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Finally experience my first drinking dream

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    Finally experience my first drinking dream

    So I have read posts about this but never experienced it. Geeze, the devil is still trying to get me in my deep stages of REM. It was just like real life, where I was in a stressful situation and my husband was opening a big bottle of don't you know it, SHIRAZ. THe letter coudn't have been any bigger on the bottle. I actually contemplated the drink in my dream but ultimatlely turned it down. Well done sleeping Shirazgirl. I knew I could do it in my waking time, but doing it in my dream, where there are so many possibilites and little consequence.

    Hopefully, tonight, that little troll under the bridge will not reach his hand into my otherwise peaceful sleep and offer me a drink. I'm right around the 6 week mark and was wondering when and if most of you experienced this. Also, our more experience AF friends, do you still get this from time to time?

    Thanks for your input guys. I'm still putting one foot in front of the other.:thanks:
    AF since 2/4/10
    Nicotine free since 3/31/10

    Finally experience my first drinking dream

    Hi Shirazgirl -

    I got them right around the same time, at around 6 weeks. I think it's a great sign that you were able to refuse it in your sleep - like your subconscious mind is really on your side. I had several in one week in fact. They can be a little disturbing though.

    Also, congratulations on 6 weeks AF! :h
    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

    AUGUST 9, 2009


      Finally experience my first drinking dream, I do not experience drinking dreams any more. But, around 8 months of sobriety, I experienced some scary early morning dreams....just before waking up I would start getting really upset that I had drank to much the night before and that I had a horrible hangover! I was actually very upset for having lost my months of sobriety! I was dreading waking all the way up.....but, when I did wake up, I was perfectly drinking the night before and certainly no hangover! Those dreams were very strange and fortunately I no longer experience them either!

      Congratulations on 6 Weeks AF!!
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Finally experience my first drinking dream

        Hiya SG, they are scary arent they and so real.
        I had one a couple of days ago. Early morning, very vivid and very unsettling. I have not had a drink for over a year now, but obviously something is still there haunting me.
        Very well done on 6 weeks, thats amazing!
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Finally experience my first drinking dream

          Hi Shiraz,

          Yes, I had one, and I hope it's the only one I ever have. Never turned it down in my dream, actually, by the time I was aware in my dream I was drinking, I had already drank. Woke up upset, with a terrible hungover feeling. WTF, I didn't even drink. Messed up my entire day.

          Congratulations on your 6weeks. Fantastic!

          DLA :h
          Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
          Sir Walter Scott


            Finally experience my first drinking dream

            Hi Shiraz,
            I had a drinking dream about 2 weeks ago.
            Luckily it's fading now.
            It was all to do with vodka. It was thick like engine oil with floaty bits in it, but I drank it anyway
            I woke up tearful,full of remorse and hungover.

            Anyway :goodjob: on 6 weeks.

            J xxx

            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Finally experience my first drinking dream

              OMG, it happened AGAIN last night. This time I was at a bar in the morning (I have never had a drink before noon in my life, one of the only rules I could ever stick to) and ordered a beer and a shot of tequilla. My goodness, I don't even drink shots of anything (no hard liquor), but once again, I left them there. Not quite sure why.

              Can I please get some sleep without booze in my dreams. Hope this is the end of that. Geeze my subconscious will not go quietly!
              AF since 2/4/10
              Nicotine free since 3/31/10
              FINALLY FREE


                Finally experience my first drinking dream

                Hey Shirazgirl ~~ Congrats on your AF 6 weeks !! Sorry about the 'drinking dreams"
                hopefully tonight will a dry one I haven't had a AL dream (yet) ~~ I'll be sending
                Sweet Dreams your way tonight:l Em
                Non Drinker 9/09
                Non Smoker 6/09
                Tennis Anyone ?


                  Finally experience my first drinking dream

                  :yougo: Congratulations first and foremost on your 6 weeks sober! I love your attitude and determination, and I love the way you share your positive energy and experience and hope around here.

                  I quit smoking also and have had dreams about both. For me, my smoking dreams were more intense and frequent than my drinking dreams. It seems from all I have read over the last few years on both fronts that the dreaming experience varies widely from person to person.

                  Just out of curiosity, was the 6 week mark something that you mentally gave much thought to? It seems for me that milestones of any significance in my own head seem to make a smoking or drinking dream more likely. But not always. So LOL I will NOT quit celebrating the milestones!!

                  I think with time you will feel a bit less disconcerted by these dreams. At least that's how it is for me - they are far less frequent and they bother me a whole lot less than when they first happen. It sort of reminds me of what it must be like to live with a ghost in a haunted house! :H

                  Congrats again - you are doing GREAT!!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    Finally experience my first drinking dream

                    Hi DG,
                    I can't think of anything that stands out at the six week mark. I didn't have any Al dreams last night, although I did have a spritual dream and was thanking God for all of my blessings (including the outfit I had on, what a dork). I guess my submind is also fighting too!
                    AF since 2/4/10
                    Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                    FINALLY FREE


                      Finally experience my first drinking dream

                      Hey - a cool outfit is definitely a blessing!!! A much nicer dream I bet....

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Finally experience my first drinking dream

                        Wow I've been having a bunch of AL dreams. In mine, I chug a beer. As soon as it's empty I'm trying to make myself puke by sticking my finger down my own throat. I have no idea what it means. We I wake up I'm sooo relieved it was a dream and I'm still sober.


                          Finally experience my first drinking dream

                          I had 2 AL dreams last night. One I sort of forget, but it involved red wine. In the second, I was in the hospital giving birth to my daughter. The nurses took her away, and I was walking in the hallway which turned into a bar. I ordered a glass of white wine, quickly drank half of it, and said, 'they won't let me see my baby yet,'. The other people were surprised, and I realized I'd better not drink anymore because soon I would get my baby girl and I didn't want her first milk to taste of AL! So I put down the drink and went looking for my baby. Woke up in a panic. Guess it displays my guilt feelings of drinking leading to bad parenting.
                          Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                          AF since May 6, 2010

