!"
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          so how much did you/do you all drink?

          night? you only drank at night? Guess I don't need to say more than that eh?
          With you on that one Greenie!
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            so how much did you/do you all drink?

            I have been sitting here thinking about when my drinking began to get way out of control. I guess it has been at least 20 years. In the last five years since my mom died I started to drink 5-6 nights a week. I bottle to a bottle and a half of wine, sometimes vodka and martini's. The hangovers just keep getting worse and worse. My liver has also screamed out in pain for up to three days. Slowly, slowly, I have lessened my drinking to 3-4 days, then only the weekends. Now, even that is killing me. I will die if I continue to drink and it won't be pretty.


              so how much did you/do you all drink?

              limers;729234 wrote: I can see im a bit of a lightweight compared to some of you but still, Im not happy about it , its still not good.

              I just want to make the point that on a forum for alcoholics, there are bound to be people "worse" than you. But it's good that you're not falling into the trap of thinking that you're not too bad because you're not drinking as much as some other people. It doesn't matter how much, if you're not happy with it, you're not happy with it. Got a plan?
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                so how much did you/do you all drink?

                Erm...let's see...
                My drinking has always been binge orientated from my very first one, at 15 years old.
                But I really began to excell about 15 years ago, when I moved into my first home of my own. One bottle of wine every night rapidly progressed to two bottles of wine every night. So that's about 12 standard drinks, and then off to work in the morning. Luckily I was in middle management by that stage and could pull it off with a bit of smoke and mirrors (and a shiteload of makeup).
                From there I 'progressed' to gin and Vodka 1/2 bottle every night, or more.
                Started to think I might have a problem then :H so I hatched a cunning plan to only buy a half bottle of Vodka. Very expensive way to buy it, by the way. I can knock that back in a few short hours, then I get pissed off that I didn't just go ahead and buy the full bottle.
                I can now put a bloody big dint in a full bottle of Vodka in a night, if I get one.
                If there is alcohol in the house, I will drink until it is gone, or I pass out. But only of a night.
                OMG.....maybe I'm an alcoholic :nutso::bang:H
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  so how much did you/do you all drink?

                  Too much.....

                  I went through 2 cases of beer this past week alone. I wasn't even home one night during the week. WOW. I usually drink vodka but have been cutting back on that at least. Last week was not typical for me though. Generally I say I easily down 5-6 beers a night. Maybe 3 or 4 V's a night (no beer usually). It's sad and I have decided that it's time to stop. I'm 46, have a 6 year old son and a lot to live for.


                    so how much did you/do you all drink?

                    About a 2 litre bottle of pinot grigio per day.
                    Jane Jane


                      so how much did you/do you all drink?

                      My "heavy" drinking started with a bottle of red per night. When I wasn't even getting buzzed from that anymore, I switched to vodka. I would start at 5 pm with a few beers, then switch to vodka/cranberry in a very tall glass. Probably 3/4 full of vodka and 1/4 cranberry. A liter of vodka lasted me about 5 - 6 days. I never drank during the day except sometimes on weekends when I would start at 3 or 4 sometimes. I know lots of you guys drank more, lots drank less, but my liver sure wasn't happy with me, and my doc told me I would be dead in 5 years if I didn't cut back. Women's bodies are affected much more quickly than men's bodies. What will affect a man in 20 years of drinking will affect a woman's in 5. NOT FAIR! LOL...but a wake up call for sure, especially if there are some women out there who drink as much as their husbands.
                      Every day is not 100%, however, it is 100% better than my best day of drinking..


                        so how much did you/do you all drink?

                        Well I'm up to about 2 bottles of 13% wine per night which in the UK = 20 units = 140 units per week and the recommended is 14...have been drinking this much for perhaps 10 months or so....just waiting to wake up yellow one morning....I check my eyes for discoloration every morning, it hasn't happened yet...I'm amazed that I haven't died....but perhaps that's what I'm looking for, a slow way out of this life which I find soooo difficult and frequently NOT worth fighting, if only I had the balls to throw myself in front of a train....


                          so how much did you/do you all drink?

                          too damn much.
                          to pass out most week nights.
                          to pass out every weekend night.
                          to blackout every time I drank.
                          too damn much.
                          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                            so how much did you/do you all drink?

                            I feel so sad reading this...
                            I drank about 1.5bottles wines (9 units) 3 or 4 times a week at night at my worst, probably more like 2 bottles on the weekend(in one night). If I went out to 'party' then God knows how much I drank...I was always last one standing. My drinking had been getting worse and I was getting depressed so I had 2 choices...keep drinking & succumb to the desire to drink during the day and constantly or cut it down/out. With the help of this place & educating myself I chose the former.
                            But for some reason, the idea of having a drink while waiting for the kettle in the morning still sounds appealing to me...



                              so how much did you/do you all drink?

                              I don't think it's about how much we drink but why we drink. (still trying to figure that one out).

                              But I got to the stage when I only drank at weekends only my weekends started Monday morning and finished Sunday night.

                              Angel, I was always the 1st at the party and the last to leave. God, what a pain in the arse I must have been.

                              Love Jackie xxx
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                so how much did you/do you all drink?

                                The last phase of my drinking life i was drinking minimum 3 days and nights a week,usually 8/9 pts and about half bottle of vodka it is amazing how oneself can let oneself go down.

                                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

