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1 night in working on 2

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    1 night in working on 2

    Last night "no drinking" and it was the first in a long long time. I did not hallucinate this time around. Thanks for all the support. I am working on tonight on also not drinking, so it will be 2 days in (it's a nice start) - One thing is, I cannot sleep (at all) thus all day and reading all night until the sun comes up and back to a regualr day.

    I will not give in (at this point in time though, I feel like Peter saying to Jesus, I will go to jail and even death for you and then he failed).

    My biggest fear is failing (and that is just too weird)


    1 night in working on 2

    WL, try VERY hard to project a vision of yourself succeeding, in each small milestone. Don't look too far in the future - it's daunting and can even predestine failure. Instead, think 'this day, this hour, I will do something BESIDES drink', and when that time has passed successfully, congratulate yourself. Celebrate EACH victory, and they will pile up quickly. The feeling of success instead of the imagining failure works SO much better. You're doing great. Stay here, your success chances go up tremendously just by being here. And if you should have a small failure, get up, dust yourself off, and get right back on the trail, OK?
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      1 night in working on 2

      Good job on day one. My doctor gave me Lunesta to sleep intially, and it helped me a great deal. The voices in my head were silenced and gave way to sleep. In return, I was rewarded w/ a clear head and a good ahead of you.
      I don't believe people should rely on these as a way to sleep, but it will help initially. Can you talk to your Dr. about getting a script. Keep going. Break it down into small increments if you have to.....just keep going!
      AF since 2/4/10
      Nicotine free since 3/31/10


        1 night in working on 2

        Get some Melatonin and/or 5-htp. I was really amazed at how they helped me sleep and I could wake up not feeling groggy.

        Everything I need is within me!


          1 night in working on 2

          What brightlite said. Word. 5-HTP and Melatonin REALLY help. There is also Valerian which smells like a stable but will knock you out cold ...


            1 night in working on 2

            Grats WIL.

            Lack of sleep won't kill you. It's just excruciating. This symptom will go away, as will anxiety and a sort of "adrenaline rush". These are all chemically induced as your mood brain (amygdala) has to adjust to a shift in chemicals from artificial ones from the alcohol, to natural ones from your own body. The amygdala, also called your lizard brain (you can google those terms) does not sleep. That's why you sense the disruption in chemicals most when your higher brain is trying to do a reset cycle.

            Take a deep breath and know you are on the right road. Your symptoms are what you need to go through to become free. Keep that in mind and congratulations!

