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6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

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    6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

    I can only tell you this - if you are not 100% committed to quitting drinking, don't take Antibuse. I drank on Antibuse, and almost died. It's not to be taken lightly.


      6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

      I agree with Angeleyes...i tried antabuse too and wasn't ready to quit..i ended up testing the waters and damn near killed my stupid self. It is NO JOKE! You wanna talk about NOT drink even a sip on antabuse! Welcome...there is tons of support here.
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

        scan, are you around? hows u going?
        AF since 10/26/2009

        It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


          6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

          This did not go as planned... Did I get the Antabuse? Yes I did. Did I take it? No sir. I'm drunk as a seagul now, and I am working on getting drunker.

          I red that mornings are the better time to start Antabuse because thats when the motivation for not drinking is at its highest, so maybe I'll try tomorrow. I hope so. But realistically I'll find an excuse not to.

          This is hard... How the crap do I stop this nonsense?


            6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

            Ditch the antabuse. That medicine is archaic and proven to be not very helpful.

            I haven't read any other of your posts so I don't know if you've considered other meds. Check out Naltrexine via The Sinclair Method or Baclofen. Both of these have very high success rates.

            I used to use antabuse. It took me breaking down and crying and pleading with myself before I could swallow the first pill. Then I only took it 3 days a week and drank on the 7th. It worked for me...but only for a while.

            Give me your email address and I'll send you a virtual boatload of information on these meds. They are a waaaaay better option than antabuse and they aren't dangerous.
            :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
            Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

            Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

            Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
            A Forum
            Trolls need not apply


              6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

              According to Tony Ribbins, drinking alcohol is my pleasurable thing, and thats why I procrastinate on quitting it. Now if I can just get myself to take that first dose of Antabuse then I know that I will get that much needed sober-period of my life...


                6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

                Scandinavian, listen to Lo0p. Take him up on his offer and do a little research yourself. I am also Scandinavian, and it took me years of struggle, including extensive use and abuse of antabuse, to find out what Lo0p is saying.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

                  I got Antabuse once, to make my husband happy, then I realized it was really stupid of me. What was he going to do? Hold me down every morning and cram it down my throat?

                  I ended up tossing it out and going a route that helps with the cravings more.

                  Alcohol was my pleasurable thing too, then I got two DUI's in the space of two weeks. Not so much pleasure anymore. Neither was the 24-hour/day hangover.

                  Definitely do a bunch of reading! I'm new here, and discovered all kinds of nifty stuff to ask about when I get to the doctor on the 24th.


                    6 years of increased drinking, now I'm sober since november 3.rd 2009

                    The longest time I have been sober the last seven or eight ears have been two or three days, and I liked it. If I start Antabuse I know I will like it and feel good, but I just can't start.

                    I think maybe sleep is my way of escaping reality and AL is my way to get there so thats why I don't dare to sabotage my sleep AKA take Antabuse.

                    Lately I have gotten a few acid refluxes too. A sure sign that my stomache has had enough beer for a while. I don't want a bleeding stomache vound or worse...

                    Man, I need help...

