If you're still on the Octsober wagon, you're 17 days IN! How's it feel? Raise a glass of water and celebrate if you're still on the wagon *cheers*
If you're NOT on the wagon, again, when did you jump ship... why do you think you jumped ship; did you try to reboard the wagon? If you did, did you fall off again? If so, why did you fall off again? If you fell off and got back on and you're still on this October 17, 2009, how have you been able to stay on?
For me, I fell off day 3; got back on day 4; fell off again day 6, but I'm still smiling because I'm still hopeful... without hope, I have nothing and may as well take a swim somewhere...
Anyhow, I had a fabulous dream last night about a way to change my habits. That is the one thing that I know that is keeping us down and unables us to stop drinking... IT'S A HABIT! We're so used to drinking that we drink to go to work; go to the store; go out with friends; go shopping... for some people, they may need a drink to look in the mirror! LOL!
It's such a big part of our lives and that is why we are here today because we just OVER DID IT, and it became habit-forming, and our mothers always told us bad habits are hard to break, and my mother is no liar! :H
Back to this dream, it's so funny I'm almost afraid to share it.
Answer these questions, though, and let's try and help each other to MAYBE get through the REST of OCTSOBER drug/alcohol free
I'm going to put my dream in motion today! I should have the nerve to share it after I take a hot shower and eat a meal; I just hope you guys don't think I'm stupid for trying this, but I'm at my wits end!