I have a ZOO...literally. But, my birds keep me sober. I have 5 large birds...A greenwing macaw, a blue and gold macaw, african grey, umbrella cockatoo, and a goffin cockatoo. They are very loving, funny, and entertaining. They have been HUGE support in my efforts towards sobriety. They take so much time to care for and love I simply can not drink or they would die. They are like a baby....I must care for them. My children love them all as well. They have really bonded us all together. AND if you ever read my posts, you will see how funny they are...endless smiles.
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Pets Who Own Us
Pets Who Own Us
I have a ZOO...literally. But, my birds keep me sober. I have 5 large birds...A greenwing macaw, a blue and gold macaw, african grey, umbrella cockatoo, and a goffin cockatoo. They are very loving, funny, and entertaining. They have been HUGE support in my efforts towards sobriety. They take so much time to care for and love I simply can not drink or they would die. They are like a baby....I must care for them. My children love them all as well. They have really bonded us all together. AND if you ever read my posts, you will see how funny they are...endless smiles.Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear
Pets Who Own Us
Beatle--that you tube you are talking about is Tarra and Bella at the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. I have the book and have read it to my third graders who are also fascinated. We check in on the live ele-cam all the time. Check out the website!
Pets Who Own Us
I have a gorgeous German Shepherd called Kadi, we have had her from 6 months old and she is now 6 ..........
Every school day I get up and get Kerries breakfast ready then say to Kadi, go fetch Kerrie, she runs upstairs and jumps on Kerries bed and nuzzles her till she is awake!!!! It is so lovely to watch!!!sigpicXXX
Pets Who Own Us
had to post this here you will love it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoishsVv2nQ[/video]]YouTube - cats and dogs singing Christmas songs...........Funny!:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
Pets Who Own Us
Go to Do Something.Org (Animal Rescue (TV))
Animal Welfare
Animal rights and animal welfare cover a huge spectrum of ideas and beliefs.
The animal rights viewpoint is basically that humans do not have the right to use animals for their own gain at all—in the laboratory, on the farm, in entertainment or in the wild. The animal welfare viewpoint advocates for limiting or preventing cruel treatment of animals. According to the animal welfare perspective, human use of animals is acceptable if animal suffering is preventable. In practice however it is not always that simple to make this distinction between animal rights and animal welfare positions. In many cases, organizations or individuals who describe themselves as animal rights advocates may support animal welfare efforts as an intermediate step on the path to a true animal rights solution. While the perspectives differ, both involve a concern for the suffering of others.
Section empowered by
Some of the information and action ideas on our site are from the animal welfare perspective and others are closer to animal rights. Read about the issues and figure out how you personally feel on this topic.
Animal Cruelty
Cruel treatment comes in many forms - learn about them and see what you can do.
Animal Homelessness
There are 4-6 million homeless pets in the U.S. in need of a good home. Learn more about the cause…
Animal Testing
An estimated 2,000,000 animals are used in research in the U.S. each year.
Endangered Species
Since 1600, more than 700 species of plants and animals have gone extinct.
Factory Farms
These operations treat animals with hormones and antibiotics to prevent disease.
Puppy Mills
Behind the cute pet store showroom is an entire industry of inhumane animal breeding.
Related Animal Welfare news
Cheetahs to help disabled?
Don’t look for seeing-eye cheetahs anytime in the near future, but the agile cats may help disabled people in a surprising way – by inspiring better artificial legs.
One athlete has already benefited from research on animals: South African paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius sprints on carbon fiber artificial feet called the "Cheetah".
Researchers are studying cheetahs hoping that by discovering what makes the cheetah the fastest land mammal in the world they'll discover the key to more sophisticated ways of helping humans run faster and designing human prosthetics.
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Michael Vick getting second chance but what about the dogs?
The former Atlanta Falcons quarterback, fresh off a 23-month federal prison stint for running a dogfighting ring, signed a one-year contract with the Eagles on Thursday for 1.6 million dollars with a club option for a second year.
On Sunday, Vick appeared on 60 Minutes, confessing that he now understands why what he did was wrong and that he's sickened and disgusted by his own actions. Despite his remorse, 80% of Do Something users said Vick should be banned from the NFL.
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Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Pets Who Own Us
Beatle...I loved that video of the elephants. I like whales too and cried my eyes out when I watched Whale Wars....
Ruby thanks for the painting video. I try to work with pastels, but maybe I'll give that a try. I didn't know it could be that easy!
Oh, I have one rescue cat and a yorkie.
Everything I need is within me!
Pets Who Own Us
I have had Rottweilers for 20 years, including rescues. I lost my 'dog of a lifetime, Wolfgang, 2 1/2 yrs ago, and still grieve. Currently, I have Tinkerbelle, my tiny Yorkie I got from a breeder who wanted her for breeding stock but she didn't get big enough. She has thrived with us. Gator, an Austrailan Cattle dog rescue, the group clown; Hubs Jack Ass Russell Terrier (yes, that's what I call her), Sadie; and The Mighty Berit, my best friend and protector, the 135# Rottie. No cats, tho I like them, 'cause the dogs consider them sport. I also claim ownership of my g'daughters long haired Chihuahua, Ruby, since I found her and bought her. She considers herself above the dog world. Great fun here, but pets are known to help people with medical needs, provide love to the unloved, and just be there for us on our darkest days. My Wolfgang saved my granddaughter's life twice, so I pray I will see him again one day. Keep 'em coming.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Pets Who Own Us
I absolutely love animals. I only have four cats at this time. IN the past I've had a greyhound, an absolute love, and a couple of mutts, who were so loving. At the most I had five animals, when my kids were growing up. I vacuumed the whole house three times a week, including furniture. Maybe that is why I used to be so thin!!!
Only kitties right now as the kids are gone and we work and are away from home about 10-12 hours a day, not fair with dogs, who need more attention. The cats are great though, all with their own personalities and wonderful ways.:h:h:h:hRedhibiscus
Pets Who Own Us
Who trains who? :badboy:sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Pets Who Own Us
When it seemed no one could get through to a troubled teen, a special dog nuzzled her way in. That teen says that dog changed her life.
"Down, Down. Good girl!"
As Danielle Hammill works sweetly and patiently with the little lab in front of her, it's impossible to ignore the love in her eyes. What isn't nearly as evident is the effort it took for Danielle to shake her addictions.
"I was doing drugs. I was partying. I had under-ages. I went to juvey like every other week," Danielle tells us.
The 15 year old from Mondovi says she was expelled from two schools, was in and out of treatment homes and has a lengthy court record. She hated her court ordered therapy.
"I’d swear. I'd walk out. I'd be really disrespectful to Kathy and the other group members," Danielle says.
"We started out a while ago, not necessarily on the right foot," says Kathy Benson, Danielle’s counselor at the L.E. Phillips-Libertas Treatment Center in Chippewa Falls.
About six months ago, she started bringing another therapist to work—Zoey, her 2-year-old black lab.
"I think a dog can get down and under a person's defenses very quickly—much more quickly than a person can at times," Kathy says.
Six months ago, Danielle says Zoey changed her life.
"She like puts this different vibe in the room,” Danielle says. “It makes you feel better when you're here."
With Zoey by her side, Danielle became more open to getting help, to moving forward and forgiving.
"That's a big thing I needed to learn and I’m still learning,” Danielle says. “She shows you that's what you've gotta do and move on with life. You can't just sit there and dwell on the past."
"They don't bring up the past or remember they didn't get their walk yesterday or maybe enough treats. They are just very forgiving," Kathy says.
Kathy says working with Zoey also teaches acceptance, passion and creativity. It helps people get outside of themselves and focus on the present. With Danielle, what Kathy saw surprised her.
"Danielle does things with Zoey where Danielle is so patient. It just amazes me because I guess before I didn't think of her being that patient of a person, but she can be very patient and persistent and very good at rewarding her,” Kathy says. “But, it also helps me to see that she can be a bit tough on Zoey. I don't mean tough in a mean way, but a little bit tough, a little bit strict and I think she's that way on herself, too—even if she wouldn't admit it."
"It's not really like I work with Zoey; it's like me and Zoey work with each other,” Danielle says. “She teaches me patience and I demonstrate it on her, I guess."
"If you think of behavioral psychology: It's repetition, it's consistency, it's kindness, the continual setting of boundaries, and being present,” Kathy explains. “I think dogs and humans learn a lot in the same way. So, I think we can learn from them."
So, with the help of a loving little lab, a 15 year old made the choice to change and she did. She's now choosing to focus on her future.
"I think I’m going to be successful and demonstrate the things that she taught me," Danielle tells us. "She can't judge you at all. She just loves you no matter what."
Kathy says she's convinced anyone can benefit from pet therapy, unless of course they're afraid of dogs or have allergies. There's no extra charge to have Zoey in the room.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Pets Who Own Us
Or a ping pong ball, Savannah? LOL It's like they have built-in springs!!!sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Pets Who Own Us
three furbabies here
Gizmo is our ancient cat. She is very small..now gone grey,,but she rules the roost, dogs are terrified of her even though she has no claws and most of her teeth are gone lol..
Lexi and Seamus are our mother son team of standard poodles. Wow. best dogs ever. even when they are hogging our bed or stealing food off the kitchen counter :tsk:
Pets Who Own Us
Hello all, I and my husband are owned by three cats: a white, male 25-30lb cat, Frosty, with long hair, who is the oldest animal, a 1/2 siamese, female, about 12 lb cat of Joe's named Zelah, and a black male one-Boop, who was the dominant one of all at 9 lbs, but now is not the king.
We have two Papillion dogs, Rocky, who is about 16 lbs gets scared real easily and Queen of the House, Wendy who is about 9 lbs and believes and acts like she is about 50 lbs. When walking her, she will charge any dog and at 9 lbs, few are as small or smaller than her.
She charged Boop who scratched her nose (deservedly so, Boop had repeatedly warned her) and kept on charging Boop while blood trickled down her face.
We always have at least the two dogs and Boop on the bed, but it's not entirely impossible we have all five on the bed. And Joe and I curl ourselves into pretzels to accomodate them, sliding our legs carefully out if we have to go to the bathroom.
Yes, we are pretty pathetic and I will very much look forward to getting a house with some acerage at least an acre, and not the postage stamp yard we now have.
Pets Who Own Us
It's lovely to hear about people's animals, they are so very special.
I have Phoebe and Blue both standard poodles, Isis a six month old standard, Archie the pug, and Barney the bichon. Then there's my horse Guinness and my daughter's pony China. When my daughter's were young we had guinea-pigs, rabbits, hamsters, and rats but not all at the same time.
I certainly believe that animals choose us, whether they come as rescues or as puppies.I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.