Off to my day, which you guys already spent, so, be good to yourselves, and remember to come back tomorrow, no matter what happens today.
No announcement yet.
Off to my day, which you guys already spent, so, be good to yourselves, and remember to come back tomorrow, no matter what happens today.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
We're allowed to be angry. We're giving up a B I G part of our lives, and it takes time. We just have to hope we have that time. And, Waves, good apology.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
I'd start with a 1/4 early afternoon and another 1/4 at around 6pm for a few days and see how you go..
I'm six foot one and did a half, 3 times a day and felt wired and really strange...What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....
Wavey, I understand big guys. I have one. You're gonna get there, and be more handsome than ever!sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Morning you lot,
Wavey and Ficks - hang on in there. Fickle - having checked No-Bender thread this morning, but hope you are still posting there. I feel like what I've done in the past is let my pride and embaressment stop me from getting back into a thread if I''ve been posting on it and feeling strong and then falling from a great height. Its over - move on.
And Reg - slap on the back from me. Punch in the arm too.
Feeling extraordinarily virtuous here. We had one of our regular Friday night work BBQ/drinks last night and I wasn't even tempted. Got up early this morning, at the pool by 6am to swim 1600m, then a 27 min run/walk. And it is only 8:15!!! Except now I feeel like going back to bed!
Hope everyone has a good day - kittens have their first vaccination this morning, then I'm going to get fruit for the Xmas cake, and the joys of an underarm wax this afternoon .......!!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Morning Mame, and all to come,
Mame, i think Reggie's got some leftover wax! Great going, and what a start to the weekend for you.
C'mon Fick's, pump it up girl! I want to hear your plan for the week.
Did Jonesy have a date or something last night? Life perhap's?....;-)
Good to see you around Waves. I know you'll get there. There is no other way than up, and with summer coming, what a great time to ditch the soul sucking, vibe destroying, lazy, hopeless, useless, time wasting life of the booze, and grab life by the feckin' ball's, alcohol free style!
Have a great w/kend folk's
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
G'day Tip! Good to see you mate. Gonna be a beautiful day here, around 28c. Yeehaw!
I was going to direct this to Reggie, but it applies to all of us who are off the turp's, i think, and that is, a read, or re-read of the spiel on......'gratitude vs. deprivation' thinking, in the 'toolbox' thread. It's just a nice little booster, and again, food for thought.
That is all. Life beckon's. Take care.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Morning all,
Yup, it'll be in the 30's up here and I'm feeling mighty virtuous too because I've already spent an hour watering stuff.
For the 'off the turps" people - another really good read are posts by a member called xtexan. He wrote some damn fine chronicles of his journey into AFdom.
Mame - you must be fitter than a Mallee bull.
Oh, and Fickle - where exactly, in the house of an alcoholic, does one find stale beer?
Achieve something good today, people.
Bonne Stuffen.
hi all, day 13 AF here and i have a shocking headache. Im about to drink some water, so dont say it
I had the same thoughts tawny, what exactly IS stale beer? I dont recall leting it sit that long.AF since 10/26/2009
It will be five years sober 10/26/2014
Waving_not_drowning;751737 wrote: I'd start with a 1/4 early afternoon and another 1/4 at around 6pm for a few days and see how you go..
Mame, you were spot on about my being too embarrassed to post in the Nobender thread - I'm even finding it hard to keep up with this one now I'm back at work. I'm not certain whether I've avoided the bender or not but I'm thinkin borderline. How much is too much is always a grey area for me.
I had one of those big feast nights last night with too much food & wine (overdid the bonne stuffen) but am feeling fairly floaty and blissful today. I constantly ponder the fickle convolutions of my mind/emotions when it comes to AL. It really is a challenge for me when I am AF and feeling 'normal'. It is really hard to just BE especially if I get uncomfortable about anything. There is always the 'something else' I am accustomed to moving towards. The term HABIT can be viewed as large or small.. especially in the scheme of other things. My Dr seems to think it mere piffle in context of having dropped the painkillers and thinks anxiety is my main issue. I however think the anxiety is also a bit of a habit left over from megga bad days & evil embuggerances which I hope will be passing now given time.
So, Mr G, plan for the day is to take my little dog Oscar to the vet to get his wound checked, buy a tiny amount of beer for my snails (indeed Tawny it needs to be purchased specially). I am doing nothing more complicated than housework after that interspersed with music or a good book. Plan not to indulge in festive extremes tonight and try to get an early night. Wishing everyone a beautiful spring afternoon/evening. :l
Ha ha - got the cats vaccinated to find that we had got 2 of the boys and girls mixed up and it turns out that Xena is actually Xerxes!! Which is funny because s/he is such as princess and the one that we mistakenly thought was a boy is the staunchest and most active! What a thing to have on your conscience - hope they dont end up with a gender identity crisis!! :exclaim2:
Tawny - dont know what a Mallee Bull is, but if my level of fitness is similar, then it is obviously a large, slow and lumbering creature, but with a high degree of stubborness , tempered with large amounts of slothfullness!! (and funnily enough I'm a Taurean!!)
Fick - one of the reasons I am going to keep posting on No-bender (even if I'm the only one posting!!)) is because I wanted a place to write about the days when I'm feeling strong, the days when I'm feeling crap, and everything in between. More than just a daily "check in" (although sometimes thats all I've got time for) but somewhere to put down all the things that I am thinking (because like many, I'm thinking about alcohol, or doing things to avoid alcohol, or conscious of it in some way or another, most of my waking time). I know what you mean about finding it haard to keep up sometimes though - at the moment I have three threads that I read every day (this one, No-Bender, and monthly abstinence). Only look at others as time allows.
Aspman - how was the heartbeat?!! Must have been so joyful for you both!!
Off to make potato salad and something greeen ...... we are trying to get rid of odd contents of the freezer in anticipation of Xmas and discovered some BBQ meat from last year that we are going to work our way through!!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe