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having a rough go of it

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    having a rough go of it

    I've been on this site for two years and these past 3 months I have been having a very rough go of it. When I first joined I had a lot of support and was able to make big strides in not drinking, now I feel I am back sliding. Irish Lady started a thread comparing getting sober to a swimming pool and that some of us will never make it. I'm beginning to think I am one of the ones who won't make it. So many of the people that were on this site when I first joined are no longer posting, and I wonder what has become of them. When someone no longer posts do we just forget them? I worry what has happened to them. Have they achieved sobriety or are they floundering as I am. Afraid to post because they have not succeeded.

    having a rough go of it

    Hey Cuckoo, I know some people have achieved their goals and don't feel the need to be here so often - true successes. Maybe some have stopped trying temporarily (or for good)..but really that's not important....what is important is that YOU are here giving it another go - remember, as long as you are still fighting, you haven't failed. Giving up altogether is the only real failure.
    Good to see you back, mate.



      having a rough go of it

      The harsh reality is, that people all over the world are dying from alcoholism or some chronic illness brought about by years of alcohol abuse. Whether you become one of those statistics is down to one person and one person only. We can give up and take the easy route out and stick with our familiar ways followed by a painful and slow death no doubt. Or we can take the route we've never traveled before which is fraught and long but will gradually take away our fears and insecurities followed by a sense of worth and belonging (NO doubt about it!).

      Cucks you have been a dear friend to me from way back when I started here. The help and advice you gave me when I was struggling and particularly surrounding my 'relationship' breakdown with dolphin was priceless and extremely comforting. You have so much more to offer if you could only see that potential within yourself away from this self pitying mood you have gotten locked into.

      It's quite strange because another person here who I hadn't heard from in a long long time contacted me the other day through a pm and it made me reminisce a bit and think of you! I am really sorry to hear you are backsliding but sometimes we just need to muster as much courage as we can from somewhere and face our fears and do the opposite of what we want to do. If nothing changes, nothing changes!

      I celebrated 9 months clean and sober on Sunday cucks and I've done that only by making radical changes in my life and my thinking in order for me to become the man I am becoming today. Don't become a statistic my friend and live your life. I love you dearly.

      Love and Light
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        having a rough go of it

        That was beautifully stated, Hippie! Cuckoo, I've known you since March when you joined one of our threads for awhile. I often think of you and hope you are doing well. I have been concerned for you because you quit posting. I am SO glad to see you back at it! Please, don't EVER give up giving up. And don't compare yourself to others. You are an individual and what matters is you taking the action for yourself. I am still here. I am still making mistakes, but I am in it to win it. You must be, too! Much love to you.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          having a rough go of it

          Cuckoo you have been around for so long and been a big part of this little community of ours. We have all had our ups and downs and feelings of hoplessness. It can and will get better but, you have to want it honey. Sometimes that means digging deep.

          I hate it when people disappear too but, such is life. Lets hang on to eachother and live for a better day.
          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


            having a rough go of it

            Chin up, cuckoo.

            Just keep forging ahead, however small and faltering your steps may seem right now. We all must ride the storm when the going gets tough. So you`ve hit a rough patch..........we`ve all been there, just don`t overthink it and it`ll pass. And whatever you do, don`t for one minute think that you are doomed as regards the drink, just keep telling yourself that you can, aloud, affirmation style (even if you doubt your own words at this time ) and you will come out the other end of this tough time. Be kind to yourself, but also be a little tough on yourself and it`ll all come right.

            Through your post, I can all but feel the strength of your will to be sober. Believe in yourself. :l

            Star x
            Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


              having a rough go of it

              "I have not failed. I’ve just found ten thousand ways that won’t work." - Thomas Edison

              Keep searching, Cuckoo!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                having a rough go of it

                Hi Cuckoo,

                There is still a lot of support available here even if it comes from newer members!
                I'm feeling strong & have met my goal of being AF, so I am happy to offer my hand to you in friendship & support. Please feel free to PM me if you like.

                We have a great thread going 'Operation October' - please join us. We have been successfuly breaking the month down into weekly AF goals. There's lots of strong people there, willing to help

                Wishing you strength!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  having a rough go of it

                  Thank you all so much for your words of support. They truly touched me and again made me realize the love and support that can be found on this site. I'm sorry I have stayed away. Something personal happened to me in July which I think precipitated this back slide and I have found it hard to get grounded again. Coming back here I think will help. I want to thank each of you for the offers of friendship, support, and the encouraging words you have given me. In addition to the words of support, I need to thank Hippie for his small kick in the arse about me being locked in a "self-pitying mood". When I logged on today I tried to change my mood from sad to determined because that is how I feel now. Again thank you for caring.


                    having a rough go of it

                    Hi 36!

                    m. xxx
                    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                    I am in the next seat.
                    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                      having a rough go of it


                      Coockoo AND magic!

                      Lovely to see you both.


                        having a rough go of it

                        Don't quit quitting, Cuckoo. You are too important, to this place and the world. Each of us makes some difference if we try, but sometimes it seems hopeless. It isn't. When I see Phil, I want to sing!
                        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                          having a rough go of it

                          Dear Ruby, thank you for your kind words and I was remiss in not congratulating Hippie on his 9 months of sobriety. I am so very proud and happy for him and appreciate you reminding me of his success.

                          Tawny, thank you for your welcome back. Look forward to hearing from you on the political issues here in the US.

                          Magic, remember it isn't 36 but 4716. You bring tears to my eyes. I was reading the book you sent me just last week. I use the postcard of the rabbit as a bookmark. You are one of the original group I referred to in this first post. I miss you and I miss our group. Dave and I keep in contact on a somewhat regular basis.


                            having a rough go of it

                            And Tawny it is cuckoo not cookoo.


                              having a rough go of it

                              I wish I had some magical words of wisdom for you, my sweet, but I don't.

                              I remember those threads, they were a lot of fun. We shared tears AND laughter.

                              I have been sober many years, now. When I first joined MWO I had been sober a long time but although
                              I may have been alcohol free I still struggled with life on a daily basis while I learned to live with sobriety.
                              I learned a lot here, in these pages, that I could never have learned elsewhere.
                              I still fight with depression but I have a good, real life, support system and I'm doing OK.

                              I met my soulmate, and probably the love of my life, on this board. That still amazes me.

                              I think that you have gotten some great advice already, and Congratulations to Phil on those 9 months! Like Phil, I made some drastic but necessary changes not only in myself but with in my environment.

                              Say Hello to David for me. It's becoming winter here and I've gotten my red winter jacket out of the closet. My Calla Lily pin is on the collar.

                              Bashley is well and high a top a mountain digging in the dirt. I've sent word for you.

                              I"m glad you're back, my lovely. It's the darkness too, isn't it. And then you have Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's a hard time.

                              So, self care it is then. Be good to you.

                              I'll get the light,

                              m. xxx
                              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                              I am in the next seat.
                              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir

