I feel so grateful to have found MWO, and to have met all of you on this site. I feel as though I have friends out there, people whose thoughts and advice I can trust. Thank you, for each of you have literally been a life saver to me.
I actually found the thread in 2006, and when I suggested that this was the ?help? I was going to get, the person just laughed derisively and said it would never work.......of course, they knew nothing at all about MWO....but guess what? I listened, and another three years went by, with no action on my part taken to address the, to me, what was the embarrasing, shameful problem.
Three valuable years!!!
I have put that behind me now, and forgiven, if not forgotten?and of course, I am obviously, and by far, the one needing the forgiveness.......
It's just such a very great pity, that?s all.
And how often doesn?t this happen, not just in this instance, but with many great opportunities that pass one?s way.
Someone laughs at you, because they THINK they know better, when really, if they know anything at all, it is usually because ?someone?s Aunt, brother-in-law or neighbour said so? ....................................
And the opportunity just slips away.
When I look back over my life, it is usually the gut instinct feelings I?ve ignored, that I most regret. I think sometimes, we just need to trust and listen to our inner self more......or maybe it?s our guardian angels that are trying to guide us?
I often wonder too, what about all those poor people in the world who don?t have the means, or the access to a computer?
That is why, no matter what, for this privilage, for the MWO site, and for all of you, I feel blessed, and really do consider myself one of the fortunate few. And on a daily basis, I feel so grateful....
Thank you.