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Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

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    Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

    I can't even read so I can't imagine anyone else would. I have been drinking, not good of course. My husband of course is not speaking to me, but he neve rdoes, so not new drinking or not. I so wish.......I could jsut go to the place I was , I tried to commit sucicde like 15 years ago,,,,,,,I can't believe I lived. I thought there was a reason, but I was dead.....I saw my passed family , it was wonderful, avery bright light, drawing me in, my grand mother kept telling me, you can't come have something you have to do. Darn it, I think I've done everything and suffered enerything......ley me go now.

    Yes, husband still acting like a jerk. I don't have to tell me, just finally got more than I could take, bought a bottle. Can you believe I can't find it !(hid it after a very hard working day) Found his, because he is a big drinker. We did not eat supper / wow I should have said dinner, he is so much better than me! They always said dinner. But of course they had someone who cooked for them, he never picked up anything because the maid did that. I hate people like that, can you imagine! I had a sister in law who lived that way, but she was sweet, he is not. She had to divorce my brother because he expected her to be a wife and she had no idea how. I still, 30 years later miss her. Yet, she could not relate to us, she was just a dear heart.But had no idea of how we live, how normal people live! I saw a few pictures my brother sent of his son's 2nd marriage. I had a hard time pickng her out. She married an old man with money. Like her 7th marriage! I'm sure she is still a dear heart though. Of course I will never know. I will never see her.
    Wow, guess I grew up with 7 kids, working my rear end off to get through school. I went to high school with 2 outfits I bought working as a babysitter/ car hop. Very small town. .65 cents an hour. carhopping, 50 cents an hour babysitting, from 6am till 5pm. I could not afford shoes for school ,I don't think young people now understand at all how hard it was back then, or maybe it was just my family, but the 50's-60's were great for our parents, but very hard for us. I never ate breakfast but I used to cut the cereal boxes to line my shoes to go to high school,(snow and ice in Colorado) after my 4 brothers ate, who were allowed too, I was not allowed to eat. My mother bought my 4 brother all the latest clothes, all the best shoes, they also had hand carved guns from Germany for Christmas. I never had anything., My mother told me I was a drag on the family so at 12 I started supporting myself, I was the eldest of the family, my older sister died when she was 4 and me 2. A drunk driver plowed through my parents car at a stop light. My parents hated me for living. I was brown haired and she was blond. They shaved my head and kept it that way till I started school. I'm not to blame, I was only 2, but they hated the brown haired girl who lived.My sister was blond and fair skinned. Many years after my Father died, I think I realized he never knew my Mother did this to me. My father was also in the music business, but always gone. We ended up in a small town in Colorado, my dad gone all the time, but normal. I married into a farming family.........for 28 years. I was always put down, my whole life. But my kids are the only ones on both sides of the family that are successful. I am very proud of them. But after 28 years my husband decided he needed to know other women, he asked me to stay on, just wait through his infedilecty, I could not. Not after all the years of being abused. In front of my children, was so horrible they have no memory. They cannot remember the abuse. I've had three broken noses, no medical help, broken leg, broken arm. But we never talk about that, I was always abused, I got thrown from moving trucks twice.....I am suffering now from pain from those injuries. But the kids just can't face those memeories, my husband put a knife though my arm when my youngest son was 16, we were separated, none of them can remember any of this. Maybe that is good. Of course somewhere in their soul they know, but they just can't go back there. Why? don't jud me so harshly. I lived through years of physical abuse. Many broken bones, never a doctor, having to still worlk. I always worked. I still looked good when my current husband married me, but now .....he has other things. I know how this works. Please realize what I have put up with in my life to raise three very healthy successful kids. I gave everything for that. Now....No one can hurt me more than I've been hurt in the past. That is one thig I one can hurt me more in any way than I've already been through, except maybe death, and to to tel you the truth, that is almost welcomed, so please, yes I have maybe drank too much, in the last few years, but I lived a hell maybe none of you can imagine. But I am so proud of My father beat me my whole life. Al l 4 of my brothers remember it, I lived, the blond should have. When I was 17, my mother had a blond daughter , they disowned me, God had given them back the daughter they lost and God said to them, I was no good because I lived. That has been my life. An abusive husband, kids at 17, .......but they turned out great. I really feel , if I die today. I was the only one who had great kids.........because I loved them. I never drank till after they were adults and their father wanted to know another woman. But I suceeded at something in my life!
    I see now, I somehow lost so much I wrote. I lived a life of hell. Yess, I know, with no money I may end up dying, but it is a relief.......I gave my kids al I never had. They are wonderful, productive people. I did all I could. So we=hen you cast a stone, realize sometimes, God put us here for a reason and maybe it was just to give the next generation a chance, maybe that was all we were here for. I've tried so hard all my life and I was never good enough for any man. But i love sex, I am a loving woman, I'll never know why I wasn't loved. i can only think maybe I did not give enough, and I always tried. I tried.
    I've made such along post, I'm so very depressed, I can't read through it.
    Please someone , somewhere love me.....I know that is not possible......just maybe pray that God may love me.

    Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

    Luv sit down and relax and get a glass of water - you are a great person and never forget that, but you need to just relax.


      Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

      I am so sorry for the way you are feeling right now!!!!
      You are loved !!
      I LOVE you just as I love all my friends on MWO !!
      It sounds like you did a great job raising your kids and that is a tough job !!
      You should be proud of that !!

      I can empathize with the way you feel.
      When I came back to MWO just over 2 weeks ago I had given up on life.
      No I have not been abused as you described but suffered my own abuse.
      I was abandoned by both my parents and one set of grandparents.
      I was feeling sorry for my self and did not want to live.
      But with the loving support of my MWO friends they showed me how selfish I was being!
      Just stop and think of how your kids would feel!!!

      I know it does not feel like it right now but you are worthwhile !!!
      You ARE Loved !!!
      We all have tough times, we all have "slips" !!
      You just have to get back on your program.
      And start again !!
      You CAN !!!
      You WILL !!!
      For YOU !!!
      For your KIDS !!!

      I would like to share a quote that I found from another member.

      Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
      Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
      It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
      We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
      Actually, who are you not to be?
      You are a child of God.
      Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
      Nelson Mandela

      YOU ARE LOVED !!!!!!
      I LOVE YOU !!!!

      MUCH LOVE and PEACE to you !!!!!

      Bob :h:h


        Drinking again........hey you all knew I would


        Call your kids and tell them what is going on. You obviously love them very much and are very proud of them. Don't feel that you are burdening them with your troubles. I'm sure they would be very upset to find out that you were distressed and needing support and hadn't let them know. They are your family and should know what you are going through.

        Call your kids. Please. You are not alone and you are loved.
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

          oh I hate to read my post. Yes, I am coming from a very abusive life, but I know that is no excuse! i know it isn't for my kids.They give me no excuse , because I raised them that way.I am proud of them for that. I think my daughter is an alcoholic, but I haven't seen her in 3 years. Maybe she overcame it, I so wish , just for her, she did. She is a sweet soul and I miss her so much. She has such a loving husband, yes he I know he is aware of her problem and three wonderful children. Since I saw them last, he has had a heart attack at 34 years old. Lost 50 #, he is like 6'4' and was skinny before so can't imagine him now. His dear mother was killed in a triple car accident, unbelievable, Anyway I never met her, I was in rehab, when they got married.,,,wow how sweet is that, and his mother died at that smae time......those kids had a hard time, then two weeks later my father died. Very hard time.
          Excuse my language, but I did a damn good job of raising my kids. I tired to do evey thing I never got as a kid, and tried to correct every mistake I ever saw any parent make.
          I really can't believe my kids did not remember their father beating me in fornt of them. I can't believe they don't remember all my broken noses, legs, arms, they just can't go there I guese. Maybe God was looking out for them, because I can remember their reaction, my oldest son beating him off me, my daughter screaming he is going to kill her this time,. Maybe God gave them this ability to not remember. He hated them as kids, now he comes acroww to them as if he loves them. I have to admit, I wish they remembered, maybe gave me somethign for all I went through with their father, but I have realized maybe God wants me to be here. Maybe I have somethign I need to do yet?
          I am really out of it tonight, just thank you for responding to me, I haven't even told my current husband of all the physical abuse I lived through. My father also beat me my whole life. No , I am not crazy and think I should be beaten up. But I used to try to go home to my parents, I would be pregnant , have my face beaten beyond recognition, one time my arm brike and no medical help, and my parents always said to me , no man beats a woman who doesn't desreve it. Pregnant, broken arm and face beat to a pulp, and I deserved it. I've never told my kids this, I never told anyone, but all these years later, I never did anything but work. He had a problem. He would go out drinking and come home and beat the crap out of me, I had no one. I lived 45 miles out in the country from the nearest town. I had two babies at home all by myself, at 19 and 21 years old because I had no phone and no one. So I never did anything wrong. It took me until I left him at 41 years old, when he said he needed another woman, for me to start to drink. I never did before. God please forgive me.


            Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

            I haven't even told my current husband of all the physical abuse I lived through. My father also beat me my whole life. No , I am not crazy and think I should be beaten up. But I used to try to go home to my parents, I would be pregnant , have my face beaten beyond recognition, one time my arm brike and no medical help, and my parents always said to me , no man beats a woman who doesn't desreve it. Pregnant, broken arm and face beat to a pulp, and I deserved it. I've never told my kids this, I never told anyone, but all these years later, I never did anything but work.
            Oh Grace my heart goes out to you, you have been through so much pain. You have to realise that years of abuse have you feeling this way and it is probably hard for you to see this exactly as it is. Nobody has the right to do this to another and there are laws in place in every country in the world to prove it. You are worth so much more as a mother and a caring human being than to have been treated like this. I guarantee to you that you are loved and very much so. I think you need to draw a line in the sand and speak to your husband and children. It is time to claim your life back from this torment. Reach out and ask for help, it is there for you. Drinking will solve none of this but I am sure deep down you know this. I wish you all the best.
            Keep safe
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

              I just hav eto post this....gee I read through my last post, yes it is accurate, but it is 5 am here. I've had a hard day and no sleep . I really not illerate oh well I can't spell and yes I have been drinking and yes my current husband went off the deep end and trshed the kitchen, I usually clean up after him, but thought maybe this time I will let him see the mess he made, hey he trashed the whole refrigerator, it's all over our little apt kitchen. I'm so far leaving it, but I have this strong urge to go clean up.....maybe if he remembers he was mad...he'll take it out on never outgrow that. It's just that now......I really don't care....if he killed me it would be a blessing. Hope you all see the irony in that , yet it would. I could be done with all this . It has been too much and I did all I could. What more could God ask of me?


                Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

                Dear Grace,
                It's those others that need forgiveness.
                It seems as though you have been surrounded by some really evil people at times.
                "No man beats a woman who doesn't deserve it"
                That makes me so angry.
                I only know a little about you and I love you already.
                Please, look after yourself.


