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what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

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    what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

    Hi again. I have been telling myself recently that I am the most mannerless person this world has ever come across, ie. I have done so many things that are so damn embarassing under the influence of alcohol and it makes me feel so horrible today - my main cause of depression, therefore I need to hear your experiences if you wish to share, can make us come to terms.

    My examples:

    1. I have crossed the borders I guess, ie. disgraced others, who really had nothing to do with my problems, to an extent I have been banned from what was once my favourite pub _ I was moooooore than embarassed when the people who once enjoyed my presence recently told me that I was still welcome at their place but would only be served alcohol-free drinks because I had disgraced the boss a weekend earlier, so I walked out, but the next day was horror for me, how could he dare embarass me like that infront of all other customers always treated me like a princess......

    2. I have lied a lot when drinking, too much that it sickens when I think of it without alc, ie. phoned people(a common result when I'm drinking at home) that I dislike and told them how much I liked them. Promised people I knew were desperately in need that I would offer them financial support whereby I would have needed more support myself; but when they phoned back to remind me of my promise I felt so embarassed and, honestly, made my promise which have always costed hundreds of Euros.

    3. The worse action for me ever, or recently, started happening when I fell in love with my lawyer. We met about a year ago, the first day was on it's own frustrating because we looked at each for almost 40 seconds without a word......, then I broke it. 2 people asked me after the meeting if I felt better, to my surprise, I told them that I had fallen in love........

    After realizing how more stupid I was becoming, I stopped thinking of Then, followed his phone calls, ie. on weekends, evenings, or other invitations....After a bottle of champagne one eve, I wrote him an sms saying that I had him in my heart - meant it, and went to bed. When I woke up the next day and when I thought about it, all I needed was a hole to be burried into. How could I? Thought he'd respond immediately now that I had said something constructive. No way! Didn't eat for days coz he never replied. Clouded with shame. 2 weeks later still waiting for a reply, each day with a bottle of whatever I decided to brake the silence, nothing came.

    The intimidation was enough, so I sms'd , sober, for the last time that I was extremely sorry. When I was just deliting his nr. from my phone, he sms'd (short and boring)that he liked my message so much - it made him happy. After a bottle of whatever that eve I phoned him, he said again how much my sms made him so happy, and that we should wait and see what happens, when I got up the next day, until today, I feel extremely sick, how dare I tell a man, and not only a man, my lawywer who is one year married such things...this was my heaviest hit so far......

    What's yours dear? Help. English is my third language, but I hope you people really get my message, forget about the grammer, okay?

    Loads of hugs. Carla

    what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

    Hi Carla-
    I just posted a good long response to you and then went away.
    I'll try to summarize what I wrote.
    You are certainly not alone with this one. I have had a few too many and called people many many many times....only to wake up and think omg...why did I call that person and did I really say that??
    I just cringe thinking about it.

    I have had many conversations with God over this ...God, please don't let anyone remember that I spilled my drink last night, or tripped over my own feet or said whatever inappropriate thing I said. Please God let this blow over and I promise I will not drink like that again.
    And then when I do face these people and it isn't the end of the world or maybe they actually didn't hear or see me...well, then it's all ok and 'is it coctail hour?" all over again.

    Just wanted you to know that you are certainly not alone with any of this. That is what is nice about this site - not much judging going on here only help and understanding.
    I see lots of people have looked at your post but not posted and I can understand that too-it is really hard to even think about some of the things we have all done while drinking.
    It is always a lot funnier when it happens to people in the movies or on tv!!!

    Hope you are having a good night Carla-


      what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

      i will answer this the other way around.what have i not done while drinking. rape or murder . everthing else ive probably done.


        what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

        Good answer Mojo. Sadly I would have to agree........oh and I have never beat up anyone...but anything else that was completely stupid? Yep, done it.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

          Hey Carla... Good to see you again!

