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    ChickenNumber3;754787 wrote: Thanks tips!

    so jut buy some tabacco and sprinkle over huh?
    A Tip a Day
    Keeps the Bugs at Bay...

    No: you buy a fine tobacco powder from a nursery / garden centre / co-op. Same section where you buy compost & fertilisers. Sprinkle around stems of plants, and if possible, work gently into the soil (might be difficult with your seedlings - so just sprinkle around them, but it can be used to protect much larger beds of plants, too).

    Buying tobacco (the real stuff) is a way of killing yourself - just slower (he says as he lights up cigarette 25 for the day)
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009



      Morning all - geez, quiet night last night??

      I say NO to special gardening thread. It would set a nasty precedent. The campanologists, whip crackers and students of Esperanto would also insist on their own threads. *** shudder ***

      Sorry about your hives and bloodless body, Chook. Must make you forgetful - you've already been told - stale beer kills slugs.

      Best part of the morning, still cool. I'm outta here. vroooom.



        Morning all!
        The cool of the morning indeed. Ahhh.... Been very warm around these part's folk's.
        Think of how great you feel without a hangover, Chook, and all that quality time you're missing with your family, watching them grow. What's your plan? (and sorry about your hives, shaved banana skins apparently help).
        Hope all is well folk's!

        Have a great day.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



          Oh, and Fick's,
          so you want to marry Wavey? I am slightly affronted! Well now, the least you could do is hire me as stripper for ya hen's night. That way, i might get lucky........(out of pity!).............;-)

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



            morning all, hope all are well.
            had a nice idea yesterday, the misses and i are having secret picnic. I know where we are going as im the driver, she has sorted the food and the babys stuff and has kept me in the dark about food etc.
            think i got the better deal.
            we are going the a state forest near here, it is lovley.

            *waves to all*
            AF since 10/26/2009

            It will be five years sober 10/26/2014



              Morning Folk.
              People....Chook has CHIVES not HIVES........keep UP.......:H
              Okely Dokely, if everyone's happy with the gardeners pratting on here, so am I. Just thought we might be harrassing folk who aren't fussed on green stuff. Personally I could sit round and talk shite about plants all day.:H
              What herb are you looking at there Fickle ? I love my herbs.
              Great articles by Jackie French by the way.
              If you marry Wavey, can I be bridesmaid ? They ALWAYS get 'some'.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19



                Morning youse........
                Ficks - I've just spent ages reading about groves...I want a cottage, in a valley, where I can make groves & grow fruit 'n stuff...I'm inspired lady - THANKYOU. Now to convince MrCakes....
                Chook - I find Day 3 - 5 the hardest but others have said it and it's true...if you can get through that it gets easier. Set goals, makes plans - you know the drill mate, maybe set mini goals to a week or something. (Oh,and sorry about your hives :H) What was that?? Oh CHIVES - well good for those.
                Ficks - I wanna come to the hens night (personally I think men look better clothed) but I hear the stripper's hot hot hot. And I wanna set Bridge up with him. QUANDRY: How DO 2 people get together when there's no alcohol involved
                Actually, I think Aspman's got it...what a sweetie...and what with all the babies both here & on the way clearly someones at it!!!

                I'm taking Mr4 to orientation day at the local primary today - he starts school next year.
                Feeling pretty awesome on Day 12...I didn't think I was depressed before but now I'm starting to feel like maybe I was a teeny bit. And I'm very reluctant to admit this because I don't want to give up booze altogether, forever. Why would I feel such an alliance with something so negative??


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                  Angelcakes;755055 wrote: Morning youse........

                  Why would I feel such an alliance with something so negative??
                  Good question you think we might be a bit scaredy cat because life has revolved around booze and related activities.... but where from here ? Surely it gets easier when you've built a life that DOESN'T revolve round grog and you've got a new reference point (these are questions for me as well, Y'know?)
                  And about Mr's very hard to realise that you are depressed when you're in the middle of it (in my experience). It's only when you come out the other side that you get some perspective on the thing. Dangerous scenario really. Must stop a lot of people seeking help.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                    I'm SOOOO glad that we have positively clarified that I don't have HIVES!

