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    Morning all
    Its pouring with rain here today, I am meant to go to a garden centre with the in-laws today to pick up some plants, so I will check back in and let you all know what I got
    Hope you all have a great day
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over



      wrong thread but the army thread are such lightweights, they'll be in bed by ten
      life is simple its just not easy



        dragonfly65;760341 wrote: wrong thread but the army thread are such lightweights, they'll be in bed by ten
        No such thing as the wrong thread Dragy
        I know, they're all so sensible up north, aren' they ?
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19



          [QUOTE=tawnyfrog;760136]Morning Aspy - always love seeing your posts and I'm stoked that you're getting your act together, not only for that cute little bloke but for the new baby as well. Saturday you'll have a whole month - how fantastic is that?

          I followed a couple of stumpy tails for a while yesterday - geez, they can get a fair bit of speed up. Haven't seen any joe blakes as yet but I'm sure they're there.

          Thanx mate, yep 4 weeks comming up. we have the cocktail/mocktail party on sat so that should be fun. I have orderd my mate not to drive over so i can pick him and misses up and drop them home. they live 45min away, meh its ONE part of my cunning plan. I also plan to HIDE if i get to scared.

          AF since 10/26/2009

          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014



            Oh and Aspy - loving your work mate!!

            Thanx AC, right back at ya!
            AF since 10/26/2009

            It will be five years sober 10/26/2014



              Arvo all,

              Outside temp in shade is 37C. Sitting inside in wet sarong in front of fan. Old Coolgardie safe principle works well. Strawberries and ice cream for tea.
              Great news on the successful conjoined twins operation.
              Lovely old Peter Cundall gets arrested. WTF???

              I celebrated World Toilet Day by completing the morning's sudoku in record time.




                TF your not wrong just got home from work and It's hotter than two rats rooting in a wool sock my room temp at the mo is 31 some places its seriously wrong over 40 in mid november.... and we still have climate change sceptics they would suggest its as NO its not getting hotter its as cold as a polar bear's behind geez.
                Aspy the Il drive is the best thing good one i do it too as a back up plan all the rest of you wonderful rat bags hope you are well there is some serious AF time happening its grouse to hear
                Check yaz slada
                things are getting better Reggie


                  THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                  Hello to all NDT'ers. Any of you want to swap houses, we have downpours and gales here at the mo. Glad to see so many of you getting on so well.


                    THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                    Thats ya bloomin lot cundall got arrested for this "On the November 19th, 2009 he was arrested by police after refusing requests to move from Tasmanian state parliament's front steps. He was protesting the against Gunns' Tamar Valley pulp mill.

                    A hero!!!!! I spend a fair bit of time in Tassie and at beauty point on the Tamar river as one of my sisters lives there the gunns pulp mill is a abomination !!!!

                    Peter is a man of principle and a taswegian he is a hero to manny tassie people for taking this stance.
                    Hi opes we would love ya down pours of beautiful water



                      THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                      tawnyfrog;760433 wrote: Arvo all,

                      Outside temp in shade is 37C. Sitting inside in wet sarong in front of fan. Old Coolgardie safe principle works well. Strawberries and ice cream for tea.
                      Great news on the successful conjoined twins operation.
                      Lovely old Peter Cundall gets arrested. WTF???

                      I celebrated World Toilet Day by completing the morning's sudoku in record time.

                      I am sitting here going WTF?

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                        can I have multiple hugs please?? Had a ring from the hospital at 4am this morning ...... my mother had pressed her personal alarm that goes direct to the ambulance service and they collected her with possible renal failure. Have been down there all day and I am soooooo tired ...... they really dont know whether it is that or that she has picked up a bug (at 85 and with compromised health anything can knock you out). And I'm so sick of advice from family members offering advice about how it all should be dealt with but actually not being on the ground to help.

                        And I have got to the point where I have felt the obligation to call my mother's last remaining sister ........ who is a complete pain the the arse, and Mum has been very reluctant to let her know that she hasn't been well. But I also felt the obligation to at least inform my aunty of what is going on. If Mum remains unwell or dies, her sister will sweep in and be a major drama queen and it will all be about her, and how could I possibly have kept her in the dark about what has been happening. And if Mum recovers (like she has done from her last two hospitalisations) it will all be about how I didn't do what she asked, and not respecting her wishes.

                        Mostly I try to make sure that Mum's express wishes are adhered to, even when I dont agree with them. But I have felt very torn over recent months, as she has made decisions which have compromised her health ...... Like: "no it isn't cold and I dont need the heater on" when it has been a howling southerly or "that ham is perfectly fine for eating" when it is past its use by date.

                        I am so over all of this crap. I feel like I go from one hospital to the other at the moment. My #3 brother arrives from Atlanta at 7am tomorrow morning and I will be very pleased to see him. He is a happy and optimistic person who cheers up everyone around ... and will be a big tonic for both my #2 brother and my mum. My #1 brother is a control freak and my #4 brother is a money-hungry bastard who lives in Asia and who doesn't want to come over at the moment because thee air fares are too expensive.

                        I'm just venting ... I'm actually managing to hold everything together pretty well. But .... I know that my coping mechanisms are getting to their limits. I have a plan for "when it is all over" ( a week in Rarotonga ... just me, and a couple of novels, on the beach.). But I sort of thought that the "all over" bits would be around now. So I'm feeling a bit thinly stretched.

                        And I do believe that life doesn't send us anything more to deal with that we are able to handle ..... so trying to cultivate that belief in myself for this situation and work out what it is that I am supposed to take out of it.

                        Probably a good sleep will do me the world of goood. Hope when I eventually post this I wont disrupt any witty repartee!!
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                          Hugs. Really.

                          Big strong hugs.

                          I know where you are and I know what you are doing.

                          It is difficult.

                          Love you,
                          AF April 9, 2016


                            THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                            Oh mame you are a mountain of strength it must be so stressful at the moment giving you every hug I am allowed hang in...:l:l:l:l:l:l


                              THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER

                              Auntie Mame,

                              Sending :l:l:l from 12,000 miles away.

                              Love J xxx
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                THE NEXT DAY THREAD - NOVEMBER


                                Youse all should come to CT. 30C days, 18 nighttime
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

