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Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

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    Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

    Hi All,

    I haven't written for a while but I have been logging on now and then to see how everyone is doing. All I can say is if I can do it you can do it. I owe 99% of the mistakes I have made in my 20's to alcohol. I shattered my wrist in 16 places falling out of bed drunk, (115 kg, 6'5 - wrong angle) one operation saw a plate go in with 8 screws. Rehab for a year and I am now going in to have the other side of my wrist fixed - rehab for three months. That didn't stop me drinking I then got on a motorbike tipsy and had a ride around my front yard, I fell off an needed a full shoulder reconstruction - same arm as the wrist at the same time - metal staples in the shoulder - first ride in an ambulance ever That didn't stop me drinking I was going through money like water, money I could ill afford That didn't stop me drinking. I was breaking the hearts of every member in my family not to mention embarrassing the shit out of myself That didn't stop me drinking. I was constantly full of regret and had over 100 (estimation) blackouts That didn't stop me drinking I could go on and on and on and on and on.

    What did stop me? I finally realised I was going to kill someone, get myself killed or end up in jail for life - if cyrosis of the liver didn't kill me first or frontal lobe damage didn't completely fuck up my life. There are lots and lots of alcoholics in Prison... any OZ fans here? "Tobias Beacher" should ring a bell.

    Anyway I changed my mindset and believe it or not it wasn't hard. I don't crave alcohol. I don't want it. I hate it for all it has done to me, all I have allowed it to do to me. Once you realise that you are actually at an advantage not drinking rather than missing out and realise you don't have a stop/go button allowing you to drink responsiblly it's easy and rationale.

    For anyone approaching or in their 20's or anyone at all - don't make the same mistakes I did. If you feel yourself sliding down that slippery slope question where you are headed. You think it can't happen to you but it can and it does. I have now been sober since August 13. About 55 days. I am not counting them that's probably not the exact count I just did a rough estimation in my head. I know I won't drink again because of everything I have mentioned above.

    You only get one shot at life - I have wasted 6 good years due to alcohol making stupid decisions blah blah blah blah if you are reading this the above probably resonates to a degree.

    The point to this little thread? Realise all the horrendous stuff that can happen to you and decide to stop for yourself. Not anyone else - that doesn't work no matter how well intentioned you are. Realise also that alcohol does not discriminate. I have always been the dux of my schools. I am in good shape, uni degree, I had everything going for me and lost 6 years so quickly.

    I am glad it wasn't 60 years and I thank the higher power for that every day - I just hope the above words inspire someone to change their mindset to being a happy non drinker and realise that the nastiness above CAN and WILL happen to you - it's liquid in a bottle, Nothing more, Nothing less.

    If this helps just one person, I'll be happy.

    I wish everyone a speedy escape from the grasp of alcohol whether you are 16 or 60.
    "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

    Kind of AF since 14/8/09

    Fully AF since 16/4/11

    It's been one hell of a ride.

    Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

    Hi Aust_boy .......... first of all a huge WELL DONE, what you have achieved is amazing, you should be really really proud of yourself.

    Secondly, thank you for sharing the important reasons behind it, that is very powerful and the sooner we all realise that it is right the better.

    BB xx


      Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

      Thank you, Aust.

      And congratulations.
      Really simple, when you break it down to one decision, isn't it?
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

        Aust, thank you. I think it will help more than one, since the percentage of people who post vs the views is enormous. This is such an astoundingly honest, heart searching post. People who wonder about their drinking NEED to hear these stories, need to understand what they are doing. Many live in such a drinking culture they feel their normal, so this may open some eyes.
        Happy for your progress, Aust. Keep us posted.
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

          So happy for you that you got your life back!


            Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

            aust_boy;730868 wrote: Hi All,

            Anyway I changed my mindset and believe it or not it wasn't hard. I don't crave alcohol. I don't want it. I hate it for all it has done to me, all I have allowed it to do to me. Once you realise that you are actually at an advantage not drinking rather than missing out and realise you don't have a stop/go button allowing you to drink responsiblly it's easy and rationale.
            Changing the mindset IS the key to stopping for good. By human nature we, as humans, are drawn to things we feel we are missing out on. If we change those thoughts to gratitude that we are finally free from alcohol and its grip and how poisonous a substance it really is, we have made a long stride toward our recovery. I needed to read your post today, in particular; I was AF for many months and stumbled. I have been unable to get back on track but reading your post reminded me of some basics that helped me quit last time. I am jumping back on the horse. Best to You, Kriger
            "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


              Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

              Hi, aust_boy -

              First, congratulations on 55 days! Second, congratulations on realizing this and taking control of it at a much younger age than many of us. Hopefully some of the younger folks will recognize themselves and do the same as well. Better to do it now than wait 30 + years as I did. Time goes by so much faster than you think. In my 20s I never thought about being a 50 something alcoholic, but by continuing drinking that is what I became. Now I am 60 days AF, and do look forward to being sober for however many years I have left, and I am grateful for every single one.

              You show much wisdom for your age. Keep up the good work, and never give up!

              Bless you and much love!
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009


                Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

                Nice post, AB. Gratitude thinking versus deprivation thinking indeed. Keep up the good work. Bravo!

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

                  aust_boy;730868 wrote:
                  Anyway I changed my mindset and believe it or not it wasn't hard. I don't crave alcohol. I don't want it. I hate it for all it has done to me, all I have allowed it to do to me. Once you realise that you are actually at an advantage not drinking rather than missing out
                  This is so important...changing the mindset from deprivation to gratitude. Thanks for reminding me.



                    Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

                    Ha G - just saw your post!! Great minds huh??
                    I probably learnt this idea from you in the first place G, so thankyou!



                      Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

                      Brilliant AB, thanks, and Well Done!


                        Trust me - you can remain sober - Don't think so? Read this.

                        Hi There.
                        I remember when you first came here.
                        I REALLY like where your head's at.
                        ANd you are so right there.You must feel phenomenal......
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19

