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Smoking vs Alcohol

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    Smoking vs Alcohol

    I think I've got it wrong! I have tried to quit smoking at least four times now and each time my alcohol consumption has increased significantly - this led me to this site, searching for ways to quit - now I realise that it's my alcohol levels that I need to curb and maybe conquer smoking another time. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I realise that I'm a 'lurker' but some of the threads on this site have been fuel for thought!

    Don't fully know what my prob is, but I'm aware that I am not a normal social drinker - when I start I don't know when to stop. Married with kids, but find moments to drink to excess when I'm alone. Can control urges at all times - secure in the knowledge that there will be a time soon when I can have a drink socially and disguise the 'extras' that I will have.

    I didn't realise I had this problem until I tried to quit smoking. Is this familiar to anyone else?

    I totally admire all of you folk on MWO - your struggles, sharing and honesty have totally made me feel humble and I salute you all. Good luck to all in your chosen paths. x x

    Smoking vs Alcohol

    Hi Bliss. I'm not a big smoker, but I was for a while. The times that I actually decided to quit, and it would work for years or months, depending on what I wanted, I also stopped going out and drinking for two weeks too. I seemed to have a habit of lighting up in the car or in the bar/pub, so I just stayed away from the pubs for the first two weeks. The car was just a case of not having any on me to light up on when traffic was horrid.

    Hope this helps. I know it doesn't really address the drinking alone bit, but there, you'll have to find something else to keep yourself occupied and find the trigger that makes you want to "keep drinking" at that time. Sometimes the key can be identifying the trigger/cause in the moment.


      Smoking vs Alcohol

      Hi Bliss-
      I quit smoking ( a little under a pack a day), this past January. I used to come home and drink and smoke until I went to bed. I had stopped smoking while at work so I played catch up when I got home. I tried quitting starting in August and then finally said enough in Jan (1/1/06) I remember when I quit I thought - well, eventhough I can't smoke I can still drink just as much as I want!
      I then finally had to admit (this June ) that I really had a problem with drinking too. I kept singing that song in my head 'don't drink, don't smoke...what do you do?" not sure if you know that one.
      Anyway, I don't know if I really started drinking more or if I just realized how much I was drinking because I wasn't smoking too. Not sure if that even makes sense.
      I think what I'm saying is that once I recognized and dealt with my smoking addiction it was easier for me to recognize the other addiction.
      Just a thought.


        Smoking vs Alcohol


        In my case, I quit smoking once for four years, and stopped drinking for maybe 4 months. Then one night, after a breakup with a girlfriend (because of drinking), I lit up a smoke thinking I could just have one, and the next day I would quit again. That next day came over 10 years later.

        So I figure with me, it has to be quitting both things. It really got scary this last time, because I was starting to pop painkiller pills. Sometimes 40 mg of hydrocodone with my booze. I really got to liking the feeling of total freedom from pain of any sort. I know this forum is not about pills, but I was heading down the road to getting hooked on those too. So it just had to be all or nothing I felt.

        edit: by the way, that song was by Adam Ant. Don't drink, don't smoke....what do you do?? Catchy little tune.


          Smoking vs Alcohol

          I do know what you mean. I quit smoking for 8 years. Then one day a coworker who didn't smoke really wanted to give it a try and just kept after me until I did it with him....15 years later... and I have to quit all over again. I can never ever smoke again. And I think I'm ok with that.
          I haven't decided zero alcohol yet though...but it will probably have to be that.
          thanks for the adam ant info


