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having a rough go of it

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    having a rough go of it

    cuckoosnest83;747149 wrote: And Tawny it is cuckoo not cookoo.
    That was a typo. I'm so sorry

    It's just so nice to see old faces.

    Bashley appeared briefly recently also.

    (Oh ... and there's NO way I can comment on US politics.)


      having a rough go of it

      Cuckoo, I too joined about the time you did, left for a while came back briefly and then had a long hiatus. Not really trying hard to quit. I came back in April this year and found many new members and a few older ones that I remember.
      I am finally with the program and currently 6 months AF. First couple of times I was here, couldn't get past the 3-4 day mark, but each AF day was progress. Yes, we alcoholics can backslide or relapse if that is what you mean. It doesn't mean it is the end of the struggle, for us, it just means we need to get back on track. As was said, NEVER GIVE UP.

      Welcome back,



        having a rough go of it

        It is great to see old faces, Tawny. I do miss so many of the people that were on here when I first joined. Some of them I felt were not only friends but at times a life-line.

        Wine, you give me hope that I can do this. Congratulations on your 6 months AF. The success stories are always so wonderful to hear because it gives hope to us that haven't quite conquered this disease.

        Magic, glad to hear you are doing so well. I will tell Dave hi for you. Please tell Bashley hello and I will keep on posting dear Magic. Knowing you are lurking around the boards is reason enough to keep me here. Love, 95.


          having a rough go of it

          Dearest 77, 4716, 91.......
          It is wonderful to hear from you and Magic is here to tend the light - what can go wrong now. My, my, we are almost a 'Naked tribe'. It must have been the pelting rain outside that gave me an excuse to visit the forum today.
          I am so very sorry that you are still struggling with the millstone. I know that you can do this. I have no doubt at all. You owe it to yourself to let that joyful, lovely and precious Cuckoo come to life again. Sobriety is the ultimate gift that you can give to yourself. It is so worth the struggle!

          It has been well over 16 months since I took my last drink and so many very good things have happened to me. I too have implemented drastic changes. I am healthier, happier, more creative and for the most part pleasant to be with (I hope). In late summer I decided to take a years leave of absence to see how I might like permanent retirement. I have lived in my painters clothes since August and have loved every minute of it. I finished a major renovation and although it was hard work, I could barely wait to get out of bed in the morning to inflict more physical punishment on my elderly body. It was fun - plain and simple - and I could not have made it through a fraction of the work with a hangover.
          I am happy to hear that Dave and Bashley are well. What is Dave working on right now? And Hippie, my congratulations. 7 months - that is awesome.
          I have kept in touch, via email, with a couple of dear friends from the forum who actually seem to enjoy corresponding with me. Often, in a quiet moment I think of many of you whom I have not heard from and wonder how you are doing and if life is kind to you all.
          Cuckoo, hang in there; there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it does not have to be a train.
          Many hugs and good wishes,
          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


            having a rough go of it

            Hi Cuckoo! It's wonderful to see you. Never give up. As long as you are alive, there is hope. For me, I need to surround myself with sober things. Longer timers who give me hope that I too can remain sober for the long haul. New people looking for sobriety who keep my appreciation for my sober life very fresh. And most specially, watching the miracle of sobriety happen for people who have struggled so long and hard to find it. And those miracles DO happen among us every day. I hope your miracle is next.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              having a rough go of it

              Dear Lori, it is so good to hear from you. With both you and Magic here it makes me feel like the "Naked Tribe" lives on. Thank you so much for your words of comfort. I remember shortly after you left Lenair you posted about your experience there. The peace and serenity you were feeling emanated in that thread. How happy I am to read your words where that peace and serenity still emanate and how happy I am for you that you not only achieved sobriety but have been courageous and strong enough to maintain it for close to 1 1/2 years. As for Dave, he is still creating and the last I talked with him was happy in his career. His job entailed some traveling which he enjoyed fully.

              Doggygirl , thank you for your words of support. You are simply amazing as I have read some of your journal and I am totally inspired by your success. The name Doggygirl serves you well, in your doggedness to achieve your goals.

              The success stories of those who have posted on this thread are a bright spot to those of us who still grapple with this demon. It also gives hope that it is an attainable goal. Thank each of you for your words of support, comfort, and encouragement.


                having a rough go of it

                Cuckoo, I don't consider my six months AF as having "conquered the disease". I know I have to be vigilant at all times and this is only the beginning of a lifelong journey.
                You have to want sobriety more than anything and work hard to get past the cravings that are so strong at the beginning. good luck to you



                  having a rough go of it

                  Winefree, 6 months is an amazing beginning and I like to think that each day that passes makes you stronger and makes it easier to live a sober life. I do want to be sober and I am willing to fight for it. Getting past the cravings and the self-talk will be very difficult but I know it is worth it.


                    having a rough go of it

                    Hay Cuck.........fighting this problem is a life long thing. One day that your sober is better than one day that your not. Keep fighting Cuck.......Lots of us will take a little time off from posting and get on with our lives...(Sober) Others Backslide.....and eventually come back. The key word here is coming back ! Keep fighting....your a winner if you keep fighting ! So glad to here from you ...missed you on word association..Ha! IAD
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      having a rough go of it

                      Hey IAD, it is good to be back but you may be sorry on the word association game. Ha!!!