                  Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

                  oh I hate to read my post. Yes, I am coming from a very abusive life, but I know that is no excuse! i know it isn't for my kids.They give me no excuse , because I raised them that way.I am proud of them for that. I think my daughter is an alcoholic, but I haven't seen her in 3 years. Maybe she overcame it, I so wish , just for her, she did. She is a sweet soul and I miss her so much. She has such a loving husband, yes he I know he is aware of her problem and three wonderful children. Since I saw them last, he has had a heart attack at 34 years old. Lost 50 #, he is like 6'4' and was skinny before so can't imagine him now. His dear mother was killed in a triple car accident, unbelievable, Anyway I never met her, I was in rehab, when they got married.,,,wow how sweet is that, and his mother died at that smae time......those kids had a hard time, then two weeks later my father died. Very hard time.
                  Excuse my language, but I did a damn good job of raising my kids. I tired to do evey thing I never got as a kid, and tried to correct every mistake I ever saw any parent make.
                  I really can't believe my kids did not remember their father beating me in fornt of them. I can't believe they don't remember all my broken noses, legs, arms, they just can't go there I guese. Maybe God was looking out for them, because I can remember their reaction, my oldest son beating him off me, my daughter screaming he is going to kill her this time,. Maybe God gave them this ability to not remember. He hated them as kids, now he comes acroww to them as if he loves them. I have to admit, I wish they remembered, maybe gave me somethign for all I went through with their father, but I have realized maybe God wants me to be here. Maybe I have somethign I need to do yet?
                  I am really out of it tonight, just thank you for responding to me, I haven't even told my current husband of all the physical abuse I lived through. My father also beat me my whole life. No , I am not crazy and think I should be beaten up. But I used to try to go home to my parents, I would be pregnant , have my face beaten beyond recognition, one time my arm brike and no medical help, and my parents always said to me , no man beats a woman who doesn't desreve it. Pregnant, broken arm and face beat to a pulp, and I deserved it. I've never told my kids this, I never told anyone, but all these years later, I never did anything but work. He had a problem. He would go out drinking and come home and beat the crap out of me, I had no one. I lived 45 miles out in the country from the nearest town. I had two babies at home all by myself, at 19 and 21 years old because I had no phone and no one. So I never did anything wrong. It took me until I left him at 41 years old, when he said he needed another woman, for me to start to drink. I never did before. God please forgive me.


                    Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

                    Someone told me to do this in my other post, my husband has told me to always do this on forums. I write long post then lose them , plus I have no spell check on forums. I post business on another forum having nothing to do with my personal life, but find using textedit is the only way I should ever do this.
                    OK.....I am married to a jerk. I again last night belittled myself and begged him to please love me! low do I go?
                    I will keep trying to get my business going, as opposed to begging my husband to love me while he trashes the apt. (duh)
                    He never talks with me....I tried last night, yes before I was drunk. drinking he loved it. I was funny and humorous. I told him I hid my bottle and didn't know where. We had fun for a while.......I told him I thought he treated me so rudely, I knew he did not love me anymore and I did it in a way he did not get mad, just agreed with me. We laughed over how rude he is to me and how he doesn't love me. See how cute I can be!
                    So we are I guess OK on this ending, but of course when he sobers up, he won't be.
                    I left the first jerk after 28 years, I can leave this one too. I just have to feel I can make it, OK.
                    You are my best friends, you are my only friends! I have no one here at all. But you are the friends that understand, and I don't know that I could find that here where I live, yes I tried AA, I think it is wonderful for some, I'm sorry it wasn't for me, you know what we try to live with and how hard it is to get sober. I will. I know just one drink, it only took three tonight, for me to lose a full bottle. That's how crazy it is. Beer I can, I can't. And beer even...I can drink a few, but it's never enough.......sometimes after two I will switch at home to water....but only if there is no stress or he goes to bed early, which he always does. What am I saying, after he goes to bed I will drink 4 more. I am an alcoholic. Hate to say that! But I am. I am a good person , just like all of you are. Don't we wish we could be like them! Those who can drink one, or two, or walk out and leave one sitting on a table. Wow that used to kill me, buy a drink and not drink it, let it sit there, never me!

                    Thank you all for reading my horrible spelling and horrible things I wrote while drinking and being willing to respond, I so appreciate each and everyone of you more than you'll ever know!


                      Drinking again........hey you all knew I would

                      Grace: Your posts are so sad. I'm sorry you have been hurt and abused by your father and husbands. Is there someone you can call to get some help? I am not educated enough to recomend much but to me, it sounds as though a good talk with your doctor could be of help to you. The booze will not make things better though.
                      Please take care of yourself. You need to do that now.
                      Big, big hugs to you! Please stay on the boards posting, Grace.
                      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
                      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --

