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Not drinking in social situations

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    Not drinking in social situations

    Hi everybody,

    I was wondering if any of you have some suggestions or experience in not drinking at social events? My only coping skill consists of staying away from people that drink which happens to be my working pals and lifelong friends.

    I think if we put our heads together we can come up with a guideline to help us cope and understand our triggers.
    Here's a couple of thoughts -
    Set a time limit on how long you think you can handle the situation.
    Bring lots of chewing gum to keep mouth occupied.

    I recall reading a blurb on your favorite non-alcohol beverage, but how about a listing of bar drinks that don't have alcohol; one I can think of is a Shirly Temple any suggestions?


    Not drinking in social situations

    Last year I managed 7 months without drinking (unfortunately lapsed now)
    During that period I was at a party where for some unknown reason everyone seemed to want to encourage me to drink.
    In the end I said - I love to drink - but it makes me dance on tables - flirt with husbands and then puke - so I would rather not - after that they all left me alone


      Not drinking in social situations

      Wow seven months that's quite a bit of time. I know what you mean by everyone wanting you to drink, that's my fear breaking down to peer pressure, or my own. I'm just so sick of feeling like crap when I was younger I didn't get hangovers, but I do now and they last for days! I recall trying all sorts of remedies and this past year was resorting to loratabs for the hangovers, not good.

      Keep thinking about ideas to help us manage the upcoming holiday.


        Not drinking in social situations

        Hello spacie:

        For what it's worth. A few months ago, I went on a trip with the boss, and that evening I was supposed to meet with the division president. It was at a bar. Oh God! The last place I needed to be, and I tried to get out of it, but my boss said we three needed to get together on a major issue.

        So that evening, I girded my self, and gritted my teeth, and walked into the bar. There sat my boss, and I ordered OJ. Just plain OJ! The division president came in, and then began the biz talk. High stress. Both my boss and the prez started hammering the beers, and it was a bit rough for me seeing them guzzle it with impunity.

        I drank about 6 glasses of OJ I think, but made it! The discussion at one point even turned to why I was staying AF, and I just said I was doing some athletic stuff, and I needed to avoid the alcohol to maximize my results. It was the absolute truth in my eyes, because I am exercising vigorously as of late. That was it, and luckily no more questions asked. For a guy in my position, it seems as though alcohol is a necessary and traditional ingredient of the hard core biz talk. My new attitude is that alcohol is a detriment to any clear and responsible decision making, so I'll buck the tradition, and be sober.


          Not drinking in social situations

          Club soda and lime
          lemon aid and clubsoda or sprite

          A good dose of Kudzu before you go....


            Not drinking in social situations

            One of my favorite non-alcoholic drinks at a bar is -
            Sprite or 7-up
            Orange Juice
            Splash of Cranberry Juice

            Don't know what it would be called, but it tastes sooooo good


              Not drinking in social situations

              tonic water with lime . the secret to this game is that they dont know you are not drinking any good bartender knows this. tonic does not become to sweet or to filling. it makes you look the same and trust me after a few they wont know anyway. a bartender is supposed to be like your priest both ways drinking or not.


                Not drinking in social situations

                oh by the way i know this... many bartenders in my family. sounds so simple doent it? wish i had learned it.


                  Not drinking in social situations

                  Another "excuse" is that you're on medication (like antibiotics) and you're not supposed to drink while taking them. That usually helps peeps leave you alone.

                  Many people also don't drink now, and will just order a Perrier with lime or something like that. I like diet ginger ale, which bars often don't have. Grrrrrr. So I will just have a diet coke, since they often don't have caffeine free diet coke either. Grrrr. (I don't drink caffeine after noon!!) It takes courage at first, but some people just say, "I don't drink."

                  Changeling, I love your line!!! That's a great one!! LOL!

                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Not drinking in social situations

                    hi kathy how are you!! had to track you down through your old post's!! sorry but i just wanted to say hi,i'm kinda strugglin at the moment and gone back to my old ways,hope i can chat with you soon you were a diamond when i was last chattin with you! hope you're doin ok.x


                      Not drinking in social situations

                      i logged in this morning because i lapsed last night - the first time since august. I feel really bad. I'd been so good, just one drink one evening, shared a bottle another evening - the best thing was not drinking on the following nights. Now i'm afraid again. Afraid that i'll be back to where i was. how is it done? that's a silly question really, because I know you only have to say 'no'. Why is it so very difficult? do others lapse and then get back on the straight and narrow. Coping strategies. Will i be struggling with this for the rest of my life? It's scary.



                        Not drinking in social situations

                        Club soda and lime, or a virgin bloody mary. People have no idea, I am not drinking alcohol. However if they do figure it out, and ask, I just say....I don't feel like drinking tonight. I love what Mike said to say..."I have had enough", isn't that great?!
                        By the way, I find it fun not to drink, and sit back and observe the effect of alcohol on people. I can only imagine how silly I looked when I was loaded.


                          Not drinking in social situations

                          How bout o'dools in a glass. I'm not sure if the AF beer would give me the craving? anyone have any ideas?
                          Starting over again 09/06/11

                          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober


