GREAT pics Dance!!!!
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Tigger World MWO Tour
Tigger World MWO Tour
Dance - great pics. Love the "rasta" look.
Whatcha been up to today?For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Tigger World MWO Tour
dancelot;955543 wrote: Those pictures were from Tuesday when I arrived. Yesterday (Wednesday) we had a REAL tornado warning, so I got to hear the BIG siren and IT IS LOUD! Aunt Dance told me that fortunately that particular cell stayed to the west of us, and didn't spawn any more tornadoes.There were at least two others around the area. She said even a small tornado is nothing to mess with. She stuffed me in her pocket just in case so I wouldn't get blown away! Even Princess Squeeks jumped out of the laundry basket when the siren went off!
We haven't been out because of the heavy rain, flash floods, and tornadoes, but I'm having lots of fun with the girls - this big girl gives BIG hugs! The sun's coming out now too.Tigger
Tigger World MWO Tour
We're back! Aunt Dance's hard drive failed yesterday, but fortunately none of my pics were lost!
On Saturday we took a little road trip to see some real Texas stuff! I got to ride in Aunt Dance's friend's big F-250 Super Duty pick up truck! It takes awhile to get out of Dallas and the surrounding areas to see what the land really looks like.
It's really flat! Am I on the moon?
This is better! Something's growing anyway! It's starting to change to pasture. A few trees - those are always good around here!
I see prey! A herd of Black Angus - looks delicious! Aunt Dance said to bring my appetite, because she has a surprise in store for us later! It'll be up this highway going north that we just turned on. Looks nice around here!
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song
AUGUST 9, 2009
Tigger World MWO Tour
This is Aubrey, Texas. There are tons of horse breeding operations around here and on north. Too bad it's not spring - Aunt Dance says the pastures are full of new babies. This is Quarter Horse country. The American Quarter Horse is the possibly the most versatile breed in the world.
The name comes from their speed at the quarter mile. Quarter Horse races are like drag races for cars (except there are more than two at a time running). They race side by side to the finish line, and the races are over quick. If a horse doesn't break from the starting gate quick, he's unlikely to win!
Roping, reining, cutting, Western pleasure, trail riding, barrel racing, working cattle or anything you ask them to do, they are willing. Aunt Dance knows of more than one ex barrel racer who became dressage horses.
Quarter Horses generally have great dispositions, a strong work ethic, athleticism, and muscular bodies. The old style Quarter Horses had a "bulldog" body. As more Thoroughbred blood was introduced, they became somewhat more refined. Get behind one though, and you'll see he's got a really big butt!
There are big ranches all along this stretch of road, and off on the side roads
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song
AUGUST 9, 2009
Tigger World MWO Tour
There's lots of great places to shop up here! Who needs a mall when you've got all these tack and feed stores? We need to stretch our legs, so lets!
Interesting stuff on the outside......and on inside....
This is for practicing roping! I want to rope one of those things that are on the wall! T-a-s-t-y!
Who knew ropes came in these colors? And what's a cowboy without a hat? In the close outs no less! Wow!Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song
AUGUST 9, 2009
Tigger World MWO Tour
Cowhides in every color! I can't wait to find the boots!
They said the boots were on this aisle... What? I didn't know horses wore boots! Great styling though! I'm partial to the leopard skin, myself...
Oh my goodness! What a selection of cowboy boots! I can't decide......
Oh my goodness....
it has to be....
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song
AUGUST 9, 2009
Tigger World MWO Tour
Ringing Cedars;958614 wrote:
Dance the clear blue skies and green pastures look amazing!Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song
AUGUST 9, 2009