One thing i didn't bank on changing was me.
I had always drank from a very early age. At 13 i was in hospital getting my stomach pumped. So for the last 20 years, all my adult life, i have either been drunk or still that hungover drunk that gets you through the day untill you can pop open that first can and then you can start all over again. I have never had the chance to actually be me for a sustained period. I suppose that is what this thread is all about. I feel as though i am actually in my early teens again, trying to figure out who i am and where i fit in. I am learning new things about me every day. For example..I am an obsessivley tidy person.( i never knew that ) i am also short tempered ( when i was drinking i tended to let everything go over my head ) but now stand for nothing, quite proud of that one actually. I am not very talkative, a conversation should now just get to the point (where as in the past i was happy to sit and talk about anything and everything) There are lots of little things i never knew about me that i am only now beginning to find out.
I am not complaining in anyway whatsoever, infact life at the moment is pretty exciting. And as soon as i find out who i am and what i like doing. It'll be even better
