My mom has thrown me down really hard....this is going to be a bit of a long story. I was raised Catholic...12 years of Catholic schooling, Mass every Sunday, all the holidays, the whole bit. Well, after I left home, I lapsed big time, and have never returned to the faith. I have continued to go to Mass on Easter, Mother's Day, and Christmas with my mom out of respect for her and to do the "family" thing, but she is well aware that I don't go any other time of the year.
I was married in a secular way, and when my first child was born did not get him baptized, which killed her, she started to cry (and my mother is NOT an outwardly emotional person at all) and hung up the phone on me - I told her I have enough respect for Catholicism that I would not stand up in front of the congregation and promise to raise my child(ren) in that faith when I have no intention of doing so.
That was 3 1/2 years ago...and this weekend my oldest son starting going to Sunday school at the Unitarian church (where my husband has belonged his whole life). And this raised the whole issue again...not just of the fact that I have no intention of raising my kids Catholic - which I thought had been made clear, but my mother is not speaking to me, and said to me that she hasn't cried so much since her MOTHER DIED and says she can't believe what a failure she is as a parent since I'm so clearly an "empty vessel" since she could not impart to me anything about being Catholic because I told her organized religion doesn't hold anything for me - it is like she has been in denial for the last 21 years that I am still a Catholic who is either going to church in "secret" or is saying rosaries when no one is looking or something....
HELP! I know she is angry and hurt and sad....but I'm out here feeling like a total waste of a person....can any of you in the position of parents to adult children and grandparents help me find words to say to her that might work or help????
