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Something to ponder....

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    Something to ponder....

    This has been on my mind for some time, so I wanted to share it with whoever wants to read it.

    I feel so grateful to have found MWO, and to have met all of you on this site. I feel as though I have friends out there, people whose thoughts and advice I can trust. Thank you, for each of you have literally been a life saver to me.

    I actually found the thread in 2006, and when I suggested that this was the ?help? I was going to get, the person just laughed derisively and said it would never work.......of course, they knew nothing at all about MWO....but guess what? I listened, and another three years went by, with no action on my part taken to address the, to me, what was the embarrasing, shameful problem.

    Three valuable years!!!

    I have put that behind me now, and forgiven, if not forgotten?and of course, I am obviously, and by far, the one needing the forgiveness.......

    It's just such a very great pity, that?s all.

    And how often doesn?t this happen, not just in this instance, but with many great opportunities that pass one?s way.

    Someone laughs at you, because they THINK they know better, when really, if they know anything at all, it is usually because ?someone?s Aunt, brother-in-law or neighbour said so? ....................................

    And the opportunity just slips away.

    When I look back over my life, it is usually the gut instinct feelings I?ve ignored, that I most regret. I think sometimes, we just need to trust and listen to our inner self more......or maybe it?s our guardian angels that are trying to guide us?

    I often wonder too, what about all those poor people in the world who don?t have the means, or the access to a computer?

    That is why, no matter what, for this privilage, for the MWO site, and for all of you, I feel blessed, and really do consider myself one of the fortunate few. And on a daily basis, I feel so grateful....

    Thank you.

    Something to ponder....

    Excellent post Birsd and defo something to ponder..thanks for posting!
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Something to ponder....

      Lovely post SunB

      I am a great believer in "when the time is right" .
      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


        Something to ponder....

        Thanks Oney and Deebee,

        Deebs, I'm also a believer in when the time is right. Its just hard when it delays the giving up AL process. I keep thinking why, what lesson is there in that delay.

        I think the lesson was possibly this:

        In utter despair, I always used to say in my head "God, please help me!"

        And a voice inside kept answering...."help yourself, sunbird"


          Something to ponder....

          Your signature, though, Deebs, is also profound:

          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            Something to ponder....

            sunbird;745603 wrote:
            When I look back over my life, it is usually the gut instinct feelings I?ve ignored, that I most regret. I think sometimes, we just need to trust and listen to our inner self more.....
            This is so true for me. Not listening to my instincts and intuition has caused some major problems in my life. Not choosing the way that I knew I should take. And then after many years of drinking I don't think I even recognized intuitive thoughts, or if they did occur, I'd just bury them or ignore them. It is taking some time to learn to listen to myself and trust my instincts. Quite a discovery!

            And yes, I discovered MWO over a year ago, but didn't stick around then. So, apparently I knew I needed to change, but again I wasn't paying attention to that part of me who recognized change was needed.

            Thanks for the post! I'm grateful to this community too.


              Something to ponder....

              Great post, Sunbird! I don't think I could add a thing to what you've said - you've said it all so well.

              Much love, Dance
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009


                Something to ponder....

                SunnyB, I have often chosen the more unorthodox ways of doing things.
                Now I tend to keep my mouth shut and maybe open up if things go well
                You are right about gut instincts, we must have the courage to go with them.
                I too am deeply indebted to the people on this site, without them I doubt I would be where I am now.
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Something to ponder....

                  Thank you for the beautiful post, Birdie. I can say, in all honesty, I owe this place, and the wonderful, caring, loving people here, my life.
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                    Something to ponder....

                    Wonderful post Sunbird, we are all blessed to have met such helpful and understanding people with whom to share our problems.


                      Something to ponder....

                      Thank you, Rubt and Opes!

