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Mom is doing awesome

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    Mom is doing awesome

    :l allie hang on will get through this.did you say coloring book, hmmm where are the crayons?sit down and be a child for a min might make you feel better.


      Mom is doing awesome

      Wine schmine it'll be fine. You are doing one of the hardest things you'll ever do in your life.

      What everyone said is true. You are going to be on a rollercoaster- cry when you need to- get it out so you can really enjoy all the happy times- you are such an uplifting happy soul. Love to you and you mom and sooo happy that she is feeling well!!!!! :l
      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


        Mom is doing awesome

        I just love you...........girl!

        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          Mom is doing awesome

          Allie, I just went through the hospice thing with my Dad this summer. Hospice workers are some of the most wonderful people you will ever meet. I know it's hard to think about, as a matter of fact when I read 'hospice,' I felt a punch in my gut. However, their job is to support you and your mom and the rest of the family in whatever way you want them to. I agree with everyone else, get all of her legal stuff done, then you can just enjoy the time you have left together, knowing that her final wishes will be carried out. If you would like to do some research on hospice, here's a link to my tags showing different links to hospice research -
          gypsi's bookmarks tagged with "hospice" on
          Hope this helps you on your journey, and you are in my thoughts and prayers


            Mom is doing awesome

            Allie, don't be hard on yourself. You are going through one of the most difficuilt things in life. Here's my biggest HUG for you and mom!!!!!!!!

            Love, Ivy


              Mom is doing awesome

              I am doing so much better. Things are not easier, but I am learning day by day to deal with it. Mom is still doing really well, although the nausea hit her today really bad as they said it might on day three. I went to her house most of the day and just lounged around with her, and her puppies are so cute. Dad was not there tonight as he had to go away on business.

              Your thoughts are all so welcome I just want you to know, and they mean so much more than you can imagine. Its so comforting to know that there are those of you out there who have lost a parent and are still alive! I just dont want to turn to alcohol during this time to numb pain, but it sure is hard to FEEL this stuff. So bottom line what I feel is that I will be an "orphan" at 37!! How pathetic is that? Just cant imagine life without her. I would feel like an orphan at 87 if she were gone. So I am delving into all that I have to face with all that I have learned here the last seven months. I am so grateful to be where I am today while facing this than seven months ago. I dont think I would have made it.

              Hugs to all of you!
              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                Mom is doing awesome

                Dear Allie,
                Sooooo happy to hear that your mom is doing fine. My prayers are always with you! Rememeber!....STRENGHT OVER TIME IS POWER!


                  Mom is doing awesome

                  Hi Allie,
                  Praying and thinking of you and mom today.

                  I went throught the pre-arrangment thing with my mom about seven or so years before she died. It was hard but we had to laugh when she said she thought she would like the Pink fabric because it goes well with her skin and hair color.
                  Felt bad for some folks who were there who had already lost their loved one.
                  My Mom gave me many "gifts". The pre-arrangment was a big one. I knew what she wanted and all I had to do when the time came was pick out flowers.
                  Be blessed in the time you have with your mom......This sounds nuts, but I wish I could go back and spend more of the last weeks and months with her. Not that I would want her to have to suffer. At that time in my life, I had kids at home and many things that had to be done. Hindsite is 20-20........
                  PS. 46:10
                  "Be still and know that I am God".
                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    Mom is doing awesome

                    Hey Allie:h Thinking of you...& Mom... I spent the day with my Mom last week, just knowing what you're going thru, makes me realize, how important & precious time together is...

                    Ever heard that Tim McGraw song, "Live like you were dying"? It's a good one!
                    Thanks for keeping us updated Sweetie.:l Peace & prayers, Judie
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Mom is doing awesome

                      Love to You and Mom, Allie

                      I'm sorry that your mom is feeling nauseous, Allie. That's the stinky side of chemo. I'm sure it made her happy to have you with her yesterday. My dad died back in 1993 (I was just about your age), and trust me, you will live on and eventually thrive. That's what your mom will want for you. It will be really hard at first, but you will be amazed at what you will learn and amazed at how you survived. Most amazingly, in 10 years and 20 years, she will still be there, living on inside of you, just as I feel my dad is still with me!

                      I'm glad that MWO is here with you and for you. We are all loving you day by day, sweetie.

                      The good news is that you still have good times to have with your mom! You are living them now!


                      AF as of August 5th, 2012


                        Mom is doing awesome


                        My thoughts are with you. This is a difficult and very special time for you. You and your mom are forming a very important bond that will last you a lifetime. None of us get out of here alive. Believe it or not, you are llucky to be able to be with her during this time, as painful as it is.

                        Many hugs, Ivy


                          Mom is doing awesome

                          :l Dear Allie,

                          I just checked in to see how things were going for you. I know the feeling of horrendous helplessness that accompanies watching a loved one suffer through chemo and other medical treatments. For me, it has always been helpful to remember that the treatments would not be being administered if there were not a reasonable chance that the person had some good time ahead. You and your mom have been and will remain in my thoughts.



                            Mom is doing awesome

                            yes peace and prayers be with you

