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Prayer line for Allie.

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    Prayer line for Allie.

    Hey Allie, There are no words...Just wish I could give you a HUGE HUG right now! I feel like I know you, as we both started this program about the same time... You & your Mom are an inspiration to all of us. :h

    You're both in my prayers ... you sound so incredibly strong & I'm so glad you have such a wonderful family with you...
    Much love, Judie
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Prayer line for Allie.

      Hi Allie

      I saw this cute bubble guy and he reminded me of you!
      Sending prayers for you and your mom and family.
      "Be still and know that I am God".. Ps. 46:10
      This was my verse while my baby boy was in Iraq. It brought Peace to my heart.
      Nancy :h

      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        Prayer line for Allie.

        Still thinkin about you Allie and your Mom and family. Hugs. gabby
        Gabby :flower:


          Prayer line for Allie.

          Hi Allie

          Haven't been able to post for a couple of days but don't want you to think you and your mom and your family are not in my thoughts and prayers every day. I hope you are still hanging in there. Your family sounds like they have been amazing...particularly your mom....she is something else...and attitude is everything!!! I know you are going to have rough moments ahead...even when things go smooth (which God willing they will) you are going to have moments...and I want you to know I am here for you!! When the company leaves and things settle down (or before if you are so inclined), or anytime you want, just know that I am here if you just want to rant, or cry, or even talk about Florida weather, High school girls, or anyother subject just to get away from the "C" word for awhile....or even if you "gasp" want to talk about alcohol.

          Anyway....hang in there sweetheart....thinking about you always. I hope all goes well on Friday.

          formerly known as bak310


            Prayer line for Allie.

            Dear Allie,

            I was so hoping that you were going to receive happier news. You and your mom will remain in my thoughts every day. You both sound like amazingly strong and sensitive women .

            Sending positive energy your way,


            P.S. Allie, you probably know that I've been through something similar to what you're going through with my own mom. Sometimes it felt so lonely. If you ever want to talk, please email me. We don't know each other well but I really am here for you.


              Prayer line for Allie.

              Just want you to know that I am still praying for you and your family.
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Prayer line for Allie.

                Me too Alliekins, You were obviously the bigger person that one night despite all you are going through. You're a tough cookie :l
                Hope your mom is feeling ok and know you always have support here no matter what. :h
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  Prayer line for Allie.

                  I went through this withmy mom to


                  I am so sorry and sympathetic about your family situation. This is so hard for everyone. My mother also had a wonderful doctor however, I insisted that she get the second opinions that are covered by the insurance companies. Not because I did not trust her doctor but becuase my mother had a hard time actually beleiving that she had cancer and what her options were.

                  As is turned out..she ended up meeting with three doctors and found one that she absolutely adored. A young female that was able to communicate with my mother in way that made her comfortable and knowledgable. The treatment options also changed but not dramatically. Enough however that it made a difference. My sister and brother were glad that we took the time to pursue appointments with other physicians. It was all done in under a week and a half and I think that the time spent with these physicians helped us to gain a better knowledge of what we all dealing with, what we were to expect, and how we were all going to go on. It was a very difficult time. We are a close family as it sounds that you are.

                  I am happy to say that my mother is now in her third year cancer free...she sees the same doctor for everything including a slight fever or cold, in-grown toenail or retinol A and the doctor is wonderful about it.

                  God bless you and you family...I'll say a liitle pray for you.
                  Every man has the right to tend to his garden.


                    Prayer line for Allie.

                    Dear Allie,
                    Please add my prayers of healing, faith, joy and hope to your mother and all of you. (((hugs)))


                      Prayer line for Allie.


                      I've had your mom in my prayers since I found out about her health. I am so sorry that she is suffering. If there is anything I can do don't hesitate to contact me phone or email..

                      I saw her pic on Becca's tShirt that she wore during the race :h hat was so inspiring.

                      :l Prayers are with you and your family.


