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Weight gain, anyone?

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    Weight gain, anyone?


    i hope this topic won't be a downer to anyone, but i'm gaining weight as i follow the program. this weight disappeared when i fell off (or, more accurately, allowed myself off) the wagon last week in response to some upsetting events.

    today, i've had nothing to drink, i've eaten modestly, enjoyed many glasses of water (sorry, didn't count them), taken kudzu and the supplements and i've upped my dose of hoodia. last week when i lost the five pounds (a full dress size) i'd put on since beginning the program, i was drinking about 2 or 3 glasses of wine each day, eating as much as i wanted and not taking the supplements. i was also very depressed. as far as i know, depression doesn't cause weight loss unless one stops eating.

    does anyone know what might be going on with me? has this happened to anyone else? is there a solution?

    my best to everyone.


    Weight gain, anyone?

    I have put weight on too, so I think your body is just re-adjusting and you are getting the nutrients, that your body has been denied.

    I think I said this in a post last week because I mentioned that I had put on weight.
    That weight can always come off - but you cannot get a new liver !!!

    Just stick with it - it's a period of re-adjustment.

    Lots of love

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h


      Weight gain, anyone?

      Cross Post - Because I think it's important...

      E -

      At the risk of sounding a bit unkind - we've all given you our ideas regarding your weight gain. I think it's now time for you to put it into perspective and decide which is more important - a healthy life style with a clear head, renewed energy and a future or being thin and drinking yourself into a haze every night - just food for thought...
      Trish In Omaha

      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
      Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
      : Humility.

      "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


        Weight gain, anyone?

        Weight gain

        E, maybe you are eating more because you are in a healthier mode. Sometimes when we drink some of us tend not to eat at all because we are not thinking about it. Since I don't know all of the details, I can't say.

        I also noticed that you said "today, I " didn't drink, ate well, etc. Weight loss is not measured in days, even in weeks sometimes. It takes a longer period of time.

        I have been obsessed about my weight for the last 30 years, and it tends to be all or nothing for me. I've used the CDs to help me try to change my self image and not worry about the weight as much. 90% of it is in our head.

        Just some thoughts. Keep on doing what you know is healthy - the weight will take care of itself.



          Weight gain, anyone?

          Barb, thanks so much for your considered reply. I am totally flummoxed by a weight gain substantial enough that I have only a couple of items in my wardrobe that I can wear comfortably. I should note that I am very petite and small body so just a few pounds puts me in another dress size.

          Trish, as I've posted before, I've never been a heavy drinker. The reason I thought of joining this board is that I drink compulsively to counter shyness and anxiety. It doesn't matter that my drinking is only 0-3 glasses of wine per day. Thank you for your concern about my cognitive abilities and liver function but I have my liver enzymes tested yearly and they are always optimal. I do know that abdominal fat is hormonally active and I am at high risk for breast cancer. Hence, I would like to make use of the cds, supplements and, I had hoped, the inclusiveness of this community to learn to moderate my drinking to the point where it stops at a maximum of one glass of wine per day. In terms of energy, I as work as hard as anyone I know.

          Your comment about how "we've all given you our ideas" felt patronizing and it stung. My sincere question about the weight gain, alas, remains unanswered.



            Weight gain, anyone?

            E - did you read my post?

            Cos I am not drinking - I eat more, to replace the glass that was constantly in my hand... I suck sweeties, eat crisps ( candy and chips ) whereas I never did that before.... My body needs to find it's equilibrium again... and I suspect it is the same for you.

            I was size 10 US size 6 I think. now pushing size 12 ( US size 8 ) So yes I do not what you are going through... I wear a myriad of loose fitting tops - not attractive for me - but better than showing my love handles when wearing tight t-shirts.

            Right behind you.... just hang in there... It'll all be turn out well.

            Just think - back to being skinny again - and not drinking !!!! Wahey !

            Lots of love, and don't worry about it.

            ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

            Bambs aka Hydrogen

            :h XXX :h


              Weight gain, anyone?

              Hi Barb, I was always losing weight when I was drinking and gaining when I would abstain, but part of that is because alcohol is a diuretic as is coffee, so when I drank, I would have both coffee and alcohol, which are both diuretics.

              Since stopping drinking, I've really had to turn my body consumption of things around and like to put fresh lemon juice in my water but, I tend to retain ton's of water so I cut out sodium and bought some herb seasonings salt-free, and picked up some sea salt/celtic salt for the few times I use it as it reacts differently with your body ph level.

              I also had to force myself to drink about a gallon of water (120 oz) a day for a few days to get my body convinced that it didn't have to hold on to it.

              Other than that, cutting out sugar, wheat and dairy really also helped to get the weight off and get my body and metabolism working more smoothly.

              I hope this helps.

