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so how much did you/do you all drink?

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    so how much did you/do you all drink?

    I think the frequency is key for me here. I could never understand how people could drink heavily for 3-4 days then stop for a similar period of time. As far as I saw it why bother stopping at all. So for the last few years or so I was drinking 7 days a week 365 days a year. Some days were better than others when I only drank half a bottle of wine or maybe two pints of beer. Unfortunately more regularly I drank the recommended weekly unit allowance in one sitting.
    I knew I was slowly killing myself with this sort of intake but it felt like the drink was more important than my health. In fact some times I didnt even want a drink but drank anyway, kind of like thinking this is my medicine. On the plus side I hardly ever drank spirits and only occasionally before noon, normally when the hangover was so bad I needed some more poison.
    It all seems another lifetime away as I write about this crazyness this morning. Please God I never find myself there again.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      so how much did you/do you all drink?

      Angelcakes;729582 wrote: I feel so sad reading this...
      I drank about 1.5bottles wines (9 units) 3 or 4 times a week at night at my worst, probably more like 2 bottles on the weekend(in one night). If I went out to 'party' then God knows how much I drank...I was always last one standing. My drinking had been getting worse and I was getting depressed so I had 2 choices...keep drinking & succumb to the desire to drink during the day and constantly or cut it down/out. With the help of this place & educating myself I chose the former.
      But for some reason, the idea of having a drink while waiting for the kettle in the morning still sounds appealing to me...

      Angel, I know you feel sad reading this, but look at the positive side. There are many of us here who had rotten habits that have turned them around.
      Dont be despondent love. :l
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        so how much did you/do you all drink?

        I'm at 12 to 18 beer a day and have been at that pace for 20+ years!
        Started when I was 11!
        Really SAD when I think about it!!

        But I just finnished my last drink ever!
        I have no more and will not again!!!
        Tomorrow is the start of my new life!!!



          so how much did you/do you all drink?

          you will do it Bob, I really think you have reached that point in your life, meet me in chat later yeah Tawny witch


            so how much did you/do you all drink?

            Twenty yrs ago I was the "wine connoisseur": a bottle of red per night, a little more on weekends.
            Then shifted to beer: 6 - 9 full-bodied bottles a night for ~15 yrs.
            Then a few yrs ago, shifted to vodka: 750ml to a liter bottle per day, starting before noon.
            Too much.
            Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


              so how much did you/do you all drink?

              7 days a week / 365 days a year....

              A bottle of red wine - sometimes preceded by beer with colleagues after work. Weekends usually 2 bottles - one bottle in the afternoon and one bottle at night. :blush:


                so how much did you/do you all drink?

                Managed 4 litre cask of wine in one sitting for a time there and that was a very, very dark time in my life that lasted for a few months. On a "good" day - 1 bottle of wine. On a "bad" day 2+ bottles of wine or full bottle of vodka/gin (rarely drink spirits though).

                In short, too much.


                  so how much did you/do you all drink?

                  keeta;729570 wrote: too damn much.
                  to pass out most week nights.
                  to pass out every weekend night.
                  to blackout every time I drank.
                  too damn much.
                  Love your honesty Keeta! It doesn't matter how little or how much you drank really. It's about the solution and what you are going to do about it. I hope people who have read this thread will not get into a habit of comparing themselves with others and convince themselves they don't have a problem because they are 'not as bad' as everyone else. I did this for such a long time and it kept me in denial of my own 'truth'. It is quite depressing to be honest this thread but that's just my opinion.

                  Love and Light
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    so how much did you/do you all drink?

                    on the contary, I think its very important to discuss this stuff, too much on mwo is about anything BUT our alcohol issues. There is one common theme emerging throughout all the posts...escalation. Drinking problems escalate , this thead bears witness to that!


                      so how much did you/do you all drink?

                      Agreed. But I comitted the folly of which Hippie speaks: comparing myself -- and therefore not getting off the elevator on an earlier floor.

                      Was in treatment during the "wine years" -- and came to realize what a lightweight I was ... and thought I'd never get as bad as these old 40 & 50 yr old geezers.

                      Again in treatment during the beer years -- this time with hard-core drug addicts (crack, meth, etc) Again, my being such a lightweight was an excuse to return to drunking ("I'm not THAT bad!")

                      Now I'm a mid-40's geezer, drinking hard stuff morning-noon-night --- and it's soooo hard to get off the elevator this time around.

                      Escalation -- yes! nip it now.
                      Woman takes a drink, drink takes a drink, drink takes a woman.


                        so how much did you/do you all drink?

                        Keeta - you pretty much took the words out of my mouth (hand?)

                        It's pretty damn hard to imagine and/or believe now. I will never go back there.
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          so how much did you/do you all drink?

                          Almost 30 yrs ago I thought I better not drink because my boyfriend and I fought every time, every weekend. So for the most part, I didn't.
                          20 years later when I decided to leave him, my g/fs and I would share a bottle of wine every Fri night. Then I decided I didn't like wine..made my mouth too dry, but I liked the effect. So, I tried beer. BIG MISTAKE!!
                          Very quickly having a couple beers have turned into 6-8 tall boys a night. More if I had the next day off. Each and every night. Last Nov I finally got sick enough of me I swore to quit, and stopped for 17 days...drank a couple..then stopped again for 10 days..and now find myself right back where I was.
                          Until Friday night when I found this site.
                          THIS time I am determined, and reading though this website and reading so much of what I have experienced has given me a renewed hope. :thanks:

                          Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
                          Sir Walter Scott


                            so how much did you/do you all drink?

                            4 to 5 of the little bottles of wine a day (easier to remember how many I had if I could see the bottles, and easier to sneak into the house and hide in the trash), more on weekends since I'd start earlier. I too switched to wine as more "socially acceptable", hard liquor made me think I was an alcoholic, beer made me gain weight. For 36 years, or 2/3 of my life. In recent times I didn't even get a buzz anymore, and spent the majority of my energy on worrying about getting to the store to buy it, whether I had a big enough stash in case I ran out, keeping it hidden, etc. Besides the fact I felt like crap every morning, the liquor store that has the senior discount on Wednesdays always gave it to me just looking at me (I'm not that old!).

                            The good news is, I feel great in the morning now, and can honestly say I don't look that old even when I just woke up. :H I'm not afraid to look in the mirror in the morning now.

                            This is a great thread - I like to focus on the positive, but remembering the bad old times serves as a huge deterrent to me.
                            ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                            AUGUST 9, 2009


                              so how much did you/do you all drink?

                              funny that 750 people looked at this thread but 45 possted.

                              Behold lurkers! Ye be not alone! We have done everything you have and more. I talked with somseone on the phone the other day and there was a sheepish little laughter over people who drank a couple glasses of wine a night. God is blessing you to see it now. It only gets worse. Avalanche before you know it's coming. Straight to hiding bottles lying, all the nasty stuff. Cheating you and your loved ones out of the precious time we have here. You 700 people who looked... Welcome! Do it now!
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                so how much did you/do you all drink?

                                JackieClaire;729588 wrote: I don't think it's about how much we drink but why we drink. (still trying to figure that one out).

                                Love Jackie xxx
                                Jackie, you hit the nail on the head for me, and you too Marshy, when you talked about comparing ourselves to others, there will always be those who could outdrink us, based on tolerance, physical size, drinking history, whatever.

                                For me it was the behavior. I was hiding drink and sneaking. That is when I knew for sure I had a problem. The hidden bottles, the "topping up" of my glass upstairs and going back downstairs to rejoin the family during holidays, etc....and people wondering why I was drinking so slowly all the time??? "Is she STILL on her first glass of wine??"

                                Even if I was "only" drinking 3/4 to 1 bottle of wine at a sitting, 4-5 times a week or so, I WAS ACTING LIKE A CRAZY PERSON!!! :hitme:

