It's been really enlightening reading about everyone elses problems and how they're trying to solve them, plus analysing their behaviour - I don't feel so alone anymore- I had felt so useless and disgusted with myself- but now can see a light at the end of a tunnel-thanks everyone- Roberta
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NO-Bender Challenge
NO-Bender Challenge
It's been really enlightening reading about everyone elses problems and how they're trying to solve them, plus analysing their behaviour - I don't feel so alone anymore- I had felt so useless and disgusted with myself- but now can see a light at the end of a tunnel-thanks everyone- Roberta
NO-Bender Challenge
Hi Roberta - welcome and nice to have you onboardkeep looking at that light.
Glad you are feeling better today Aunty Mame, onwards and upwards yesterday is the past and today is a brand new shiny AF day! Geez the doc is so upsetting I saw it when it was first aired, have your tissues ready!
Good luck all today all!
NO-Bender Challenge 4 done here. Had some bad cravings before dinner, didn't want to eat before dinner & all that & then I realised that hunger is a major trigger for I broke out the cheezels, not great for the diet I know but I thought of the saying "I'll do whatever it takes" (thanks Tip) I just need to focus and get this right this time.
hdb - you're an inspiration!
Have a good day all on the other side....stay strong.
NO-Bender Challenge
Great to see such high spirits here. Love this wonderful group, and so glad to see new and (ahem) old faces.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
NO-Bender Challenge
welcome everyone whether you are on Day One or longer!
Today I will try to live in the day ...... not feel regrets for the past couple of days, and not worry about what mmight happen tomorrow or the weekend or before Xmas.
Tell you what though - hormones may also be playing up here ..... I went into menopause about 6 months ago, and then boom, get what I found this morning??? May explain some of my really black moods over the past couple of days ........
have a good day everyone - I'm off to work.Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
NO-Bender Challenge
Menopause sucks. 'Nuff said.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
NO-Bender Challenge
Aunty Mame;750495 wrote: welcome everyone whether you are on Day One or longer!
Today I will try to live in the day ...... not feel regrets for the past couple of days, and not worry about what mmight happen tomorrow or the weekend or before Xmas.
Tell you what though - hormones may also be playing up here ..... I went into menopause about 6 months ago, and then boom, get what I found this morning??? May explain some of my really black moods over the past couple of days ........
have a good day everyone - I'm off to work.
I woke feeling very grateful for not being hungover this morning, and grateful for the encouragement I get thanks everyone.
NO-Bender Challenge
Check out my joke about the woman giving birth at 65! LOL An old school friend sent it to me.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
NO-Bender Challenge
LOL Ruby!
My mood swings over the past year have been worse than at any other time in my life other than when I was about 13-14. But just when I think "right -- time to talk to the GP about anti==depressants" ...... things get a bit better.
Hope I haven't scared any chaps off :H:HNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
NO-Bender Challenge
I wasn't going to post again tonight .... but I've just come back from Mum's and I'm in shock. She is 85, has had 18 days of the last month in hospital, has been on oxygen for about 1/4 of that time (she has heart failure). My brother and I saw her Dr yesterday, and he suggested that we have a Plan B for residential (Rest Home) care - the place she wants to go doesn't have any beds at the moment. I last saw her at dinner time yesterday and she was a bit better, but finding it hard to make it unassisted from the kitchen to the living room.
Today I take her dinner down, and the door is wide open, and she has been gardening!! And today she walked down to the Day Programme that she goes to - she hasn't been at all for about 6 weeks, and had to be driven there since about April/May. She has surprised herself as much as aanyone else - "I just felt quite a lot better today" she said.
The human body, and its ability to spring back never ceases to amaze me!!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
NO-Bender Challenge
Wow Aunty Mame thats a great recovery you Mum is making, glad to hear it for you and for her x The human body is amazing - battered mine to bits over the last ten years but it feels today like it may have forgiven me, I hope so, life is beginning to feel like a much brighter place. Finally stepping out of the fog of a life being hung over or tipsy!
What do you think, could I have your thoughts please? I have my hubbies birthday coming up very shortly - thinking of booking a night in a local hotel for us, 4 poster bed and three course meal for two ?69.99. I won't drink - do you think its silly me doing this? I am wondering if it will really bother him being in a posh hotel (which it is - with lovely food so its a fantastic deal!) with lovely food no need to drive and then a romantic evening (something we are well overdue with one teen son and one daughter who is almost a teenif I don't drink - I don't and won't - he had no idea of this plan it would be a surprise.... so if I don't do it he would be none the wiser.
I can't drink on his birthday as I know I am not ready, it may sound silly but I am so sure in my mind and body that I am not ready - I still am very feared of beginning to moderate which is my overall goal....
Geez I am wafflin now - what do you think? what would you all do?
Good luck today everyone x
NO-Bender Challenge
Great news about your mum Aunty Mame! its amazing the way they can bounce back-you must be feeling so much much better- hope things stay good for her.
Like the hotel /dinner idea hdb and if your husbsand is like mine (not terribly adventurous) he will love it - I booked a holiday to Turkey for us some years ago without telling him (he "hates" holidays) and now he never stops going on about it as one of the highlights of his life. I wish I felt confident enough to do a similar thing ,but know that it will take a long time to feel in control enough to keep AF.
I had to open a bottle of wine last night as husband came back from foreign trip and fancied a couple of glasses with his supper-so now I have a 2rds bottle looking at me every time I open fridge-am thinkinking of pouring a third down the sink and making him drink the rest tonight. How sad am I ?
Still, into day 5 AF - I havent managed this for over 10 years.
Good luck everyone -love Roberta
NO-Bender Challenge
Well done for not having a glass Roberta, my hubby drinks (in my words) like a normal person i.e. a couple of beers and then stops. Unlike me who needs to finish the bottle! the reason I am telling you this is because my hubby is still drinking as its not an issue for him - I found it hard at first ... in fact all consuming ... but now I can just as happily hav my tea and not even long for his beer or glass of wine - honest (I know I wouldn't have believed this before either!).
Well done, be strong, you can do it girlx
NO-Bender Challenge
Morning Np-benderers.
Mame, that is amazing about your Mum...let's hope it continues! I'm so glad you've jumped back in. I was often amazed at the abuse I put my body through knowing it would recover. I'm tired of being mean to myself...maybe I'm starting to realise I don't deserve it. I find it interesting you know...they don't call it alcohol ABUSE or drug ABUSE for nothing - I abused myself and I'm trying to figure out why.
hdb - I think it sounds like a beautiful weekend...maybe you could get a special bottle of non-alcoholic sparkling wine or something to 'play the part' as it were. Doing it AF will make it that much more special for'll look back on it as a wonderful weekend (instead of with a dread - like I would of if I'd been drinking - you know that cringe factor)
Roberta - you are strong. I have a bottle of wine in the fridge with about 1 glass in it...thought about tossing it last night as I really struggled but it's only 1 glass...I won't waste my time & can't bear waste LOL!
have a great evening/day all & stay strong...we're heading into the pointy end of the week. Togetherwe're stronger.
NO-Bender Challenge
Mame - glad your mom is on the mend, remember to keep taking good care of yourself as well.
HDB - as a sad singleton if someone I loved offered me a romantic evening away I'd consider myself mad not to enjoy every moment of it.
Roberta - you are so strong, keep it up.
Take care everyone, and enjoy your day.:l