I have been sober (meaning moderate drinks but never got drunk) and have not had a hangover in a year - which is completely amazing !! I don't keep alcohol in the house, so I plan for allowing myself a "special drink" and I have to go to the store and get it. I buy the minimum amount I plan to drink that day/weekend, which is usually 2 wine coolers (no more using a shopping cart !)
I lost 30 pounds in total and am stable at my weight. Can't even guess at the amount of money I have saved in the year. I still listen to the CDs but stopped the Topa in the spring. Its just good to know it is there should I ever need it again in the future
Not to say all my issues are solved, but I am working with my doctor and have started counselling for anxiety and depression - for which I self-medicated for years with alcohol. We all know how well that turns out !! :upset:
So thanks again and to everyone starting out, I hope you get some strength from my story.