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    Just joined

    Hi I woke up today and thought 'what the hell am I doing', how have I got in the postion where I am drinking so heavily. My mum was a alcoholic and died aged 59 living in a bedsit on her own - all from the demon drink. I spent my childhood with a drunk until went to live with my dad. Went to University and hardly drunk alcohol -- so what has changed!
    I am a very successfull academic -- so should know better and I am also a chrsitian and actively involved with church --- BUT 6 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer -- they told me it was bad and not curable -- to cut a long story short - the did a repeat biposy which was normal -- after this event I developed what I know understand to be survivor guilt -- - why have i been spared!
    it was just after this that i got a mega promotion and the job is pretty stressful so i found it hard to relax so stated to have the odd glass of wine -- its now reached the point where its a bottle a night - sometimes i even open a second
    but its my secret - dirty little secret - as most people think i dont drink at all --
    so am i becoming my worst nightmare - turning intoi my mother -- today I realsied the slope was getting slippery and i need to do something about it -- its impacting on my work as Im tired, on my weight - put on 2 stone and my mind as i am starting to hate myself
    due to my job i cant get medical help as it would go on my records and altho there is counselling at work -- i couldnt go with this --
    so i am here - and today is day one of being alcohol free --and now the hard part - last autumn i quit drinking for 10 weeks -- was easy and was for religous reasons - so i told people -- it was i knew what was going on my dirty little secret -- and then i had one drink and well in a year the longest i have gone with out alcohol is 5 days -- so any tips please
    many thanks for reading my ramblings :thanks:

    Just joined

    Hello Sheila and welcome. I found the L-glut and the kudzu of great benefit at the beginning. Also the support of this place has made a real difference. Stick around and read, you'll find all the information you could ask for. If you don't, ASK. Joining a daily thread can be of great help as you get to know other members and their friendship and support can often be better than any drug.
    Good luck and hope to see you around.


      Just joined

      Hi, Sheila

      Welcome to MWO.

      One of the threads I found most useful to help me make a plan is this:

      Stick around & participate. This is really a wonderful place to be
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Just joined

        Welcome Sheila, I hope you find the answers you are asking here. Just read and read first, it may help..... I had a different drinking problem so I don't know if I would be much help... but good luck anyway ...
        ?We are one another's angels?
        Sober since 29/04/2007


          Just joined


          thanks for that :thanks:- I have just watch some very good clips on You tube that a forum member had the link to - documentary about 4 alcoholics - very goog


            Just joined

            Welcome, Sheila!

            Facing the facts is the first step - and coming to MWO is a great second one. It has been a lifesaver for me, and after 36 years of drinking, I know can honestly say I see a sober future. I now see a happy fulfilling life ahead, rather than dreading what would become of me. I'm now past 3 months AF, and MWO is what got me there.

            Read, post, learn and you will find your way too, as well as tons of support.You will not ever regret your new journey. I wish you the best.

            Much love! :h
            ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

            AUGUST 9, 2009


              Just joined

              Having actually admitied although only on this site is powerful and the support so far is great:thanks:


                Just joined

                sheila smith;762083 wrote: Having actually admitied although only on this site is powerful and the support so far is great:thanks:
                Yes, it is! A lot of us women were secret drinkers to one degree or another - and when we have a safe and anonymous as we want it to be place to come, it is such a relief (besides keeping us honest!). :h
                ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

                AUGUST 9, 2009


                  Just joined

                  Hi Sheila. I know exctly where you are coming from!!! My couple of glasses to unwind turned into a bottle sometimes opening the second on an almost nightly occurance! Probably 5/7 nights. Ive been af for 10 days now and do feel great. I havent taken any meds or suppliments but have come on here for daily support. It really is a great site!!! Well congrats on day 1 and hope to speak soon. Off to work tonight for my last night shift of the week!! Take care and remember one day at a time! It works!! xxx


                    Just joined

                    Hi Sheila,
                    Fantastic move to get invoved with MWO. I understand where you're coming from. I have a long line of family AL's, although none of them would ever admit it. Most have passed due to AL related reasons. A
                    few still kicking but suffering. Amazing how one can be so professional, but have this developing habit that is so powerful over the intelligent brain that we have. Sheila, read the book, that was my start, sooooo helpful. Stay in touch here. The people are truly what pulls me through. Read, read, read. Post if you want. Everyone is here for you.
                    You can do this, best wishes, Penelope x
                    Whatever your mind believes becomes reality, whether it is reality or not.


                      Just joined

                      Sheila, it strikes me that you think of this as your ' dirty little secret'. It's not, honey. Either dirty, or a secret, so let's move on from that. So many of us thought we had people fooled, for SO long. That's what kept us in the closet, in a way. I understand you can't have this on your records, and that sucks. But you can tell everything here, without any backlash. And you can start a program, find the plan that works. Go and read the stories. They are the people you see everyday, have lunch with, see at PTA. WE are YOU, and we are here to help you find your way out of this slide.You've seen what's at the bottom, so now is the time to start to find yourself. I believe you have it in you to do it. PM me if you want.
                      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                        Just joined

                        Welcome Sheila,

                        Ditto to all the advice that has been given to you. Join a thread, I like the ODAAT (one day at a time). Best luck and yes by all means you DEFINITELY found a great site, the people here are sooooooooo supportive and non-judgmental. Thank you for sharing your story......

                        Congrats CMF on 10 days, wow that is awesome.

                        Lots of hugs,
                        AF Since May 2nd 2012


                          Just joined


                          Hi Sheila,

                          Just wanted to say hello.
                          Many of us here were secret and behind closed doors drinkers but I have a feeling we were only kidding ourselves that no one knew.

                          You've already been given great advice.
                          So stay close,let us get to know you and help you where we can.

                          Love Jackie xxx

                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Just joined

                            Dearest Dancie..........I have not talked much to you...english is not my language...but you inspire all of us here at MWO.
                            Much love,

