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Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

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    Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

    a little bit of my story to start. I’m a third generation alcoholic. my father was an angry violent drunk and our home a war zone. my brother sister and i all have some version of post traumatic stress syndrome. I have been in therapy for the most part of twenty five years and have the occasional bout of depression and regular nightmares (5-6nights a week). my brother is on a disability pension because he is simply unable to function in any kind of ‘normal’ way. he can’t hold down a job, form friendships or bond with emotionally with anyone other than me. my sister is able to hold down a job but unable to have relationships and friendships.

    we are all scarred, and while I appear on the surface to be the most functional sibling I am also the only alcoholic. although, I seem to have managed to keep that secret.

    when we were teenagers mum told us we may all become alcoholics or indeed marry alcoholics (many times – thanks mum) and one night she took us to an ALANON meeting. I was absolutely terrified that dad was going to bust into the meeting and violently drag us out so I went out the back to have a cigarette. I was shaking from head to toe and as I lit the cigarette and inhaled I remember having to rush to the toilet as I promptly vomited and shat myself. I swore then I wasn’t the one that would become the alcoholic. I didn’t have my first drink until I was 21.

    I didn’t really start drinking drinking until my late 20’s and then I took to it like a fish to water. over the next ten years I gave up a few times. I tried naltrexone, acupuncture, chinese herbs, A.A., sheer will power and determination and have managed long periods of abstinence. this year for some reason after a long period of abstinence the craving for alcohol hit me in a way that it never has before. on a scale of 1 to 10 these cravings were 15. they woke me in the night. they infiltrated my dreams. instead of drinking beer and wine I drank whisky.

    no amount of will power worked for me. no supplements worked. campral did not work. then I discovered this site. downloaded the book. ordered the supps. visited my doctor and began the topamax. it didn’t seem to be working for me so I plucked up all the courage I could and posted (yep like a lot of you here I too am shy) and your responses were like the best hugs I’d ever had.

    so here I am FIVE WEEKS sober. feeling great! topamax even helps with nightmares –as in I’m not having them… I read about it on the bipolar site, some of the people on there talk about it!

    I come here every day and read the posts. I rarely post myself but I am blown away by the level of compassion and openness that exists here. I am amazed at how many people consistently respond with insightful, kind responses, over and over again.

    you are an amazing group of people. beautiful, giving, non-judgmental. this forum feels spacious, a great place to grow.

    blessings and the best big hugs right back at ya d x

    Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

    deterimined just posting that will give a whole lot of people hope and rock!watch out for karma this week i have a feeling she will be kissing you on the forhead this week.


      Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

      And 5 weeks - well done... That is DETERMINED !!!!!

      Sending love to you, and you obvuoysly are a stong person to share that. it helps ALL of us when people share because, there are always elements that we can relate to and makes us feel not so alone.

      Blessings, and BIG HUGGERS :l

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Bambs aka Hydrogen

      :h XXX :h


        Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

        Wow, Determined! That was such a very moving post....thank you so much for sharing some of your story with us--you have come a long, long way in five weeks....congratulations! :l

        I know you are shy (as are so many of us...), but what you have gone through and how you are overcoming it is an inspiration to us all. Of course, that's just how this works--all of us sharing our struggles with each other...

        I'd love to hear from you more often--and Absville (over on the monthly abstinence thread) is a wonderful place to live...please join us as often as you feel comfortable. Your insights would be a wonderful addition to our little community!

        Thank you, again, Determined--for having had the courage to confront such a painful heritage and to share it with us here.

        :l :l
        "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


          Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

          Determined thank you for posting. It echos a lot of my feelings. I wish you the best in all of this. If I did not have this board I would be more out of my mind than I already am. Your post made me even more grateful to have found it. Please stick around. We need people like you here.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum


            Thank you for your honest and moving post.
            My dad drank but I never saw him do it and he just went to sleep. I never saw that as a blessing until I read your story.
            May God bless in your journey "out".

            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

              WOW Determined.
              You are an incredibly strong individual to be pulling yourself out of this! Amazing job!
              Keep it up, look at how far you have come and at the wonderful life that lies ahead. No one can tear you down! I am inspired. Can't wait to hear how things turn around for you. Keep us posted!:l


                Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

                Thanks for posting your story -- that took courage, but it will probably help many more people to face their own pain than you may ever know. Many may never even post, but just as other posts have encouraged and helped you when you were shy, they still impacted you and kept you coming back.

                I echo your gratitude for the love and support shared on this site, and as it has grown and multiplied in numbers over the seven months I've been here, I often feel frustrated that I cannot spend more time here and respond to more posts and connect with more people. Despite whether I am doing bad or good, I find myself here every day if for nothing else, to make sure this site is still here!

                I hope you will post more and share your journey, and you are doing awesome at five weeks abs!

                Love your determination!
                What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                  Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

                  What a powerful and moving testimony! Thanks for sharing it with us. You sound like you are on the right track!!! This is an amazing site, with amazing people for sure. I dont post often either but your post touched my soul. Your screen name says it all!

                  Much respect,
                  :h Syd


                    Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

                    Determined, Thanks so much for your post! I don't post often and usually with questions. Your post is inspirational to me. I have been trying the program without the topa with some fantastic results - unfortunately they did not last -- TODAY I am starting topa! Very excited and hopefult! Thank you!


                      Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

                      thank you all so much for your replies. big hugs again!

                      i must admit i had a pretty big motivation for getting sober... well apart from the fact that i'm utterly miserable and hate the person i become when drinking... this time however my motivation was/is - i am about to set out with my partner on a big world trip and frankly i didn't want to wreck it for either of us. i don't want it to roll by in a blurr of fog and shame and regret for me, and i don't want my partner to have to spend any time worrying about my next drink or what i'll do or say next.

                      so here i go... sober and very excited. feeling good with where i'm at. my partner just left for work saying 'i'm proud of you - your incredible'...this program has been a real saving grace for me. THANK YOU RJ for having the magnanimity and the courage it took to share this with the public at large. you're a gift.

                      i would like to share a few of the positive side effects of topamax because well... ther are some... other than getting rid of the cravings...

                      it gets rid of nightmares
                      i sleep through the night (i've really never done this before)
                      I am waking early (i think this is a combination of the supps, exercise and perhaps being more rested)
                      i feel calmer (combination of hyno, topa, no alcohol and eating better)
                      it gave me a sweet tooth extraction
                      i have lost weight

                      on the down side

                      i get occasional tingles in my hands and feet ( although I am eating banana's and this helps)
                      food doesn't taste as good as it used to

                      i am feeling really hopeful and positive. i wish each of you grace and strength.

                      big hugs d


                        Thanks and Kudos to each member of this forum

                        im moving to your house .sounds nice there.minus the banannas!

