Having 5 kids its very unusual to be able to get a bath without one of them needing the toilet. Tonight it was Kai, my 7 yr old. He noticed my drink of coke on the side when he'd finished and said mmm that looks nice which is Kai~anese for "Dad give us a bit of your coke"
So after finishing the glass after i said he could have a sip he gave me a kiss and said "You don't have beer in your coke anymore do you" (when he used to ask me for a sip i had to say no as there was more vodka than coke in the glass) "No mate i dont"..."Thats good dad" he said.." Your kinder when you dont drink beer".. Then he toddled of out the bathroom leaving me thinking did he mean in general or with my coke. I had to smile thinking either way.. Its a good thing
