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Trying to believe

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    Trying to believe

    Like many others I have no perspective, words of wisdom, or grace to offer to you, just my support, appreciation of the person you are and the kindness you have ALWAYS shown to others on this site, and many hugs for what you are going through.

    May you be well and find as many peaceful moments as you possibly can. :l


      Trying to believe

      Sometimes my son will just burst out with a Disney saying ... "Dreams DO come true ...!!!"

      And that is so cool. But sad, too, because my days are spent trying to understand what his dreams might be.

      In school this week, his class was painting pumpkins. You know, big eyes and teethy smiles.

      He painted his .... orange.

      You've helped me tremendously, Rusty. I dare say you've helped many.

      I don't have answers for you. But I can hold your hand if you want along the way. I wish you only the best. You are wise to pay attention to your inner sense.



        Trying to believe

        Thank you for all of the kind words that have been spoken on this is so easy to give support and a offer of friendship here...there are so many souls just trying to make it through the day.
        Kate is right I do have walls up to protect myself....if there were a support group here I am sure I would have joined by now...but this is a small community and there is none....and I have been to the online support group groww. It has been helpful but I just have not found my place there yet....
        I will not drink today or tomorrow and maybe this is what I have to learn to play it forward. maybe misters son is right "Dreams do come true" memory of Lance.......
        :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


          Trying to believe

          Could there be?

          Dearest Rusty,

          It was so nice to see you last night in chat and I have been holding thoughts of you close in my heart today. Thank you for sharing your son's name...Lance. I wonder if there could be or has ever been a support group here for those who have lost loved ones? Maybe a special regular chat or thread or something. I'm just thinking out loud, I guess, because I have read others grieving the loss of someone close.

          Blessings to you. :l


            Trying to believe

            Rusty, I cannot add anything that hasn't already been said by the fabulous people here ........... but here is another hand being held out if you need it :l

            You are a very strong lady and I admire your strength .........

            Big Big BB hugs xxx


              Trying to believe

              Rusty, I just want to give you a hug eventhough I know it wont help u any right now. You are grieving the most horrendous grief and please do what you need to do to let it out, perhaps a few counselling sessions might help u somewhat. Please post here as often as u need to and feel free to PM me anytime. This lyric I found particularly healing for me, I hope it helps you:l


                Trying to believe

                Thinking of you Rusty ... Hang on ....
                Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                Author Unknown :h

                AF - Sept 4, 2012
                10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                  Trying to believe

                  Im so sorry for the loss of your son Lance this must be the worst think a parent can go through. My son does skateboarding i know it will always be in his blood, know matter how old he gets.. I think griving goes in diffferent stages,,,it takes time, I think sometimes the feelings of how we feel of a loss one can get trap inside, it hard to let it out. Its good to keep yourself busy but dont over do it spend time talking to someone on how you Really feel inside. You are a strong person, my thoughts and prays are with you.
                  You say about Dreams come true, hope you dont mind but here is a song about skateboarding it called ...Heaven is A Halfpipe.... I know your son is skateboarding up there And looking down at you and being very proud of his mum . Big :l from me.x

        [/video]]YouTube - OPM-Heaven Is A Halfpipe
                  Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                  sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                  my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


                    Trying to believe

                    Rusty, u know I luv you. And usually when things happen I tell myself they happen for a reason, but when one loses someone in matters such as this........I know no words of comfort nor could I accept them.

                    All I can tell you is you are luved, respected and heck even liked once you get past all your darn being such a good, true person. :l


                      Trying to believe


                      No words are coming to my mind, only tears to my eyes at trying to imagine the pain you are going thru. :lray::l
                      Finally Free


                        Trying to believe

                        Catch22..the very first time I ever heard that song was at my son's will always have a very special meaning to my children and myself......Lances ashes is in the ink on my daughters tatoo...the words are "Heaven is a halfpike".......thank you for the memory....
                        :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


                          Trying to believe

                          Oh Rusty,

                          I just found this thread now!!
                          You are such an incredibly strong person, I had no idea in chat today of your pain.
                          You're in my thoughts and prayers.

                          Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
                          Sir Walter Scott


                            Trying to believe

                            now i feel like i have been lost .. i just now seen this thread
                            rusty a reason to smile is knowing i have a friend like you.. big big cyber hugs to you my dear friend
                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              Trying to believe

                              Rusty, I haven't been on this site for awhile, but I think of you often. You've made a difference to me and a lot of other people here. I can't imagine what you have gone through, just wanted to tell you that you are not alone, and I think the world of you.


                                Trying to believe

                                Ahhh Rusty big hugs. You have been through so much and always come out on top. Believe in yourself. I am here anytime if you want to talk.
                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

