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so how much did you/do you all drink?

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    so how much did you/do you all drink?

    80-100 drinks a week.

    4.5 last week, effortlessly (yes that is a decimal point)
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      so how much did you/do you all drink?

      Mine was up and down. I originally started just having beers at the pub, never at home. Then started to drink at the pub and have some more at home. Then started drinking wine, only two out but then finished a .750 liter at home by myself. I didn't do this everyday, but I started wanting to do it everyday. At my worst, a bottle (the smaller one) at home a night alone. Stopped drinking wine and switched back to beer. Didn't really like it, basically lost its curb appeal. Sometimes drank at about three or four in the afternoon on the weekends. Never had a drink before noon (AFTER a nights sleep) with the exception of Mimosas in Vegas.

      I had this silly idea that if I drank before noon, that would mean I had a problem. Oh, brother, who was I fooling.

      As of tomorrow, I haven't had drop in sixty days. I have never felt better.
      AF since 2/4/10
      Nicotine free since 3/31/10


        so how much did you/do you all drink?

        franziasgone;729239 wrote: That's what's interesting ~ how alcohol is so different with everyone. The problem is it is definitely a progressive thing....I see myself drinking way more now than 2 years ago even. I usually drink 3 to 4 glasses of wine per night. Every night. More on the weekend. My glasses aren't the recommended 5 oz either. Probably about 8 oz.
        That was me too when I came to MWO as well...I often had a black Russian or a Tia Maria if a liquer was availble as well on top...sometime hubby & I would go out for Presidentes at the local Chili's & then & I would come home & have my glasses of wine.



          so how much did you/do you all drink?

          KTAB;729604 wrote: I think the frequency is key for me here. I could never understand how people could drink heavily for 3-4 days then stop for a similar period of time. As far as I saw it why bother stopping at all. So for the last few years or so I was drinking 7 days a week 365 days a year. Some days were better than others when I only drank half a bottle of wine or maybe two pints of beer. Unfortunately more regularly I drank the recommended weekly unit allowance in one sitting.
          I knew I was slowly killing myself with this sort of intake but it felt like the drink was more important than my health. In fact some times I didnt even want a drink but drank anyway, kind of like thinking this is my medicine. On the plus side I hardly ever drank spirits and only occasionally before noon, normally when the hangover was so bad I needed some more poison.
          It all seems another lifetime away as I write about this crazyness this morning. Please God I never find myself there again.
          This is me as well!!! just a everyday drinker some days are worst then other days..... and the days that im not bad im in denial if that makes sense.....
          Formerly known as Teardrop:l
          sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
          my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


            so how much did you/do you all drink?

            Started drinking around fourteen I guess, twenty years later I was knocking back a couple of bottles of red every night of the week; more, often much more, at the weekend. And that's been the way of things for the last six years or so.

            Started Baclofen about six weeks ago, AF for about 10 days now.


              so how much did you/do you all drink?

              started drinking age 14, not much, for last 10 year's half to one bottle of white wine most night's


                so how much did you/do you all drink?

                I have been drinking at weekends for 16 years. Normally start on a Fri evening and could end up going through until a Monday. In terms of volume in a particular session I would not drink huge amounst e.g. others would drink pints and I would drink bottles (1/2 pints). I would never drink on my own. If on rare occassion I had to do a business trip on my own I would have 2 drinks with dinner and leave it at that. For me the bigger issue was how I reacted to AL and where it led me. If I got going I would not want the party to stop and just ridiculous, dangerous and immature things would happen.


                  so how much did you/do you all drink?

                  Hi Limers,

                  I'm the same, couldn't wait for Friday night, pizza and 4+ beers. My husband will drink one and I will go do the laundry room and secretly drink my quota for the day. Saturday night is normally barbecue, and yippee more beer for me, now I'm going to 6-7.

                  I've only been AF for 6 days now...still a long road in front of me, but we can do it. This site helps me a lot all the people are inspiring , if they can do it so can we.


                    so how much did you/do you all drink?

                    I have been wanting to quit drinking so much for a long time now. I'm not even in a place where I can think about how much I drink. I know it's a lot. I try to push the thought out of my head when it enters...I'm so ashamed I let myself get here. I have a great life and I'm going to ruin it with booze. I drink at night. I can't seem to sleep without it. If I could get past that quiting/cutting back would be easy.


                      so how much did you/do you all drink?

                      For ages it was 8-10 full strength beers if working the next morning, more like 12-15 on weekends or if I wasn't working until the afternoon the next day. When working afternoons I would also often have 2 or 3 beers before work, basically to avoid showing up hungover. During my 1hr lunch breaks I would often go off somewhere and sneak a beer.

                      Getting worse now. I've cut back during the week, but have been going off the planet on weekends. Drink until passed out, wake up and repeat. This could mean waking up at 4am for 10 more beers and asleep again by 9am etc.

                      The last two mondays at work have been absolutely horrific. Felt like I was dying, very shakey (hard to hide) and my eyes have been bloodshot and terrible for ages now. Had to drink 6 monday night because I was pretty scared of what would happen if I just completely stopped. Only been having 3 a night last few nights and hoping I can complete the taper down to having an AF weekend and show up monday completely sober. My body needs a rest, even if just for a few weeks before christmas.


                        so how much did you/do you all drink?

                        PV- I can so relate to most of this post but my drink of choice was vodka....and a lot of it! Over the past few years I've been drinking in the vicinity of what Popeye was doing, 1-2 bottles of vodka a day/night but not 3-6 days a week, more like 5,6 or even 7 times a week. I'm a big man but......damn!Drinking in the morning, drinking at lunch, drinking on the weekends till passed out then wake up and drink some more, felt like I was dying, shakey, bloodshot eyes........been there done that. I'm on day 6 and I did just stop. Not sure if that was the brightest idea given the amount of vodka that I have drank over the years. So far so good (knocking on wood) but still a long ways to go. My body needs a rest as well and I hope to keep this going. I'm not one to give much advice yet but well done on taking this step.


                          so how much did you/do you all drink?

                          Started out as a social drinker. Never drank alone. Never drove my car under the influence. I was always responsible. Drinking caught up with me 6 years ago. On occassion I would drink too much socially and blackout. As time went on, I started drinking alone at home, especially when my husband left on business trips. I can drink 2 bottles of Cabernet or drink 1 large bottle of Absolute in one night. Ofcourse I black out, destroy my house and wake up with bruises on my body.
                          September 23, 2011


                            so how much did you/do you all drink?

                            Started out as a social drinker for the most part as well. Really started to party it up when my divorce was final in March. I would typically start drinking thursday night and binge thru Subday or even Monday, 10-12 beers a day or more. Drank an alcoholic soda my way to work a few days, really shitty now that I think back on it. Lost countless Mondays from work this year, got hospitalized twice and damn near got a DUI and almost lost custody of my kids. Tired of letting them down, on day 47 aF now.

