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Bad times gone good!!

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    Bad times gone good!!

    I thought the world was crazy, I thought the doctor last month was off his rocker when he scheduled an interview and then cancelled the next day, not remembering he never talked to me the day before. I was depressed and felt alone. But being right out of school no experience in the field I studied I didn't understand how I would make it.

    But, I just got hired by an Internist that is new in the area and wanted someone they could train their way.

    Let me say "Lack of Knowledge" in this case is my best ASSET!

    And the best thing is I'm more sober now and a better person...THANKS RJ.

    Love and hugs to everybody here:h


    Bad times gone good!!

    You hung in there, and you held STRONG GIRL!!
    Congrats on your new job!!
    Big MWO to Brandy everyone. She starts her new job on Friday. Sorry Brandy. You are too proud to SHOUT it!
    Good for you Girl!
    Don't hate me. You deserve this. You have worked SO hard for this and busted down some doors!
    Now show 'em what you've got. I'm really really proud of you, sister. Big smooch.


      Bad times gone good!!

      Great news, Brandy!! All the best to you in your new job!!
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Bad times gone good!!

        Hey Brandy....CONGRATS on the new job!!

        Good for you...job hunting is so tough - glad it paid off and hope you love your new job!



          Bad times gone good!!

          You go, girl!

          Brandy that is fantastic about your new job. You have inner strenght up the wazooo. We are all so proud of you!!!!!!!:h




            Bad times gone good!!

            Good News

            Glad to hear about the job..not shocked tohear about a doctor not remembering the appointment.

            I had a shrink that was addicted to pills..imagine that. We really had a hard time making the meetings>>>LOL
            Every man has the right to tend to his garden.


              Bad times gone good!!

              Well Done!

              Congrats Brandy,
              You do deserve this!
              Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                Bad times gone good!!

                Ok guys its 7 am and I'm crying tears of joy!! Thanks for the support in every way!

                Shas, you've done a great job since being here congrats to you.

                Cooking, I love that name! Represents what we do well besides drinking!

                Ivy, I watch your posts, you are a very strong lady.

                Lisa, how are things working for you.

                Young at heart, you inspire me with the way you handle so many different situations!

                Last but not least, Bec my lil sis, wow have we come along way. Your wisdom and patience with me when I'm ranting and loosing my mind, you always have the calming words that makes sense to me when nothing else does.

                Love and hugs to everybody!!:l :h

                PS...RJ, a major hug for you and all your personal wisdom and words of encouragement


                  Bad times gone good!!

                  Yeah Brandy!

                  So, so happy for you my dear friend! Your perserverence paid off. Sounds like a GREAT situation to be at the grass roots of this guys practice. Going thru the same thing with my OB/GYN tund laser and wellness. Nice to be there to help build it up! You are the best! So happy 4 you!! Gina:l


                    Bad times gone good!!

                    MUCH HUGS AND LOVE TO YOU!
                    A whole new chapter has begun!
                    Love Jen
                    Over 4 months AF :h


                      Bad times gone good!!

                      Brandy, Congrats and very well-deserved! You are one of the strongest members with the long history and were making amazing changes for yourself even before you found MWO, so extremely good job. Be very proud of yourself, you are an inspiration!:l


                        Bad times gone good!!

                        Congratulations Brandy:good:
                        :h :h :h :h


                          Bad times gone good!!

                          So does this mean no more Manhattan?

                          Brandy so proud of you congrats! Are you out the city now? What a great opportunity and no one deserves it more than you do. :l
                          Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                            Bad times gone good!!

                            Good job!

                            Congratuations Brandy!!! I am sure you deserve it!!:good:

                            Mary Anne:happy:


                              Bad times gone good!!

                              Yahoo! Brandy That's awesome!! Good for you! :h :l ..Judie
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

