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Acidophilus Plus Supplement

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    Acidophilus Plus Supplement

    I heard of a medicin that doctors give alcoholics that makes them sick if they drink (well, I also heard it can damage your liver very badly) thus i found this through my Grandmother. It is very cheap, you can buy it at the local supermarket, It is supposed to be very healthy and "for me" when I take this (which I am now) when I drink anything, I get very very sick (thus, again for me, it works wonders) - it is said to cause folks to have gas, but I never had that experience using this suppliement. It has like a half million live cells per capsule of good bacteria (what they pump into our meats without telling us) but it also eats the bad yeast in you upper and lower colononary. I use it only to drink and feel like crap and it does make me "not to" want to ever take another drink. I throw up and feel horable for days when I am this for a couple of days and have a drink. I also drink Soy Milk (Silk is my favorite) and take a vitamin -- I am only sober a couple of days, but I don't have the cravings yet. I expect them to come and well...bring it on (one day at a time I can do)


    Acidophilus Plus Supplement

    Acidophillus is a singular component of probiotics. It is the only one of the group that antibiotics doesn't destroy. So good to take it if you have the occasion to use antibiotic therapy. Alcohol is known to be a cause of increase of candida (yeast) which creates it's own set of problems. But really you need a full spectrum probiotic. There are natural products on the market to combat candida, but it is a strict regimine which you follow up with a big dose of probiotics. Candex by pharmanes is one, there is another that is some drops that you take on empty stomach with water or OJ . Google a bit. but do research it so you don't waste your money and still have the problem. That sounded pretentious and bitchy . I'm sorry. The evil twin is out today. I mean well.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Acidophilus Plus Supplement


      Thanks, I'll continue to search but for me (some weird reason) it works for me - I drink when I'm taking it, I get Sicker than anything.

      greeneyes;737952 wrote: Acidophillus is a singular component of probiotics. It is the only one of the group that antibiotics doesn't destroy. So good to take it if you have the occasion to use antibiotic therapy. Alcohol is known to be a cause of increase of candida (yeast) which creates it's own set of problems. But really you need a full spectrum probiotic. There are natural products on the market to combat candida, but it is a strict regimine which you follow up with a big dose of probiotics. Candex by pharmanes is one, there is another that is some drops that you take on empty stomach with water or OJ . Google a bit. but do research it so you don't waste your money and still have the problem. That sounded pretentious and bitchy . I'm sorry. The evil twin is out today. I mean well.

