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    My daughter just called me to tell me she walked in just as the people who were robbing her house were pulling away. I could kill with my bare hands right now. I know this is not the Christian way to look at it; I kept telling her she and the babies were safe, they shut the dog up in a closet, everything can be replaced, but if this old woman could get her hands on those sorry bastards right now I'd teach them about the right way to live~!!!!!
    I'm sorry, I know how blessed I am, but this anger is too much at this moment - the thought of what might have happened. Thank you all for letting me vent. My loved ones are safe, their losses can be restored, (and WILL be) but the knowledge that this filth has been in their home is almost beyond standing. They're going to my cabin tonight, and I will be there tomorrow. The Mighty Berit will be there too.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


    Ruby, that is truly horrible. Thank God everyone including the dog are OK.....thank God....
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



      Rubes, I will sit on the b*tards while you punch their lights out.

      christian or not, it is human to feel this way when these things happen. Just breathe, yell into a pillow, take a walk around the block, whatever you need to do to get it out.

      We are here for you, I'm sorry this happened!!! I sincerely hope they catch the jerks that did this. :damn:



        we will do anything to protect our babies wont we? I always said if anyone hurt mine I wouldnt wait for the police, I would deal with them myself, my 25 year old has been mugged twice and my 25 year old had her drink spiked with rohyonol, at least they are all safe, stay calm, love and hugs Tawnywitch



          sorry that should ahve been the 32 year old mugged, the 25 year old drugged with rohypnol



            Tawny, was she able to get a make and model or better still, a license number? So glad everyone is safe and totally understand your anger.



              Thank you, friends. We all NEVER quit worrying, especially when our tough-as-nails babies call us in tears. I'm getting calmer, but that may not be a good sign. Molly, the Golden Retreiver, did her best, but daughter is getting a Rottie for Christmas, like it or not.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



                Ruby, I'm glad everyone is safe - it is a disgusting feeling when your home has been violated, some disgusting scum has stolen your belongings, and put their foul hands on the rest of them!

                I did the same thing once, came in the back door, heard them run out the front, and I was on their tail before I could even think about it. I think I would have ripped them apart with my bare hands if I'd caught them. Your anger is understandable, and the people that did that are filth. I'm glad your daughter and her family have a safe place to stay for a bit. This is rather traumatizing, to say the least!
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009



                  Just talked to my SIL. I called Hubs and my son, who called Tif to give her support. She's a steel Magnolia, but I'm her momma, and I'm mad as hell. Someone was watching, and violated my daughter's life. The only saving grace is that ALL my loved ones are safe. I'm sure my Daddy's spirit is raging too, because we are hard working people, and those thiefs took some very important symbols to my daughter; rings her husband had worked hard for, rings that belonged to both her grandmothers, and a video camera full of the lifetime of her children. I'm struggling here, with such hatred toward the vermin who planned and watched to make their attack. Don't worry, I've thanked my God over and over that what is truly important is safe, even Molly, their dog. But I'm truly counting on Karma to rise up and bite the ass of these perpetuators. It will be my mission to spend my last dollar to make sure she doesn't have to suffer this again, as it happened to us when she was a teenager at home. How CAN we trust our fellow man, and live in peace, when this can happen? We will get over this, I know. Right now, we're still dealing with explaining to the children what happened to their toys, and preparing to protect them from this ever happening again. Thank you for your messages. I've turned to you with my anger more than anyone else, because you understand we are vulnerable to these feelings more than others, and that we must be strong for the ones who lean on us. Thank you.

                  And if you're reading this and don't know what you can contribute, just know that being here right now for me is SO important. You all keep me sane, and at this point, legal! I NEED your support.
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



                    :l Ruby.

                    You're right. Objects can be replaced. But often a feeling of having been violated and subsequent insecurity linger. In your own home. You safe haven. That's the real tragedy.

                    You just go and vent and yell and shout - and be there for your loved ones.

                    Funny, you mention the rottie. When I had 3 dogs to walk, it was always the rottie I would take after dark. Even though she was a sweet heart, no punk ever even as much as whistled at me when I had her with me.
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013



                      What a sorry sack of shit these people are. They are all safe thank the good Lord. But, Id be mad as hell too.
                      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



                        rubywillow;741077 wrote: Just talked to my SIL. I called Hubs and my son, who called Tif to give her support. She's a steel Magnolia, but I'm her momma, and I'm mad as hell. Someone was watching, and violated my daughter's life. The only saving grace is that ALL my loved ones are safe. I'm sure my Daddy's spirit is raging too, because we are hard working people, and those thiefs took some very important symbols to my daughter; rings her husband had worked hard for, rings that belonged to both her grandmothers, and a video camera full of the lifetime of her children. I'm struggling here, with such hatred toward the vermin who planned and watched to make their attack. Don't worry, I've thanked my God over and over that what is truly important is safe, even Molly, their dog. But I'm truly counting on Karma to rise up and bite the ass of these perpetuators. It will be my mission to spend my last dollar to make sure she doesn't have to suffer this again, as it happened to us when she was a teenager at home. How CAN we trust our fellow man, and live in peace, when this can happen? We will get over this, I know. Right now, we're still dealing with explaining to the children what happened to their toys, and preparing to protect them from this ever happening again. Thank you for your messages. I've turned to you with my anger more than anyone else, because you understand we are vulnerable to these feelings more than others, and that we must be strong for the ones who lean on us. Thank you.

                        And if you're reading this and don't know what you can contribute, just know that being here right now for me is SO important. You all keep me sane, and at this point, legal! I NEED your support.
                        Ruby, I am so sorry this has happened. It is truly dreadful that we live in a society where there are such people who believe that they have the right to disrespect and rob. All I can say is u have every right to be angry but they are not worth jeopardising your sobriety over. I pray and hope that the stuff that was taken will be recovered.



                          Ruby I don't know what to say....just that my thoughts are with you family at this very trying time.



                            Ruby , Thank God everyone is safe !! I understand how you feel , I would want to hang the f-ers from the nearest tree
                            Non Drinker 9/09
                            Non Smoker 6/09
                            Tennis Anyone ?



                              What a pack of arseholes.
                              Don't you worry Ruby.......I've seen madam karma in action. She'll do a better job of it than you or I could ever think of.
                              Although I CAN think of a FEW things...........(evil snigger).......
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19