                    Angel- I wonder why I am so attached also? But I guess that is the nature of addiction huh, that it doesn't make sense...if it did, then it would mean that we could use logic to beat it!

                    I will beat this thing eventually,soon hopefully! I went back over the toolbox last night and got a few more pointers in the old brain again! But I feel strongly that ,for me anyway, it has alot to do with not getting the right mindset still, the whole feeling deprived thing is still there! I need to change my mental gears and shift into gratification mode..but can't find the way as yet!

                    Tawny-some how I missed the stale beer part!!*how did that happen*
                    I am thinking that as Mr Chook drinks beer that I will find it more convenient to do this then go looking for Tips' tobacco powder,(will keep it as a weopon though Tip-thanks) that is if he leaves any to go stale:H

                    Swimming lessons today with wee Chick 2! Not feeling like it at all with this blurry cold I have going on..but have paid for it already ($175.00 for 1/2hr lessons once a week for one term),so got to keep chugging along..urgh!!!!!

                    May the world be free of embuggerance today for you all!!!


                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                      Morning all
                      Bridge thanks for the pic. that plant looks lovely, me thinks I will get one of those, it will look great at the back, does it need alot of looking after as I have'nt got green fingers (not yet anyway)
             12 days, you are doing great, keep it up girlie
                      asp...secret picnic, that sounds great, what a good idea
                      Right I have got to go and sort my boys out for school, a BIG hello to everyone else and hope you all have a great day
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                        Re Kangaroo Paw...
                        We have some trouble with em here Ronnie as they prefer low humidity well drained sandy soil, so I put em in pots. But they're native to WA, so you should have no bother at all.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                          byebyebridgetjones;755056 wrote: Good question you think we might be a bit scaredy cat because life has revolved around booze and related activities.... but where from here ? Surely it gets easier when you've built a life that DOESN'T revolve round grog and you've got a new reference point (these are questions for me as well, Y'know?)
                          And about Mr's very hard to realise that you are depressed when you're in the middle of it (in my experience). It's only when you come out the other side that you get some perspective on the thing. Dangerous scenario really. Must stop a lot of people seeking help.
                          I'm actually incredibly lucky as most of my friends are modders, or like to go have a few on a Friday night...there's only a couple that I'd consider problem drinkers, and I never have fun with those guys anymore. And my real friends are very understanding...I'm off to see a movie tonight with one of my besties who knows I'm doing No-bender...she's funny, her pet died last week & she rang me on Friday afternoon "I'm gonna drown my sorrows, wanna join me??" she understood when I said I didn't want to, but then I had a chuckle to myself - her idea of 'drowning her sorrows' is 3 or 4 beers then bed (bless her!)
                          Depression - too true. I suffered PND after baby#1 and just drank through - it was a horrible time. Then baby #2 I told my doctor when I first got pregnant that I would probably be depressed...went on meds & it was soooo much better. Such a conundrum that one can't recognise it when it matters most.



                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                            Well it looks like a day of housework for me today, its pouring with rain here, although we do need it, plus it makes me get off my but as the in-laws are comming soon and I dont fancy the mother-in-law commenting on the state of my
                            :dancin: enguin:
                            starting over


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                              Hello everybody! I'm back home, albeit briefly. I have a work thing that I need to do tomorrow and then I'm back up north on Saturday. My niece's baby is being christened .... will be nice to have a happy family event!!

                              My brother went into the hospice yesterday - his pain levels have been unmanageable despite being told he can have as much morphine as he wants. Incredibly hard to see him like that and be absolutely powerless to do anything about it.

                              Mr G - your quote from Starlight Impress (about sobriety being inside you) has been with me for the last couple of days.

                              All this talk of gardening ..... unfortunately I have come back to some very dry and dead looking seedlings. I'll give them a good water tonight, but I dont like their chances! And my tomatoes are looking absolutelu hopeless compared to the ones we have planted at work.

                              Tawny - how you enjoying your new i-Mac??!!!

                              back later ....
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                                Hey ho ...... obviously another quiet night on here! I'm off to bed (yay - my own one!) with a novel and feeling good about another AF day.
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

