Monday October 5 2009, This is my rebirth day !!!!
Well I made it through the first day.
And of course it sucked! But that was to be expected.
I was really shakey and tired feeling.
My insides felt like a bowl of jello.
I'm taking the supps protcol that RJ suggest.
Also taking Campral and Lexapro.
I know that it's not the recomended detox protcol but going with I have.
I'm at the start of day 2.
Of course I still feel crappy!
My body is pissed off right now but will just have to get over it !!!
I'm in the loving care of my ex in-laws.
Mom is making me eat proper.
They are making sure I have NO AL.
Not even mouthwash (Listerine 21.6% AL I could not believe that)!!!
I'll be posting often to update.(Hope you all don't get sick of me!!) LOL
Thank you all for your support and pray for me.
MUCH LOVE and Peace to all !!