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30 days???

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    30 days???

    Hello 30 day gang.... our old 30 day thread developed a problem, so here is a continuation of Britt's 30 days??? thread.

    Welcome to all of our old friends and to any new friends who want to join in.


    30 days???

    HI Girls,

    It's been way too long since we have connected. What is everyone up to?

    I'm in the rainy NW for the next week, or so. I love seeing my son, but I can hardly wait to get back to the sun.

    Everything is going A-OK for me. I'm still taking the antabuse once a week. It isn't a perfect solution, but it works for me.

    Cowgal- It sounds like you have another job... that's great!! I want to hear all about it. Greenie- you sound like you're doing beautfully.

    Bird- I want to hear how the girls are doing. I also want to tell you how proud I am of you for going AF.

    TIT and Britt, you need to check in.

    Love you all,



      30 days???

      All is GREAT in my world. I am really enjoying church. Just heard today that I will get my own Sunday school class. I am SO EXCITEd about have no idea. I LOVE LOVE LOVE children. These are 2 and 3 years old children. You know how funny they are...HYSTERICAL. I am still AF, no slips for awhile now...I feel great, have lost weight, my skin is looking so much better too. My energy level is about back to normal as well. I am not taking any topa anymore. The only med I am on is Wellbutrin. I have been doing a lot with Billy's Mama as well. We are all ready for the holiday season. Halloween was great. Took the kids to a lil party and Zak trick or treating. I will have Thanksgiving here. We are flying to Missouri in December for 4 days to see my little sister graduate from college. We are praying we see SNOW!!!! YAY...LUVUALL and miss you
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        30 days???

        Hey Lisa,

        So good to hear you're doing well. I am so envious of your Sunday school class. I used to work in the nursery before we moved, but so far I haven't gotten very involved in the new church.

        How is Zack doing in middle school? Still a mama's boy? Our son was able to fit us into his schedule today. We spent the day with him and his roommate. I swear they ate every 20 minutes. They hit the road shortly after we took them to Gamestop for a new game. Its hard not to spoil him when I only get to see him every 1, or 2 months. I do get to see him at Thanksgiving and for a three weeks at Christmas.

        Everything else is going well. Glad you're feeling better.



          30 days???

          Hi all,
          Things are goin good here. Sounds cool about the Sunday school Luv. Hey More2 Im still on antabuse as well....still layed off but picking up a little extra playing drums. Getting cold out, I'm gonna try baking a pie with a pumpkin I got at the farmers market. The kids are loving middle school and both playing drums in band. Guess they take after ol Mom huh??later bird


            30 days???

            Hey everybody.

            Got my hulahoop today! I was away from a phone all day so I'll make some more calls about the sign language stuff tomorrow. Other than that, same ole, same ole.

            Luv Sunday school will be fun!

            Good to see you bird. We get all anxious when you are gone too long.

            More2, MA said she fixed the old thread.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              30 days???

              great now!

              Now that I am out of the insane asylum.........................the place I had to orient last night was so scarey!!! NEVER want to go back there again....................2 guys and a girl got so violent, I was scared, thank GOD for big black guys guarding us little gals.......................they are so sweet..................but these people are litterally NUTS!!! I mean, one flew over the cuckoo's nest is nothing compared to this!!???? Why am I here????? Husband cannot support us, can, of course support his beer and pot addiction.................oh well, enough of that!!!

              lots of love, :l:h glad to be out of there alive, really....................

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                30 days???

                Oh my gosh CG,

                Life is too short to work in a place like that. My sister and niece work with the criminally insane on a one to one basis in a private enviroment. I am so thankful when they check in to say they made it through another day. I admire them so much for being able to do it. There is no way in hell I could ever do their job. They get paid peanuts for the risks they take. My baby sister also works with criminals, but she carries a big gun, thank God. I'm the big chicken in the family.

                Greenie- the old thread stops in the 600's, I think the last page is in the 1000's. I do hate to surrender the old thread. I frequently go back to read Bear's old posts. I swear, I miss that man so much. I do hope and pray the Bear family is doing well.

                Same for Cheesehead Morrison.... I miss him too. We had quite the family thread going on. Hopefully, we can keep it going.

                Its so good to reconnect with all of you.



                  30 days???

                  Of course my Zak is still a Mama's boy. Are you kidding...but, now he only loves me PRIVATELY...he is in middle school after all. Everyone told me his grades would fall and they have improved. He is making straight A's this year. Got 2 awards this week for highest grade in Math and the other for highest grade in Science. Not to shabby!
                  Brit and I have tons planned this year for the holidays. We are going to see Martina Mcbride, the Rockette's, and The Nutcracker. I can not wait!!!!!
                  CG...that is scarey. I work over at our psych hospital sometimes if the coder over there is sick. They are a trip!!!! One guy stays dressed up like a Blues Brother...LOL Some are very sad...I can't help but feel sorry for them. They are just nuts and medication doesn't always work.
                  More I dread when my kids leave for college!
                  Bird...great that you and the girls are all playing the drums.
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    30 days???

