I just read that since the ending Vanda has also died. Mark is the only one who survived so far.
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Rain in My Heart Documentary
Rain in My Heart Documentary
Startingover, thank you so much, the video's are sad but very informative. There was a movie on youtube called Pleasure Unwoven, that these video's reminded me of. Pleasure Unwoven cleared up the willpower verses disease debate for me. Anyway thanks again.Success is making yourself do the thing you need to do, when you need to do it, whether you like it or not.
If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.
Rain in My Heart Documentary
I just watched it!! So glad it was posted, not only did I see parts of myself but also other members of my family! Strange to hold up a virtual mirror of the (similar in ways) drunk me, to the now sober me. Very very interesting experience to have & one that I'm hoping will be a building block for me going forward. So glad it was posted & so glad I watched it. How brave of the participants & families. They have helped at least me anyway :0)