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face to a name

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    face to a name

    Hi Guys,
    I decided to post my own photo today instead of my dogs. First of all, because I am a real person, not a dog (not that there's anything wrong with my dog, except she is a little dense). Not that there is anything wrong with anyone elses Avatar or photos of their pets, feet, dancing girls, Angelia Jolie, etc. etc.... But for me, I feel like it makes me a little more accountable for myself and exposes my vulnerability in my effort to make this program work. I thought "what if someone I know sees me"? Well, after some thought, I realized that the only people who would be looking here would be someone who had the same problem as myself. So, go ahead and judge...after you've looked in your own mirror. Anyway, I've decided that I had to offer help in order to receive the same. I have been around here for two years and mostly just read others posts. I don't know very much about one paticular thing or another, but am hoping to help those in any way I can in our ongoing efforts to meet our goals, whatever they maybe. Thanks for the listen!
    AF since 2/4/10
    Nicotine free since 3/31/10

    face to a name

    I knew what you looked like :P
    The accountability thing was my reason to post my real picture as well

    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      face to a name

      I would post my pic if I knew how to....there is none on pc and daughter wont let me get at her mobile....but theres none on there either! I shall remain a faceless person....until I get around to buying a phone that has a camera so I can take my own pic!


        face to a name

        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          face to a name

          greeneyes;738984 wrote: BIG GIRL PANTIES!!!
          Mine was taken a couple of years ago, too.


            face to a name

            Hey Shiraz and Sunshine!

            I SO admire you for posting your pictures. I'm not quite there yet. But, I kinda look like you both (blonde hair, etc) and it makes me feel even more that I am not alone in this. People like me are struggling with this problem. Not that if someone w/ different skin or hair would make me feel like I don't belong, it's just....struggling for the words right now, but you you girls rock!


              face to a name

              Oh! And like Cathy40...I couldn't post my pic even if I wanted to! LOL


                face to a name

                good for you shirazgirl! and sunshine!!
                a very nice post indeed! hm. maybe i'll do the same? you are a very beautiful woman and should be proud to post your picture and be you! life is obviously improving for you, i'm glad! interestingly it really does put a new face on this whole alcoholism thing now doesn't it? it is much like domestic violence... it touches all kinds of people and lives one wouldn't ordinarily expect. your photo doesn't reflect a face struggling w/substance abuse issues AT ALL!

                now i'm feeling a little cowardly.... and you are right it suddenly turns you from something we know you are not, into a real live human. this is a good thing although i do love dogs!



                  face to a name

                  It is nice to see your photo, Shiraz, and I commend you for posting it.

                  My fear in doing so has not been the membership here, but the fact that the forum is an open forum and non members can browse here as well. I have had my pic up in the past for brief periods.

                  I will be happy to see you posting more; I've always liked your name, and it would be good to hear from you more.

                  All the best on your continuing journey!

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    face to a name

                    This is me....i dont want to be ashamed of who I am (even though I am still a bit) maybe that will pass in time. Anyway for today, this is me :-)
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      face to a name

                      I feel like it makes me a little more accountable for myself and exposes my vulnerability in my effort to make this program work.

                      Shiraz God bless you girl. That line just says it all for me. Without getting vulnerable and allowing other addicts to see the real me (warts and all) I was NEVER going to get well.

                      Thanks for having the courage to encourage others to make this community a bit more personal by example. For any growth in community it has to go through a stage of vulnerability or chaos I believe anyway. (Yes, I have been reading M Scott Peck's The Road Less Traveled!!!).

                      My new avatar is the most recent photo I have of myself and was taken about 3 months ago. (6 months sober)

                      This photo below was me over 2 years ago when I first came to MWO and was still struggling with addiction. I've normally been quite happy to post 'nice' photos of me but that's not what this is about is it.

                      Love and Light

                      p.s. It would be nice if by Xmas we were all celebrating in this online community on a bit more of a personal level don't you think?
                      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                        face to a name

                        Here's the latest pic of me...

                        Just ignore the cigarette It was meant for fun.
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          face to a name

                          This is me....
                          I don't like pics of myself. I can't smile for a camera. I look like I'm in pain.


                            face to a name

                            ok im going to be daring just like my mood. so today this is ME without makeup..
                            Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                            sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                            my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                              face to a name

                              I'm a coward I prefer the anonymity, anyway you all look much nicer than me.