                    Oh well!!

                    I can and will post on this, job is kiling me, but at least it is work, just the long hours......everyone email me pics of your pets, I love to draw and that will kill time! Actually just got a call from a specialty office wanting to possibly interview me, so won't have all that free time if I take that job...... Whatever happens, happens for a reason, right?!

                    Lots of love,:l :h

                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      30 days???

                      Hey all...I hated not to post...but I have a crashed you can won't type the letter after ''n''....and I have no co--a key! I will get a new puter to-orrow or the next day...still in CO. Hubby co-ing up Sat. and we'll spend holiday ho-e the wkend after.....Things have not been good....I can't type it all...I'll let -ore2 tell ya'll since I can't really type! Another death co-ing that is very very sad for -e...he's like -y Dad all over again...our very very closet couple that really have been like -y parents for 22 yrs....and I sent -y son a birthday note...and I'll let her tell ya that too....I can't even think about it....I posted this wouldn't throw -e in the ditch...but after son's did...and to--orow is daughters bday...I tried to contact her to send her so-ething...shouldn't have..and ya'll all told -e not too...tried to do what is response fro- her...which is better than the other! Hate to be a downer...but that's just -y "crap" right now....I fell off badly...but I'- doing better the past few dys....going for AF today....Love all of you....sure glad we started this over....I need it right now!!!!! Thanks -ore2 for starting it again.....sorry this is like reading a jigsaw puzzle! Glad everyone else is doing great!!! I'll be back to -y happy self soon....been stuck here in snow without hubby too....that hasn't helped....this is 3rd wk since he's been gone....wahhhhhhh....looking forward to the weekend and holiday with hi-!
                      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                        30 days???

                        WOW...did I scare everyone off? I have a new Mac tonight, I can type! I didn't call daughter...something lil inside me said she was just waiting for me to call so she could rip me a new one....she didn't get the chance....sooooo, I bet she looked at her phone as much as I did on my bday with no correspondance....maybe she'll feel a bit bad, maybe not, but I wasn't going to let myself in for another reason to fall off the wagon! I'm proud of me, but I still feel crappy....BUT....I did contact her last wk., to tell her I loved her, and would love to send her response, so I guess she is letting her brother that is way way worse than I ever thought of being, that she only "uses" for her benefit, to speak for her, so, there we go....I found out she signed on the dotted line back when I was assaulted and they didn't believe us.....the counselor says she can't deal with my assault, so she decided to blame it on us making it up.....geeeezzzzzz.....I have never been an absent Mom at all....anyway....I'm in TACK, sober, and feel much, much better....wahhhhwhooooo....they'll need us again.....still have stepkids, who really, have always been less spoiled and nice! Love you all!
                        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


                          30 days???

                          Hey all!!

                          Everyone I am sitting here at work breaking all the rules and it feels good!!(at least until I get canned!?). I hope you all are well, I work w/ the coolest people, am enjoying it so far, only have 8 hours to go.....!?

                          Lots of love, will check in in a while......

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            30 days???

                            Hi, Hi...

                            TIT, Not being a parent, your situation is hard for me to relate to. But I swear, if they want to be miserable, maybe you should just let them. And let them be that way without dragging you into their misery. I can see how they zap your power and that is not good for you. You can't change them, you know.....:l

                            MA, sitting there feeling good breaking rules...:H You rebel, you! I would LOVE for you to draw my little doggie! PM me your e-mail and I'll send a pic.

                            All is well in greenie land. Looking forward to Thanksgiving at sister's. Just here keeping the beat!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              30 days???

                              Goodmorning all. TIT, I don't really know what to say about your situation. I wanna say let them be miserbale, BUT being a Mama myself, I know I'd call too. I know it hurts no matter how hard you try to not let it bring you down. Try to keep your head up. Time does heal...they will realize they love you and need you. We love you and need you.
                              Yesterday was my bday and the kids had the house decorated with balloons when I got home. I was so surprised. AND they had each bought me the nicest cards. Zak made me read his outloud...LOL Brit had written that I mean the world to her. Feels so good to be sober and back to normal in my house. The holidays will be special this year.
                              MA...glad the nwe job is going wll. Greenie have fun at your sis's for Thanksgiving. I hope your Daddy is doing well. I think about you two all the time. My Daddy wrote me the silliest poem yesterday. I just laughed and laughed. He is so funny.
                              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear

