Luv, I got him a DVD player and some movies I checked out from the library. One of which was Rocky Horror Picture Show :H He's all happy.
No announcement yet.
30 days???
30 days???
Hey all, yeah...yeah....hubby back in the Colorado house this afternoon! Whew, its been 3 wks! I'm leaving to pick him up in Denver after lunch, he's been at the airport in Dallas since 9am! His plane doesn't leave til 1:59, he's anxious! We are going to the lighting of the entire Old Town, its sooo beautiful, they light every tree up and down every street, and have tons of decorations, and they put in a ice skating rink in the middle of the square! Santa is being brought in during the parade in a horse drawn carriage too, should get me in the spirit! Then we are going to a play at the Lincoln Center, "The One-Eyed Man is King".....DATE NITE! LOL I don't have to sleep alone tonight! Hope everyone is doing well! I only have til next Sat. til I have to return home into chaos, and my friend dying, and trying to settle in a pup thats never lived anywhere but here, and deal with getting our house ready to put on the market, and sell some horses.....BUT.....I will be back here unless things take a turn for the worse with my "Dad", for Christmas, so I just have to keep my eye on each prize, and know I am working towards getting us here period. I'm doing so much better this week, Thank You God. I have set limits, and except for one day, stuck to it, its amazing how much better you feel, and how much more energy you have, and how much better you feel about yourself, and how much easier things are to deal with. Why do we ever think drinking ourselves into oblivion ever helps? It just makes everything so much worse, and you feel so crappy, you just can't see straight. No more! I'm determined to be a normal person, if there is such a thing! Love you all!"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
30 days???
hey all!!
Glad to have time to post, glad this thread is resurrected!! I just sent your pic yesterday TIT, not my best, but got me back into my dream-job...................really gotta get the website going, the gal who took photos of my work for the site is MIA, which is starting to piss me off, going riding w/ her mom in a while, so will ask her what is going on................
work tonight so will post more then, it is a loooooong 12 hours, but if I take lots to do, will be "doable"............................
lots of love guys, email me your pics!!:l:h
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
I miss you all! have been kinda busy w/ other "stupid things", but was wondering how TIT liked her pic..........have been up to date on LUV, still haven't decorated for Xmas, like I hoped for, maybe next week
More2, Geenie (talked to you, know you are good too), have you been..................everyone else................join in, I need some lovin' here, trying to do 30 days, have had a miserable 10 at all know what I am talking about, TIT, I emailed you about stables for the horses.............guess I just won't be "cowgal" anymore?? is good though................xoxoxo:l:h
MA:l:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Here's some lovin' MA :l:h:l:h
I LOVE the picture of little doggie!!! It is JUST LIKE her!!! Thank you bunches!!!
Gave blood today for the first time. The had a blood drive at the library. Geez... Who'd have thought you could faint laying down! I was knocking at the "down for the count" door and they made me drink 2 sprites and eat cookies. It took forever before I could drive home. Not quite what I had in mind when I went there.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
thank you!!!!!
I am happy to make you feel happy................that helped me through about 2 hours of down time at work, I have a friend who is trying to help me get an ebay site started, dummy that I am, ..............she is in Pittsburgh right now, got a great card from her today...........that is worth more than any $$!!
hugs.............miss you all..............I have only been on the ass in gear and bac threads lately, will revive this when I have downtime (and computer access!?!? that is the big prob!!)
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
resurecting this! How is everybody?
More2, I haven't been in the hole long enough to look at that book. How is that pinched nerve? I'd look for some one that does hands-on full spine adjusting, uses electrical stimulation therapies, knows techniques like Thompson, Diversified, Pettibon, Gonstead, Activator (but not exclusively) and a certified extremity practioner would be nice.
I got a tree yesterday and got it in the house. Has a bird nest in it! I bet Luv has hers up and decorated with wrapped presents under it. My goal today is the lights. Ugh.sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
how is everyone??
Well, mike has done it again, I am sooooooooo ready to be gone, just need the $$ , wish I was independently wealthy, so I could keep my joy of the horses and get out................well, if I need to get rid of them, I am out of here for help in any way, have strength to do it now, thanks to a friend giving me artwork is taking off...............go to facebook and check it out, selling it a little, will get going soon hopefully so can save more $$ to get out of this for good................thanks TIT, Greeneyes, more2 all of you sweet sweet friends for your support, you have helped make this more doable than I thought I could possibly have the strength are the best and I thank you from the bottom of my soul for that!!!!:thanks::thanks::thanks:
love you all so much!!!!:l:h:l
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Of course I have my tree up and my village and the yard is done too. Presents are under there as well...gotta torture the kids for a couple of weeks ya know!!!! Zak can barely stand himself right now. We have been very busy this year. The gloom has lifted. I havent had one drop of AL in MONTHS and no desire. Very active in church. As a matter of fact have my own Sunday school class now. Life is just peaceful and sweet. Took Billy's mama to see the Rockette's last weekend and this weekend we are going to the lights at the zoo and the Nutcracker. Then....the 18th we head to Missouri from Christmas with my Dad and my lil sis is graduating college. Then back home the 21st for Christmas at our house. CAN'T WAIT! I did go to Billy's tree this year and decorate like I always is still hard and makes me cry, but I am able to move on. It doesn't send me into a whirlwind depression and binge with our ol friend AL. No desire...shed a tear and have my moment and went home to the kids.
Cowgal...I will have to check your art out. I so pray 2010 brings happiness your way.
Greenie how the heck did ya get a tree in your TINY car?????? I need to see that..LOL
I love you all and hope all is well.
LisaForever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
30 days???
Good morning!!
Thanks for bumping this up greenie, anyone seen tit?!?! I wanted to see how she liked her pic...... Started an eBay site(well a friend of mine did for me) to try to sell custom pet art, would be nice if it kicked in and someone responed !?! Huh???
Luv, go to mu fb profile All my stuff is there, email me pics, would love to draw some stuff for you!!! You have helped me so much!!!
News flash!!!! Yes you all will be very proud of me, I am breaking it off w/ asshole!!! Finally got the strength I think......... Still scared shitless, but need to for my serenity & sanity!!
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
Glad to hear all is grand in Luv-land! Got my tree from a place near the house. They deliver. I'm so happy you are in a good place with "Billy events". It does sound right peaceful. :l
MA I'm thrilled for you. What's your plan. Do you need help? You KNOW you have my support!sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT
30 days???
Looking for an appt now, told the kids a little, not mike yet cuz my lawyer friend says to be careful because of his history..... He is s buddy from aa....
I am sick and tired of it, about time I got a spine, huh?!?
Love you all and big party when it is all said & done!!! TIT, where are you, need a vacation, Col. would be wonderful this spring!!??? Remember the celebration you all planned?! Well, damn it, let's go for it!!!!!
Mary Anne:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:
30 days???
So when is the big party and where?? you guys have been egging me on for years, finally did/doing it, where are we going to meet up!!??I am game, not made of $$ but can afford something fun................please let's plan something, I REALLY need something to look forward to...................REALLY!!!
lots of love,:l:h:l
MA:rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace: