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Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!

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    Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!


    I don't know if they would send to the UK or not, but they were very helpful to me about resolving the shipping mix-up. They just immediately sent a new box, and it had a mailing label inside that I just affixed to the box meant for the other guy.

    I called their phone number, and amazingly enough, got a representative in about 2 minutes. He straightened out everything, and sent the new box priority mail. So even though they did make a mistake, the way they handled getting it resolved impressed me highly. I will continue to do business with them.

    Hopefully they can ship to addresses outside the USA.

    Everyone makes mistakes at one time or another, but how a company deals with those mistakes tells me more about them than anything. After a bit of Googling, they had the best price per gram of supplement. No doubt because its not put into capsules. I buy glutamine in the same way, as a pharmaceutically pure powder at the local Wally-World (Wal-Mart).

    edit: P.S. Gotta love those puppies! Very nice doggies!


      Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!

      But would there be an issue with taking it daily? I am weaning off of a benzo and this sounds like this would really help me out during the day at work. It can get pretty stressful and I also have an autistic daughter, all around a pretty stressful life. Thanks, Camper
      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


        Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!


        I know that some brands are better than others, if you don't mind sharing what's the brand of l-theanine you guys are using? I've seen it in the supermarkets but don't want to waste my money on an inferior brand.



          Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!

          The phenibut will lessen it's effects slightly when taken on a daily basis. It is recommended in the scientific write up link that I provided that you take it for one or two weeks and then stop for a week or two so that the effects are not minimized.

          Perhaps the effects last longer than a day because I only had to take it for a couple of evenings straight at first, and then I just sporadically take it when I feel like I'm too wound up and want a drink.

          I provided the link later but I recommend that you go and read that to get more details on the development, use, effects and side effects of Phenibut.

          I've also always been very happy with the NSI brand on They have always been very effective and stable.


            Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!


            OH Jeez! Weening off the benzos. Been there, done that. Never, EVER, again!! If I see a xanax pill, I am running for the hills. Doctor tried to give some valium a while back for a back problem, and I said "No way!". Good luck with that. Not a good memory in my life story.

            Don't know if it would help with your situation. I did not see any medical reference to use as a substitute. Seems like the brain chemistry involved may have differences.

            In my research on GABA or phenibut, I saw no contraindications for long term daily use. I personally would not take them in combination with a diazepam type drug. I will try to find more information on medline, or some other sources. On those benzos, I had to taper off extremely slowly over a period of about six months to avoid a very unpleasant withdrawal reaction. Even then, for about a year after, there was rebound effects that manifested in high stress situations. Never again!!


              Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!

              Thanks, appreciate the feedback. I read too that one shouldn't drink while taking Phenibut as it amplifies the effects of alcohol so those moderating should beware.


                Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!

                Yes, I know, wasn't on planning on taking them together, hoping on using them in place of. Since May I have cut my dosage in half. It is awful, they are so freaking addictive, just as much as booze if not more!! I've got the double whammy for sure.
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!

                  Hey xtexan & CV

                  Hi guys,
                  Just tried your link tex for phenibut but they don't ship to Aus. Any more places to get it?
                  Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                    Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!

                    HI Sharyn44:

                    I did a Google on "phenibut Australia", and found this one source, and they say they ship internationally.


                    The cost is higher than the powder because it is capsules. If this doesn't work, try Googling from your location and see what pops up. Also, you might try "Australian nutrition" as a search as well. Wish you luck.
                    A few more words on these supplements. I felt so good the next day, I dosed again yesterday evening, and yet again today. It seems to be replacing something in me that has been long lost. All sorts of great feelings. Even the sciatica in my left leg has been going away. The initial surge of relaxation was not as powerful as the first time, but thats because of a lingering after effect I surmise.

                    Please remember, that my good results may only be a consequence of the long term damage I have probably done. One does not hammer the alky for over 3 decades, in the quantity that I did, and not have some chemistry damage in the brain. I realize this will take years to heal and rebalance. However, so far, I have nothing but great results from this combination of supplements.

                    I read on other sites where individuals taking it for social anxiety problems got mixed results. It may be that someone who has not pickled their brain for tens of thousands of days may not get the same effect I did.

                    Remember also, that I have been completely dry for several months now. It may not be such the good idea to use this if still drinking. It does seem to be "feeding" something in my nervous system that has been gone for a long time, and I fully expect the "rush" to subside in time. The anecdotal reports I examined, do indicate indeed, that these effects will lessen with daily dosing over time. Personally, I was not expecting the other physical effects. Even my sinuses have cleared a bit as well!

                    At any rate, it seems to be a beneficial nutrient for me at this time. Please use discretion and wisdom with any of these powerful amino acids, and do your own cross-referencing research before leaping.


                      Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!


                      Thanks xtexan! Will take all comments on board!
                      Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                        Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!

                        HI Guys,
                        Ok, so what is this stuff? I like to know what it is before ordiering, don't you? So please, if you will, tell us something about what it is??? And thanks for the help!

                        All love,



                          Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!

                          I always trust your posts Happy


                          Can you tell me more about your experiece with this phen supplement? I aways appreciate everything you say and know you are right on level headed.

                          Are you taking it with all the others plus the topa? I really need help here. I'm confused about what to take.

                          I think of you all the time and hope that your daughter and your family are doing better every day:thanks:




                            Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!


                            If you want more in depth information, Google search the terms "GABA alcoholism". The top five or ten returns will give a good explanation of the relationship between GABA receptors in the brain, and alcohols effects on same.

                            Consuming GABA by itself, only yields a certain level of results. This is because orally ingested GABA does not pass the blood-brain barrier too easily. Think of this barrier as a filter between the blood vessels, and the actual cells of your brain. It only lets certain things get by, in order to protect the sensitive tissues of your brain.

                            Unfortunately, ethyl alcohol passes this barrier without delay or much impedance. Thats why you can feel the effects of a drink so quickly after drinking it.

                            Phenibut is basically a form of GABA, that has been engineered via molecular attachments, to pass the barrier as quickly and efficiently as alcohol does.

                            Thats a simple explanation of what it is. I have done a great deal of laymans study on neurotransmitters over the last several years, so a complete coverage of what the mechanisms are would take a book.

                            Suffice it to say, that the RJ program as I understand it, takes into consideration the benefits of amino acid supplementation in the treatment of overt alcohol desire and its damage. Phenibut is bascially GABA with a set of keys to get in the back door.

                            EDIT: This web page is especially significant to my case. Protracted abstinence after protracted drinking. It seems to make sense, even if I am not totally objective in this instance.



                              Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!


                              X..could you put that in laymen terms please. I really appreciate what appears to be a great deal of study on your behalf and I am very interested but are you saying that we should or should not be taking Topa.

                              I only want to rebalance my brain chemistry, not keep screwing it up with other wierd supplements. I think I understood you correctly. Or did I...
                              Every man has the right to tend to his garden.


                                Phenibut L-theanine: Thanks cv1!


                                I have no experience with, or knowledge of the effects of the Topamax drug. I cannot comment on it.

                                I endured the early days of my current abstinence without any prescription drugs whatsoever.

                                I can tell you that I used an intensive combination of exercise, similar supplements to RJ program, and meditation (see my Brain Waves and Booze thread in Holistic Healing section) , and just plain pig-headed determination to get through the first weeks. I became a member of this forum for long term recovery support.

                                Perhaps someone else here could comment on the possible detriment in using the phenibut in combination with Topamax.

