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Geeze, am I an enabler

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    Geeze, am I an enabler

    My husband and his friend came home from work, both drunk. So what do I do? I make them a nice dinner (after having worked all day and a spin class), cleaned up the dishes and then made brownies because they wanted desert. Now my husbands friend is sleeping on my couch snoring like he's cutting wood. I should have just retired to my bedroom and let them cater to themselves. Now I feel like a big dope! Just venting. Thanks.
    AF since 2/4/10
    Nicotine free since 3/31/10

    Geeze, am I an enabler

    My first thought is how did they get home ?
    My husband and his friend came home from work, both drunk.
    That should be the first concern I would think.
    Sorry just my 2 cents.

    Much Love and Peace !

    Bob :h:h


      Geeze, am I an enabler

      You're not a dope!
      Probably just a people pleaser like most of us - I'm trying real hard to change that habit myself
      Live & learn I guess!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Geeze, am I an enabler

        Good thoughts Sheri.

        Shiraz, what were you going to do....send the friend home drunk??? Was he driving?? At least you got some food into them to sober them up. All you can do now is have a talk with your husband.

        Everything I need is within me!


          Geeze, am I an enabler

          Hey Shiraz, imagine the state of your kitchen had you let them loose in there!!!
          I think what you did was very nice...I hope they appreciated it.


            Geeze, am I an enabler

            Oh yeah Sheri, and in NZ there's this campaign that says "Don't drink & fry" - apparently a lot of house fires & deaths are because of people cooking when they're drunk.



              Geeze, am I an enabler

              Enabler? Let me get my crown on so you can speak to the queen.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Geeze, am I an enabler

                I am also an enabler. (greenie stole my crown :H) I am working on it. But I also don't think letting two drunk guys loose in my kitchen would be a good idea.The mess, and possible accidents alone are reason enough for you not to be too hard on yourself. Also, it is good you let him (friend) stay, so as not to drive home drunk.

                All that being said, if this all oversteps your own personal boundries, maybe a talk with hubby about coming home drunk, and bringing drunken friends along for you to tend to not being ok with you.

                I wouldn't be happy. But my husband has done some equally thoughtless things to me.

                I guess I am not being any help. Sorry :H I can relate, understand, and over all can say don't feel badly, your husband didn't leave you many choices here. You just chose the high road, were a nice person and tended to their needs.

                Bigger question is obviously is this making your own AF goals harder to reach? That should maybe be the opener for your conversation???

                Be nice to yourself. I think you did ok.:l
                Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                  Geeze, am I an enabler

                  Hey girl I can relate right now, last night I slaved over enchiladas and my girlfriend and her friend came home to put them in the oven and eat them all... when I asked my girl if she was going to eat the last half of one she said yeah like she can't share!! LOL Well it's ok tho what would they do without us???


                    Geeze, am I an enabler

                    You are so nice, I would have had a fit. Really. But then what would have been the point? YOu cannot reason with people when they are drunk or drinking. Sounds like a talk with hubby when he is sober is in order, as you are trying to make changes and need his support. Though maybe, seeing them drunk helped you realize your AF goals.

