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    When things are going well, theres no better feeling.
    Can you keep your camel toe crossed too? Ta :-)
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009



      lilmea;763392 wrote: Anglecakes-I hope your friends don't mind me popping in and wishing you the best of luck on your job offer. Perfect everything sounds pretty great to me. And Congratulations on 24 af days!

      from your friend who is a day behind and across a big pond.
      All welcome here darlink...
      You just have to have the prerequisite bizarre sense of humour
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19



        and another shout from across the pond angel, hope it all works out for you
        life is simple its just not easy



          startingover;763409 wrote: When things are going well, theres no better feeling.
          Can you keep your camel toe crossed too? Ta :-)
          I'll keep mine crossed for ya Angel! :H
          Sounds..... perfect!!



            Hi Peeps !
            I've got a case of the Hippy Dippy Happy's today too. YAY US !
            I tell you what Angel, you've got me thinken thinken thinken girl.I COMPLETELY get the confidence over compensation thing. TOTALLY. (Stop shouting Bridget) I just wish I had your Jimmy addiction.
            The finances are the next Jones household project. My Lush-ly ways have landed me in a bit of debt. I have never been in debt before, apart from my mortgage. Trouble is I've effectively drunk 'the boy' into a situation too.
            Anyway as Angel said , it's do-able, and can only get better.
            Nice to see you Starty ( I typed 'Tarty' then :H) I hope your week is going so much better.:H
            Aspy, you are one of those rare types who hit the ground running and just keep going. I love everyday I log in here and see you still powering along.
            G man, how the hell is the new job going. Still flogging it ?
            Hi Tawny.................and she's gone..............
            And how is Tipperoony going this fine day/night ?
            Time to scrub the shitter out of Le Maison.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19



              Morning all,
              sorry but I have'nt had time to read back yet well not properly anyway
              Wavey I hope you are feeling better today hon.
              Good luck Angel
              Thanks Bridge for your kind words
              I am on day 2 now and going strong, I aam still really peed off about father-in-law, he stayed in my house for a whole week, and I was so nice to them and ran around after them like a headless chicken and he said that my house is to nosy (sp) what does he expect with 3 young boys in the house then just before he went he came right up to my face and said to me that I was a fu*king bitch, he is a lovely bloke....NOT, but anyway I have the last laugh as he will never see his grandchildren ever again, I did'nt know that some people could be so nasty!!!!
              Anyway thats my rant for the day,
              I hope all you lovely people have a great day
              :dancin: enguin:
              starting over



                Wow Ronnie,
                he sounds like a total PIG!
                You go girl!!


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                  it is a novel or the background reading that I need to do for a report that I need to write this week has yet to be decided!!
                  Organisme de credit immobilier maison de credit en ligne | Organisme de credit a la consommation rachat | organisme de credit en ligne


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                    byebyebridgetjones;763439 wrote: Hi Peeps !
                    I've got a case of the Hippy Dippy Happy's today too. YAY US !
                    Hmmm...I think G has put something in the water!!
                    Ronnie - that is aweful - thank goodness they live overseas!
                    I have interview on Thursday morning...I'm a bit nervous...I hate nervous...

                    I wish that spammer would F*** OFF


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                      Whenever you see one of those morons, just hit the triangle thingie and report them. The mods usually disappear them pretty quickly.


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                        Holy snappin' dog poop. It's 5pm, the Blunnies are off. Apart from coming inside for the odd fag, I've been at it for 10 hours. That's plain ridiculous. I now know that it's 70 big paces down hill to the mulch pile; I know that one barrow of mulch equals 23 big shovels-full; I know that it's another 70 paces back up the hill - do that 15 times ... blah blah blah. Add an hour of hand mowing and some more weeding and dead-heading and ... I know. Tell someone who cares.

                        I'm rooted - and not in a nudge-nudge-wink-wink way. A shower and some food may help.

                        I may contribute something useful to this thread later on. Or I may not.


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                          Geez Tawns...completely buggered no-doubt. Somebody's gonna sleep like a log tonight...


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                            tawnyfrog;763481 wrote: Whenever you see one of those morons, just hit the triangle thingie and report them. The mods usually disappear them pretty quickly.
                            Triangle thingy is now officially hit.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                              tawnyfrog;763524 wrote: Holy snappin' dog poop. It's 5pm, the Blunnies are off. Apart from coming inside for the odd fag, I've been at it for 10 hours. That's plain ridiculous. I now know that it's 70 big paces down hill to the mulch pile; I know that one barrow of mulch equals 23 big shovels-full; I know that it's another 70 paces back up the hill - do that 15 times ... blah blah blah. Add an hour of hand mowing and some more weeding and dead-heading and ... I know. Tell someone who cares.

                              I'm rooted - and not in a nudge-nudge-wink-wink way. A shower and some food may help.

                              I may contribute something useful to this thread later on. Or I may not.
                              Good to see the word "rooted" put in the right context finally.... My dog has been snappin poop all day currently on a little barkers egg hunt at the moment easter every day in my place OH the joy


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                                Yes Ronster. I've had a little situation here this afternoon too. A virtual tsunami of 'he said....she said's ' have errupted amongst some friends.
                                Despite my best efforts I've found myself involved. I don't do petty, and am having trouble maintaining my attention span on the thing. When this guy left, having dumped a load on me, and at times insinuated that I am a liar it could have gone either way.
                                Now....Bridget has a choice......she could become invested in other people's bollocks and fuck off to the Bottle-O or she could make good on a few promises she's made to herself.
                                1. Be an autonomous, confident, quietly acheiving mature adult (Thanks Angel )
                                2. Stay cleaned up and wake up feeling great tomorry.Ner Ner nee ner ner shithead.(Thankyou G force )
                                That bloke's going to scuttle back to his nice safe relationship and feel great about himself in the morning.
                                I'm the one that'd have my head in the dunny hating myself.
                                I know I pratt on endlessly lately,but the (longwinded) lesson I'm taking from this is that other people's shit is just that.
                                Me first. I'll help others if/when I can.
                                Meanwhile Tawny has spent a day with her mulch, and hasn't taken crap from any one :H
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

