I guess the point I'm trying to make is that we cannot continually blame others or ourselves for our faults if we are to continue to grow and get out of that vicious cycle of blame. Even when we are blaming ourselves for our lapses etc we are still in that mindset of blame and not responsibility. We have to accept that we ourselves had a choice to pick up a drink. We need to take responsibility for those actions and not bury our heads in the sand or fall into this perpetual habit of blame. It is no use saying "Shit I messed up!" then not take any kind of responsibility for that and just jump 'back on the wagon' still feeling guilt or shame. If we do we have missed the most important learning process through that choice we made to pick up again; that of becoming responsible adults and taking full responsibility for our actions.
So don't bury your head in the sand, blaming everyone else and every situation, using it to your advantage because you can't take responsibility for YOUR own actions. Put down the big stick and stop beating yourself up too and just accept and 'own' the fact you chose to drink. Believe me, it will make life a lot easier in the future when you can learn to take responsibility for yourselves.

Love and Light