Those are absolutely wonderful pics. And thanks for the socio-geographic lessons too!
Does this mean I need to add Greece on my list of places to visit.... I'll have to live to 120 to get to see the wonderful places that Tigger has been.... or maybe morph into a bouncy tigger on MWO!!

Tips had a wonderful idea with the Tigger Tour. It has been really fantastic to see the pictures and get an idea of what it's like where various MWO members live. And it's made things even more personal. When you see where someone sits and has their morning coffee or the view from their back door or the city where they live, it somehow brings us all closer together.
And it's taken us to places where we might never have thought about. I was on Google Maps Street View or whatever it's called - the little yellow guy that you place on a road or street and you can see what's there from 360 degrees. I went to New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, Ireland and I don't know how many other places. I was on JC's street and saw her blue door!!
What I'm saying is that this thread has given us a chance to see some places from up close that we have only dreamed about. We've seen beautiful scenery from all over the world and it's given us some really good laughs as well.