There is no such thing as anonymity on the internet ....
IAD commented on cash for clunkers ... I wonder if any of you have seen this :
Government watching your computer if you change your old car in ''cash for clunkers scheme''[/video]]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
another investigation into social networking sites .... but who is that friend you pm'd yesterday .... most of us are honest and true ...[/video]]investigation and[/video]]youtube public information
and last but not least, the most frightening of all ..... posting your photo's online .....[/video]]Photo's online - Susan
Did you know if you go online and let's say you see a nice picture of a dog you want to save ... what do you do ? You right click it and save it.
Try it on people's photo's the same thing happens ..... on an advert they usually have a long string of numbers and letters, that is to make it harder for a computer to scan and copy easily.... but try it with people you know .... what do most of us do ... we save it with the person's real name and maybe the date it was taken and/or the place it was taken .... and now I may have an idea of where you live or your real name ..... easy !!

Go and try it on mine in my profile, I have saved it with details so that you can see ... right click .... when it says save picture as : it will show my name, date it was taken and where the photograph was taken !!!!! Believe me now ?
I am not trying to scare people just reminding you all to be careful ... and if you don't care who sees you, then good for you ....