          You are most DEFINITELY not alone in having embarrassed yourself while drinking...:l :l Me, I'm STILL too embarrassed to even think about half the stuff I've done....I just hope it's disappeared into the universe somewhere.....

          Good news is that I won't be adding to that store of ghastly memories!

          "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


            what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

            Your mails have made me really laugh, thank you. I am a little devil when drinking, so why do I still do it. Can't wait to start my medication. Will one day completely quit this embarassing hobby. Good night friends. Will keep you posted. Hugs. Carla


              what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

              well, hello I am new and have just posted on the newbie thread, but let me make you all feel better and tell you I have videotaped peeing at a party, I've danced on the hood of a car I *thought* was unoccupied, and puked in the toilet of of my minister's there is very little anyone can do to make me feel any worse than I already have. What's next???


                what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

                "Whats next?

                RECOVERY!!!!!! You got to want it bad though!

                Read the book
                take the supps
                drink water
                listen for answer to prayer

                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

                  Nancy speaks volumes of wisdom

                  RECOVERY!!!!!! You got to want it bad though!

                  That's the b all and end all of it.

                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                  Bambs aka Hydrogen

                  :h XXX :h


                    what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

                    I'm too embarrased to tell you what the most embarrassing thing is I ever did. Maybe I will PM you and tell you. I have told a few people here that I have gotten to know, but it is part of what landed me here. I think "humiliating" would be the best word to describe it. But I can say that I have not gone to that "place" again. I have blown it as I told you before, more than once. But I still get knots in my stomach when I think about that night and what I did. But no... to reassure you, I am not on America's most wanted list or anything like that...

                    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                      what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

                      Like Allie, Not sure I am ready either! There are a few doozies!! Some are vague and some not so vague. :H :egad: :boohoo: :blush:
                      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                        what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

                        Hello All

                        I, too, have had soo many cringeworthy moments. But following on from Carla's "peeing" episode... I was on holiday in Greece and went upstairs in this little taverna, couldn't find the loo, decided to put my bum just inside this doorway anyway and keep a lookout for anyone else coming up the stairs. All done. No one saw! Turned round and noticed the doorway was the room of a Greek family sitting at their table watching me in astonishment. Oooopah!
                        So the list goes on, but 9 days without a craving and I feel fantastic!


                          what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

                          Carla: Thanks so much for sharing, I know it must not have been easy. I've often wanted to share my stories too perhaps as a way of confessing, and perhaps hoping to find others who've been there. I've done terrible ghastly things while drinking. I look back and just can't believe the things I did, endangering my health with "immoral activities", etc. I've been "good" for several years now except for the fact of text messaging on my phone. When I've had a few, I send some pretty bad ones not unlike yours to other men. And, like you, wake up the next morning and think "I can't believe I sent that!". That happens A LOT, and they are mostly to a married man, my boss no less. Keeping in mind that he does the same to me, it's still not appropriate (we feel the same towards each other). One night last year his wife saw one of my messages......NOT GOOD.

                          Anyway, I know that my bad marriage has a lot to do with it. I am deeply lonely and when I drink I reach out to ANYONE I think will want me. Not a good excuse, but it's the only explanation I can make at this point.

                          Anyway, take care in knowing you are not alone. Let's work together on moderation and see what happens!

                          Keep in touch!


                            what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

                            Okay I cant even believe I am admitting this, but since you guys are practically my family anyways here is one for ya. A couple of years ago, a group of us were geting ready to play "strip poker" (yeah that tells ya right there what kind of drinkers we ALL were). The others (there were several of us) went into the kitchen to get more drinks. This was quite early in the evening. By the time they came out of the kitchen, I was already sitting completely naked on the chair, and I said "Strip poker!" and someone said "but we haven't played!" and I said something like "who cares - 'LETS GET NAKED!"
                            My boyfriend left right after that.
                            Over 4 months AF :h


                              what is/are the most embarassing things you have ever done under the influence of alc

                              Jen, Sorry. Laughing at your expense. Hysterical!!!! :H
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

