I'm great today Bridge - seriously wanted to drink yesterday - even took a sip of Mr Cakes wine but it just made me think of the regret I'd feel if I had one (and therefore the whole bottle and 1/2 pack of ciggies)...I wouldn't recommend it for anyone but it worked for me.
Today I feel calm & very very grateful.
I heard about the wet house Mame - I agree with you in that society as a whole could use a big injection of compassion when it comes to dealing with the homeless...I mean, given the choice no-one would choose that life right?? Those people are there because of circumstance which is usually out of their control. It's so hard though...my sister has been of 'no fixed address on & off for about 5yrs now - she keeps getting booted out of places because of an undiagnosed mental health issue that makes her really hard to live with (and sometimes violent) And I've stepped back after years of trying to help and her just abusing me...it just hurts too much and it's scarey - self protection. It's such a conundrum...I love her dearly but am constantly worried about when she's gonna explode.