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aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

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    aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

    Well I am not quite sure why I didn't wait until 100 days but I figure it doesn't really make a difference. I am not going to drink again. I have found that being able to conquer yourself through eliminating alcohol completely is an experience that adds to so many other facets of your life. I can't remember the last time I was as clear as I am now.

    I, like so many, had to hit what I consider the rock bottom point in my life to quit. I think back on the day now and just shudder with regret. I think back on many points in my life in the last 6 or so years (I am 29 for those of you who don't know me) and just shudder with regret. Sometimes I even voice it aloud like " I can't believe I did that ".

    Well I tell you what. I have not had one moment in the last 94 days that I regret. Everyone makes mistakes - that is a part of life, I am not perfect, that is not what I mean to imply. What I mean is REGRET regret. Everyone on this site knows what i am talking about. When your stomach is twisted inside out, you have enough guilt in your mind to give equal portions to the entire population of Australia, and you go back and drink again and get caught in the endless cycle.

    I have not had temptations at all, in fact if I had to describe my relationship with alcohol right now the best description would be that I view it as a glass of poison. If I had to describe an emotion I would go with fear. I have no problem attending events where everyone is blind drunk, I have no problem buying others drinks and myself a pint of diet coke. I have no problem carrying drinks I do however know exactly where I will end up in life if I ever drink again and it is not a nice place. In jail or dead or both. That simple. So it makes the above easy.

    I honestly think I have something like an alcohol induced schizophrenic episode when I go over the line that I never saw coming. I never remember anything at all. Not even flashes and everyone says I am just a completely different person. My nature is that of probably over-caring about people. Hence leaving myself open to emotional damage from those who don't share a similar nature. I am a monster when I am over that line and black out and that scares the shit out of me. I am also a big guy which will lead me onto the next thing I want to say.

    I was 6'5 and was 124kg. That's what I weighed in at when I went to rehab (I had quit alcohol completely before I went to rehab and made the decision I would never drink again) I think that is absolutely mandatory if you are going to succeed at rehab. If someone had dumped me in rehab a few years back it wouldn't have made a difference at all. I didn't want to stop drinking. Because I had made the decision prior to attending I got a phenomenal amount out of it. I was focussed like a racehorse with blinkers on.

    I find now that I can make decisions in my life - big decisions and stick to them. Before I started drinking out of control I used to lift weights. I used to enjoy it but I would always do maybe a month and then quit. Then pick it up again a few months later. I never did any cardio at all. Not if I could avoid it. I shattered my wrist while under the influence of alcohol in 18 places by falling out of bed drunk. This is Feb 2008. It is going to be about 6 more weeks before it is 100% healed and I can start lifting again which I will. However I have been able to do situps and cardio and guess what, I do them every day. Without fail. I changed my mindset in the same way that I did with alcohol. Once the mindset is there you just do it. One hour of cardio - punishing cardio that I never would have ever even considered before and situps. I am also completely in charge of what I eat - there are no cravings, no giving in, no nothing. I have cut what I used to eat by 2/3rds. 94 days after quitting alcohol I am now at 107kg, I feel extremely fit and I have lost mountains of body fat.

    The point of all this information is - your brain. If you are stuck in second and never shift to third you aren't ever going to be able to go faster are you - well thats an analogy anyway. It's all mindset people - everything in life. I honestly believe it is conquering yourself that will set you free. The self confidence comes back, integrity comes back, all that you lost slowly starts coming back and you feel whole again. Like a real bone fide person.

    The message? I swear here and now, hand to god, that anyone and everyone on this site can do the same if you choose to. You have to make that choice.

    I apologise for the long message but when I write I know I write a lot hence only writing rarely. I like to share, it's never really been an issue for me. If anything that I have done and written about can help anyone on this site, even half way reach their respective goals I figure it was worth writing.

    Hang in there everyone!! Thanks for letting me share.
    "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

    Kind of AF since 14/8/09

    Fully AF since 16/4/11

    It's been one hell of a ride.

    aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

    Actually it's 97 days - I just saw my signature - for some reason I was thinking 16/8 - see honestly that is how much I think about drinking - not at all, I don't even know the exact count. You can be there too!
    "The pain of regret far exceeds the pain of discipline"

    Kind of AF since 14/8/09

    Fully AF since 16/4/11

    It's been one hell of a ride.


      aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

      Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

        And please, continue to share, and give hope, to others.
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

          Great stuff, Aus! Thank's for sharing. Our thinking is the key.
          Best wishes on your journey.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

            Very well done!

            Truly an inspiration.
            This is exactly what I needed to read today! Thanx.


              aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

              Beautiful post. Thank you.


                aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.


                aust_boy, thank you so much for sharing your story.

                I love it, and I just LOVE your passion.

                DLA :h:h
                Of all vices, drinking is the most incompatible with greatness
                Sir Walter Scott


                  aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

                  Hi Aust boy, you are an inspiration!
                  Thank you so much for sharing here, I hope you continue to do so...
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

                    Congratulations! That is wonderful, aust_boy! You show so much wisdom for your years, and are truly an inspiration.
                    ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                    AUGUST 9, 2009


                      aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

                      Morning Aust...thanks for sharing.
                      I'm only in the early stages of being AF (3weeks) but I understand what you say about things coming back that you never's a blessing and something you can't fully understand until you've been there.
                      You've got a long, healthy, shit-together life to look forward to - enjoy!



                        aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

                        Wow!!!!!.........your post all but blew me away, aust_boy.

                        Yours is undoubtedly one of the most heartfelt posts I have ever read at gave me goosebumps.........speaks so poignantly from your very soul.

                        First off, I`d like to congratulate you on your success to date, although, there is no need whatsoever to wish you continued success, simply because you do not need my good wishes (although, it goes without saying )`s more than apparent that you have made your resolute choice and are wholeheartedly committed to same.

                        Your thinking very much mirrors my own, for you can lead a horse to water, but you can`t make it drink, just as you can lead/encourage a person towards sobriety, but without the wholehearted commitment to it that you and I share, the person would merely be going through the motions, where their sobriety would have a shelf-life. If the will-power is at all fragile for just ain`t happening yet..........

                        I am more than willing/happy to advise/share with anyone who is committed to sobriety, but I see no point in making any attempt to persuade anyone to quit drinking if indeed total commitment escapes them. I fully believe (as I have said so many times in the past) that everyone has their own particular `right time` for quitting, and will not achieve long-term sobriety until they personally reach their time.

                        However, more than anything, I firmly believe that each and every one of us alcoholics does indeed have a `right time`.......sooner or later, it just clicks, if, that is, we want it enough..........

                        I take my hat off to have embraced sobriety on all fronts. I very much believe in the input/output analogy.........we only ever get out in relation to what we put very much the same with sobriety.

                        I hope you are soooooooo bloomin` well proud of yourself........I am!!!!

                        Star x
                        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                          aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

                          It does my heart good to read about your success there Aust boy.
                          Well done you.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

                            Hot damn and HOORAY! Brilliant work and well said. Thank you for this encouraging post. Hope to hear more from you!



                              aust_boy - 94 days AF - my story so far.

                              Great post aust-boy! And well done for recognising and dealing with it early in your life. It will give you many years of pleasure and satisfaction!
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe

