1. Renewal - Renewal contacted me out of nowhere when I barely knew how to open a Private Message. Within a few exchanges he took me from a frightened, hopeless, blithering nut to someone who started to believe that change was possible. HE was there during my very first 7 days AF. HE made it possible. Thank you, Renewal.
2. When I fell off the wagon and disappeared into oblivion, there were a few people checking up on me. Among them Cyclefan and SweatyBetty. Thank you, girls.
3. The people who jump into chat when someone is in need. Consistently willing to help are LookingToGrow, Startingover, One2Many, Mr. T (I can never get those letters right, Rog.. I'm sorry! LOL), Determinator, AAAthlete, Opal, Greenie, and SO MANY OTHERS. Thank you to all of you.
ALL of you/us help in some way. Whether it is sharing a story, thought, or feeling that someone else identifies with or a word of encouragement. Through every post, every chat, every PM, every telephone conversation. And sometimes, a simple act of compassion, a 2 line PM can make all the difference to someone struggling.